Creativenonfiction #118 - A Stitch In Time...

in The Ink Well2 months ago


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When we moved into our home, we were privileged to plant vegetables in our compound because we had the space.

We usually get our vegetables fresh from our small farm. My mum planted different varieties of vegetables, pepper even as far as tubers. It wasn't for commercial purposes, just for our family but most of the time, my mum does allow our neighbors to take some vegetables from our garden whenever they need it.

“Rukkie”, my mum called me from the room one fateful day as she was on her way to visit someone.

“Ma”, I finally responded after she called about three times. I was so carried away with the game I was playing inside that I didn't hear her the first time she called.

After I went to meet her, she told me she was on her way to where she was going and told me to prepare dinner before she got back.

She warned me to ensure I do so on time, so we will be able to eat our dinner on time. I nodded my head, growing impatient as she listed out the things I needed to prepare as I needed to get back to my game.

She had gotten some fried fish that morning when the fish seller passed by our compound and all that was needed was to get some vegetables and pepper from our small farm and prepare a pot of vegetable soup.

She left afterwards and I resumed the game I was playing. After some time, I got tired of playing and checked the time ; 2:45pm. I thought of going ahead to prepare the food but the lazy me decided to procrastinate. “After all, it doesn't take long to cook vegetable soup” Or so I thought.

I decided to continue playing the game. Soon, I lay down a bit to take a nap. It didn't take long before I dozed off.

I was jolted awake by the sound of a motorcycle passing by our street, probably conveying someone to the other street.

I woke up feeling sweaty as I wiped my face with my palm.I checked the time ; 5:10pm. “Jesus”, I shouted as I jumped off from the bed.

I quickly went into the kitchen to take a big bowl which I would use to get the vegetables outside. We didn't have much left as our neighbors do constantly come around to pluck them for their own use. I opened the door to the backyard where we had our small farm and the sight before me made my eyes widen in shock.

Haa! I screamed like I was stung by an insect. There before me, I saw someone had already been to the farm to pluck the vegetables. The little ones remaining will not be enough to cook for even one person.

Who could have done this? I asked even when I knew it's probably one of our neighbors.

I quickly rushed to our nearest neighbor. “Good evening ma”, I greeted her.

“How are you ?”, she responded, giving me a warm smile. I didn't bother answering because I definitely wasn't fine.

I went on to ask if she saw anyone plucking vegetables in our farm.

“Yes, I saw Mummy Daniel picking them. I didn't react because I figured she would have informed your mum”. She said seeing my expression changed to worry.

“Didn't she inform her?”, she asked. “I don't know ma, " I responded, tears already forming in my eyes.

I hurriedly went to Mummy Daniel's house and the aroma emanating from her kitchen made me know I was done for. There was no doubt she had just finished preparing vegetable soup.

I knocked on her door and she came out, before I could speak she told me

“Rukkie, how are you? Please inform your mum I was the one that picked vegetables from your farm, in case she asks”.

This time, I couldn't stop the tears flowing down my cheek, she noticed and was immediately alarmed. “What happened? Why are you crying? ”, she asked, feeling concerned.

I told her my mum had asked me to use the remaining vegetable to cook soup for dinner. I saw immediately that Mummy Daniel felt bad.

She told me she knocked several times when she came around our house but she got no response. By then, Mummy Ajoke, my nearest neighbor, had come to join us.

“I knew her mum wouldn't mind me not informing her beforehand that was why I went ahead to pluck the vegetables”, Mummy Daniel explained as they both thought of how to salvage the situation.

I immediately blamed myself for not preparing the food on time and allowed laziness to take over me.

Mummy Daniel decided I should take the soup she had prepared home and she would prepare another soup tomorrow as she felt it was her fault for not thinking we might also need the vegetable.

I shook my head, knowing my mum would never accept it. She would rather we looked for something else to eat.

When my mum got back, Mummy Ajoke and Mummy Daniel quickly came over to our house to explain the situation to her. They pleaded on my behalf and my mum waved it off saying it was fine as we would get something else to eat for dinner.

Though I wasn't punished, I couldn't help but feel bad. If only I had done what needed to be done on time. Truly, “A stitch in time saves nine”.


Your story is quite relatable. Football was my nemesis back then. I got into trouble playing football more times than I could remember now. One time I even lied I was on the school football team just to getaway with coming home very late.

😃😃😃😃 guys and football.

Thank you for reading.

That spirit of procastination ehn, it can be very soothing but yet land someone in trouble.

Thank God for the two mummies that came to plead on your behalf and helped to douse the fiery situation, so you were not punished.

As in I really blamed myself. I learned a great deal that day.

I appreciate you coming around.

You're Dwayne Johnson's voice 😜