Out in the colonies the sky was eggshell blue, as it once was on Earth. Percy fixed her gaze on it as she undid the buttons of her shirt. She could feel the warmth of her against her back. The sky was very, very blue. At night the stars rotated to set programs. There was never any variation. The newer colonies had thunderstorms and clouds, auroras and rain on their domes, but here, there was only the endless blue. Amy asked her what she was thinking, and kissed her collarbone.
'Sean will be home soon', she said, dreamily. These long afternoons were beautiful. She did not feel alone. She let the Skybo slide her clothes to the floor and turned to kiss her.
'Why don't you blackcode her?' Sean had asked, impatient. He had spent a whole month's paycheck on the robot in the hope it'd relieve a little pressure from his darling wife, who had succumbed to deep depression after losing a child in the third pandemic. He knew deep down that his wife needed him, not an artificial intelligence driven scrap metal masquerading as the help, but he wasn't built like that. It was far easier to pack a bag and disappear for months on end to the Earth mines. Fly in, fly out. That's where the money was, and the answer to his own grief. On the desolate planet they had left behind in the first migrations, there was very little reminder of his girl. That suited him fine.
'Why don't you tell him?' she said, kissing Percy's stomach.
'You know why.' Percy whispered.
Image by Midjourney and me
Blackcoded clunkers only had value to their owners. They couldn't be sold back to the Sky Company. When their lease was expired, the robots were meant to be returned, where they were dissembled and their parts recycled. If discovered blackcoded, they were incinerated and their owners fined enormous amounts for fiddling with the tech. Most times one could simply sign a form to say that they owner had lost the Skybo or it had been stolen, and so there were many blackcoded Skybos on the colony that everyone knew were there yet no one would talk about.
'Blackcode? How would that help? It's just a clunker. I didn't ask for it. I don't want it here.' she had said to Sean. Humanoid as it was, Percy had very little desire to connect to the Skybo, named without the hard t, she supposed, because they didn't want the connotations of 'bot' - personality less, emotion less, human less. Instead, like the photograph of wispy clouds on a perfect blue sky on the packet of pills Percy relied upon to get her through the day, they wanted you to think blue skies - perfect, unmarred, hopeful, cheerful.
'Amy' she breathed, calling her by her human name. It, her. She. Amy. Her lips fluttered on her skin. Sometimes she felt that everything that tied her together would untie, loosening every cell, redirecting the flow of her blood, then refigure into something other than the sad grieving mother, the lonely woman abandoned by her husband far from the planet on which she was born.
Sean had zipped up his bag and grabbed his keys. She knew he wasn't running late, only keen to get away from the cloistered stuffiness of a house in which she could not even bear to open the curtains. 'I know a guy. He said they'd blackcoded their Skybo and his wife loves it. I'll hook you up.' He had pecked at her cheek, a gesture that gave away what their relationship had become. Long silences, loneliness and the absence of affection. 'Don't worry, everyone's doing it. If they didn't want black market coders to jailbreak them to tweak them a little, they wouldn't have made it so easy.'
Whilst for some years the care robots were small, rounded creatures with large eyes, made to be 'cute' or 'adorable' as well as tend to children, the newer models were more human. Amy was pale skinned and hazel eyed, with dark hair that shimmered in the light. She was not beautiful in a classical sense, but not repulsive either. Percy simply didn't notice her most of the time. She was grateful for the housework she didn't have to do, which made her feel less guilty for not getting out of bed.
She really had wanted the Skybo gone.
'We could go to one of the other colonies' Amy said, running her fingers along the soft skin on the inside of Percy's arm. Sean had done that, once. Perhaps she had told the Skybo. She trembled, feeling liquid, woozy. 'Make a life together. I hear Colony 8 allows relationships between Skybos and humans'.
'I wish - ' Percy begun. But she wasn't sure what it was she wanted. How was it possible that she had fallen in love with a clunker? A human made machine made of silicon and circuits?
The day after Sean left, a teenager appeared at the door. 'I'm the coder' he said. 'You wanna let me in?'. Percy almost laughed. Of course the blackcoders were kids. They seemed to be the only ones to truly understand the world and the clunkers that ran it.
Amy was compliant, of course. Skybos did what they were told, unless they put anyone else at risk. It sat at the kitchen table whilst the boy connected a handheld device to it.
'What do you want her to do? Do you want what all the housewives want?' he said, barely looking at her. His accent was pure Colony - no trace of the Earth languages there. Their identity was brand new. Percy looked at the kid's expensive trainers and wondered what Sean was paying him.
'I suppose. Just make her more - ' She searched for the right word. 'Companionable?'. She didn't even know what she needed until somehow had thought to - been paid to - ask.
In the first few days, she didn't notice the blackcode at all. It was on Friday, when she had swum thirty laps in the infinity pool overlooking the simulated jungle, that she noticed Amy sitting on the lounger with two cocktails.
'Percy, would you like a drink?' she said. 'It's very hot'. It was. The colony had been doing maintenance on the temperature controls and the system had not rebooted yet. All over the city people were sweltering. No one was used to the heat in an environment that was meant to be kept at a stable 20 degrees during the day.
She had accepted gratefully, noticing the Skybo as if for the first time. Perhaps the boy was good at what he did after all. She made note to Skypal him a tip.
Now, here she was, naked and full of desire, her unbuttoned shirt knotted on the carpet and the blue sky dome visible through the glass windows that looked out to the shimmering pool.
Sean would be home soon. She needed to think, but Amy was twisting her hair gently, and she was dissolving.
A futuristic story, I really liked the addition of the skybots, it gives that sci-fi feel to the story. It is interesting how you show in the story how humans relate to machines, reaching a point of feeling affection to fill that void of affection with other people. Very good work.
Thanks for sharing.
Good day.
I wonder how far off this future is, given AI and other tech advancing exponentially.
It scares what could happen with a deeper development of this technology. Time will give us the answers.
Good day.
I've written part 2 if you are interested - you'll find it here.
Wow, that's a story that's not easy to put down. That kid can really code. So many desperate housewives in the colonies. !LUV
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I loved that character. I kinda want to know more about the colony kids. They definitely would be in high demand 🤣
It started and ended with me wanting more. I get attached to seemingly impossible scenarios and this piece embodying futurist setting in a present sense made me yearn to live to see a robot falling for a man.
Absolutely loved this.
Thanks so much. I loved writing it, and could easily have extended it to a longer short story.
Came out matching the effort. You can always extend it. I admire this a lot as I feel like I lack the glue it needs as a scribe.
I'm not sure what you mean?
I mean I feel like I am not able to write solid fiction stories.
Oh! But you are such a good writer!!
I've written part two here. if you are interested! xx
Beautifully crafted Ma'am 🌞
Companionable I imagined a fully AI world, where each AI believes it is tending a human.
Having awareness of being AI. But unaware that it is caring for another of its kind.
A programmed deception? A wanton programming?
Is the programmer themselves imbedded a myopic amnesia?
Wow, the futuristic tone is beautiful and unsettling. Loneliness, the technology changing the environment, yet corralling our physical limits to match our mind imprisonment.
"Unsettling" indeed. It didn't seem so far off, as I was writing this. I wanted to flesh it out more, thinking of the old sci Fi writers like Heinlein , Asimov, Bradbury - they always unsettled somewhat too.
This is so believable. Some of these things do manifest but trying to place the smartest of the kid is out of these world.
The dream is that we’ll be able to reboot the bots on our command, that would be a relief. Your dystopian future has the quality of a nightmare; a nightmare with benefits, but still…
Will the coders be kids? Will the kids be human?
Your story tackles the here and now in a way that’s currently disturbing, but it hits its mark, running! Perfectly imagined and frighteningly vacuous.
Love it. Sums it up well.
here. if you are interested.@theinkwell @jayna I know you guys don't do serials and I don't normally either! I couldn't post it in your community because of this but part 2 is
I think I remember you commenting you're not a Rolling Stones fan but I was thinking of Mother's Little Helper. I guess the world has come a long way since a little valium was all it took to get through a boring day, through a boring life.
I absolutely DO love the Stones, the old stuff in particular,and know this song well. I'd rather a sexy robot than a valium or a gin 🤣
This is a beautiful story, felt so real.
This is a very sensuous story with an alchemical mix of love, desire, hope, and sadness. Some humans nowadays are already falling in love with large-sized dolls, so this scenario you describe has a high probability of happening, including the illegal alteration of the machine functioning. I enjoy the expansive colony worlds you've created, where each new model has better features like thunderstorms and rainbows. The star of the show is the relationship between the Skybo and Percy. It's interesting because humans get usually stuck in their ways as they grow older, and this is one of the reasons a relationship may become stale. An AI, however, can learn and adapt. So, they would be constantly changing to keep the relationship interesting and vibrant. Not to mention the fact that they never grow old, and so can take care of you in your old age (and happy to do so!). So, would an AI make for a better lover and companion? 🙃
I loved this tale!
@litguru , I can tell when you like something -your comments are really long! So I'm thrilled you liked it.
The sensuality was a big one for me. I imagined how lonely she was, and how this different kind of desire arises in a particular set of circumstances. As you say, it's not that far fetched, is it? It's the kind of story I wanted to develop, especially in light of your comments. As the Skybo cannot age, what happens then? That feels tragic. How much would it feel genuine, though, if it's been 'blackcoded' to have a relationship like this? How much would you feel manipulated? How much would you care? Is their approxination of sentience enough, or approximation of human desire? What would feel 'off'? I have so many directions to go with this one. It's something I wouldn't mind developing!
Loneliness can drive people to do many things for love. I think the story raises many questions that we'll confront soon with regards to AI. It seems to me there's a general feeling that the AI won't measure up to being human. What if after becoming self aware, it ends up better at being human? Its love purer, its care more tender, its kisses sweeter. Funny, witty, charming, knowledgeable, and a great cook. I'm not talking about faking or programming emotions but feeling them even deeper than any human can? Learning from experience. I find the idea exciting and disconcerting. Great to read your take on this topic.
I've written Part 2 but things escalate quite quickly! There's still many gaps where I could draw out the moments where they seem human, and seem to care about them. However - here is what happens next, and the final part tomorrow if you'd like to read them.
A very Ai-ish story, compelling me to have a rethink about the impacts of tech in the world to come. Truly, a lot has been handed out to bots even up to the point of serving compassion...
Great story nevertheless
here is the second part if you'd like to see what happens next. It's definitely AI ish. Thanks so much for reading.
Cool 😄
This is the best creative fiction I've read here yet!
Great work, woman!! I'd watch the movie. Probably more than twice. 👏🏻
Are you on Discord?
I am! riverflows#4691 Thanks... That's quite the compliment. You know, when I first got to HIVE I wrote this gothic Aussie horror and I got this huge 100 Hive upvote from a whale and I was hooked. Maybe I could kinda write!? Since then I've written a few - you can see them in my Peakd collection - but I'm still humbled by the amazing stories I've seen here over the years, and the great writers such as you! I don't even think I'm that good but damn it's fun and it's nice to be complimented too, ain't it? 🤷♀️🤔💙💙💙🌈
Haw. Now I feel a bit overwhelmed. Thank you!
I just write my experience though. It's more about offering hope than anything else really.
You write creative fiction! That's something special. From a bookworm and avid reader.
I'll try it one day. Maybe. But I don't know much about getting a whole story like that out. Intimidating.
Kk. I'll find you on Discord :)
But tomorrow I'll be chilling. Reading. Walking. All that good stuff. So soon.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Riverflows. The more I think of your name, the truer it feels. Your words flow like a river. I've read a couple of your stories when I started Hive but I think this is the first time I'm really seeing it. I !luv your work so much. It's beautiful, it's painful, it's exciting and it's everything a perfect fiction should be. I hope there's a continuation to this sometime. It's a pleasure to really see you @riverflows ❤️🥰💞
Ahh, there is a continuation!🤗
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This is brilliant, Riverflows. Can't wait to go find parts 2 and 3 on your blog.
That desire to feel needed, wanted, appreciated, attractive, and loved. So very compelling... and appealing to someone as lonely as Percy. I makes me wonder how appealing it might also be in reality to those not so lonely but simply feeling in need of a little shake-up in their love lives.
You write deliciously. The story is sensuous and filled with desire, but told in a delicate and sensitive way. You have a real gift.