Thanks so much, I always really appreciate you commenting and especially when you say nice things, I swell with pride... :)
Halloween is only a thing for people with kids and idiots who want to buy a load of plastic shit to celebrate an American tradition that has nothing to do with them and who fall for marketing consumerist bullshit and have no idea what it actually is for.
There, I said it.
It's funny, this fluidity in my writing - I think it's a kind of circular, stream of consciousness, feminine way of writing - or at least that's how I see it, as opposed to the stark masculinity of say, Hemingway or McCarthy who I admire greatly. It's just what my writing evolved to be and I try to get to the source of WHY i write in this style. It's just me I suppose.
Heh. So tell me how you really feel.
It helps that you write with detailed descriptions in your other non-fiction posts. So there must be some sort of cross-pollination, in a manner of speaking.
Oh yes, I guess there is. And there's always something autobiographical in my own work - here is the simple irritation of me as a wife when Jamie's insistant at something when I'm busy, damn it, and his catastrophising when he's stressed which stresses me out - but also, him kissing my elbows when we first made love. The rest is fiction - I've never ever been to Paris. So yes, there's a crossover, always.