Fiction: The dance of the masks (El baile de las mascaras) [EN/]

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The dance of the masks

Lucila lived in a small town called Altamirano, where the houses stood in symmetrical rows and the bright colors cheered the passersby, the cobblestone streets made the wheels of the carriages pulled by beautifully decorated steeds jump.

Along those same streets Lucila walked, with her wicker basket, white linen dress, and a kerchief tied on her head that matched the rest of her attire, white silk gloves covered her silky hands, which carried a fan that she shook over her reddish hair.

The October sun appeared in Altamirano, and the inhabitants sought an escape from the terrible heat by hiding under the pious shadows that each building, object, or tree offered. Lucila moved lightly, her legs dancing to the sizzling breeze. She was on her way to the market to buy some food for lunch.

Lucila was the only daughter of Doña Gloria and Don Joaquin, both of whom were in their later years, she took care of her parents and for that reason, she had never experienced the love of a gentleman. She kept exploring every fruit and vegetable store looking for the best price, in that shopping bustle and when she crossed the corner she ran into a man.

Her speed made her fall backward on the cobblestone floor, and the basket with the food went flying through the air scattering the contents. Lucila, her blood boiling, looked up and focused with her beautiful light honey-colored eyes on the man who with a pearly smile, offered her his help.

"Sir, watch where you're walking," Lucila reproached vehemently.

"Hehe, sorry you miss, but it wasn't my fault, you were the one who pounced without much care." A deep and bewitching voice was carrying on the breeze and hypnotized the woman.

Lucila was lost in the enchantment of his voice, his eyes, and that romantic-novel gallant bearing. She stammered, "l... l... l..."

Without being able to say another word she let the man help her lift the food, then said, "Allow me to help you, beautiful lady, with all the pleasure in the world. By the way, my name is Naimed, at your service." He extended his hand to her to formally introduce himself.

"I'm Lucila, it's nice to meet you." Her eyes sparkled as she fixed on the man's face that seemed delineated by the gods.

Lucila was on her way home, and Naimed offered her a ride, on the way the couple got to know each other, every word they exchanged reached deep into their hearts.

After about twenty minutes of walking, Naimed said to her, "I know it is very early, but I would like to invite you to a masked ball this Saturday night, you would make me very happy if you would accept the invitation." That enchanting laugh enchanted the woman once again.

Lucila lost in Naimed's charms, replied, "I would like it very much, only you will have to ask permission from my parents and maybe they will give you a negative answer."

"Don't worry, my beautiful lady, I'm sure they will gladly accept, haha."

They reached the house and Lucila invited him in, her parents were sitting on a light pastel-colored leather sofa. After a few minutes of chatting the parents were enchanted with Naimed, they too had succumbed to the spell of that charming voice and smile.

When the day arrived, Naimed arrived for Lucila and together they walked to the place of the ball. The carriage dropped them off at the outskirts of Altamirano. "It seems far away, I've never been here before". Lucila's face showed a growing anguish with the passing of the horses.

"Don't worry, my beautiful lady, I will take good care of you, I promised your parents." Again that deep voice made Lucila fall under the spell.

The couple arrived at a large baroque-style mansion, it looked imposing in the countryside, the large windows in the front of the house gave it a touch of distinction and the gargoyles looked like guardians of the beautiful building.

Without wasting time Naimed took Lucila by the hand and led her to the steps that led to a large cedar door with a carving of angels and demons fighting. The man knocked on the door and it slowly opened revealing the interior, elegantly decorated with silk hanging from the ceiling, and a huge carved bronze chandelier, the large ballroom had a floor of the finest marble that acted as a mirror reflecting the attendees.

Couples danced elegantly to the sound of violins and cellos, the dancers danced as if floating through the air, and the women's dresses fluttered majestically. The men led their partners in the rhythmic dancing.

Lucila marveled at the elegance and majesty of the place. "I didn't think there was such a place in Altamirano, I had never seen anything so beautiful in these parts.

"You are one of the few people who can see a place like this, feel lucky, haha." Naimed would reach out take her hand and lead her towards the center of the hall.

Together they twirled and twirled, as the elegant masks swirled around them. They danced a lot and the hours ran fast, without pause. Lucila looked at Naimed and behind that mask, she looked at the man who had conquered her, while he kissed her.

Lucila felt faint in that long kiss and at that moment the big clock on the wall rang, it was 3 a.m. The people began to turn into spectral monsters: red eyes, fangs, and grayish skin. The woman watched as they stripped off their masks revealing their horrible appearance.

Lucila screamed in horror at what she was seeing and then took refuge in Naimed's chest, she looked up and saw that her beloved had become one of them. Lucila ran away looking for the exit.

The monsters chased her and chanted: "The virginal blood will give us more life..." Again and again, they repeated, as they went after Lucila.

She found no escape and was captured, then they took her to a stone altar, where they placed an ivory dagger. As they held it, the most horrible of the monsters approached took the dagger, and uttered some words in an unknown dialect.

The monster raised the dagger and when he was about to plunge it into Lucila's heart, Naimed the monster appeared and rescued the girl. A horrible fight between the monsters ensued, while Naimed shouted to the girl, "Run away, it's about to dawn".

Lucila rushed out of the mansion and through the windows she watched as her beloved Naimed was torn apart. She kept running and the tears flowed non-stop. The road was long and endless. Her legs were fainting and she fell on the dusty road, at that moment the most horrible monster pounced on the girl.

It laughed frightfully and when it was about to sink its sharp claws into Lucila's heart, the sun began to rise and the monster screamed in pain, returned to the mansion in despair, but was struck by the sun's rays and disappeared.

Lucila stood up and watched as the mansion turned into a horrible cave, then she heard a voice, "Thank you for freeing me, my beautiful lady, your pure love was the cure for the curse, now I can rest in peace, go and be happy. I love you."

Lucila looked up to the blue sky and with tears cascading like waterfalls down her sockets, she uttered a few words into the wind, "I love you, Naimed."

The end


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El baile de las máscaras

Lucila vivía en un pequeño pueblo llamado Altamirano, donde las casas se apostaban en filas simétricas y los colores vivos alegraban a los paseantes, las calles empedradas hacían brincar las ruedas de los carruajes tirados por corceles bellamente adornados.

Por esas mismas calles paseaba Lucila, con su canasta de mimbre, vestido blanco de lino y una pañoleta atada en la cabeza que hacia juego con el resto del atuendo, unos guantes blancos de seda cubrían sus sedosas manos, las cuales llevaban un abanico que sacudía sobre su cabello rojizo.

El sol de octubre aparecía en Altamirano, y los moradores buscaban un escape del terrible calor ocultándose bajo las piadosas sombras que cada construcción, objeto o árbol ofrecía. Lucila se movía con ligereza, sus piernas bailaban al son de la brisa candente. Ella se dirigía al mercado para comprar algunos alimentos para el almuerzo.

Lucila era hija única de doña Gloria y don Joaquín, ambos ya entrados en años, ella cuidaba de sus padres y por eso nunca había experimentado el amor por un caballero. Seguía explorando cada local de frutas y verduras buscando el mejor precio, en ese trajín de compras y al cruzar la esquina se topó con un hombre.

La velocidad que llevaba ella la hizo caer de espaldas en el suelo empedrado, y la canasta con los alimentos salía volando por los aires desparramando el contenido. Lucila con la sangre a punto de ebullición, levantaba la mirada y enfocaba con sus bellos ojos color miel claro, al hombre que con una sonrisa nacarada, le ofrecía su ayuda.

«Señor, fíjese por donde camina», recriminaba Lucila con vehemencia.

«Jeje, perdón usted señorita, pero no tuve la culpa, usted fue quien se abalanzó sin mucho cuidado". Una voz profunda y hechizante surcaba la brisa e hipnotizaba a la mujer.

Lucila quedó perdida en el encanto de su voz, sus ojos y ese porte de galán de novela romántica. Ella tartamudeaba, «E... E... E...».

Sin poder decir una sola palabra más dejó que el hombre la ayudará a levantar los alimentos, luego le dijo, «Permítame ayudarla, bella señorita, con todo el gusto del mundo. Por cierto mi nombre es Naimed, a su servicio». Le extendía la mano para presentarse formalmente.

«Soy Lucila, es un gusto conocerte». Sus ojos brillaban al fijarse en el rostro del hombre que parecía delineado por los dioses.

Lucila tomaba el camino hacia su casa y Naimed se ofreció llevarla hasta su destino, en el trayecto la pareja se fue conociendo, cada palabra que se cruzaba era una que se iba internado en el corazón.

Después de unos veinte minutos de caminata, Naimed le dijo, «Sé que es muy pronto, pero quisiera invitarte a un baile de máscaras este sábado en la noche, me harías muy feliz si aceptaras la invitación». Esa risa encantadora se dejó ver una vez más para hechizar a la mujer.

Lucila perdida en los encantos de Naimed, respondía, «Me gustaría mucho, solo que deberás pedir permiso a mis padres y tal vez te den una respuesta negativa».

«No te preocupes, mi bella dama, estoy seguro que aceptarán gustosos, haha».

Llegaron hasta la casa y Lucila lo invito a entrar, los padres de ella estaban sentados en un sofá de cuero de un color pastel claro. Luego de unos minutos de charla los padres quedaron encantados con Naimed, ellos también habían sucumbido al hechizo de esa voz y sonrisa encantadora.

Llegado el día, Naimed llegaba por Lucila y juntos se encaminaron hasta el lugar del baile. El carruaje los dejó hasta las afueras de Altamirano. «Me parece que está muy lejos, nunca había venido por estos lados». El rostro de Lucila mostraba una angustia creciente con el paso de los caballos.

«No te preocupes, mi bella dama, te cuidaré mucho, se lo prometí a tus padres». De nuevo esa voz profunda hizo caer en el hechizo a Lucila.

La pareja llegó a una gran mansión de estilo barroco, se mostraba imponente en el campo, los ventanales en el frente de la casa le daban un toque de distinción y las gárgolas parecían guardianes de la bella edificación.

Sin perder tiempo Naimed tomó de la mano a Lucila y la llevó hasta las gradas que conducían a una gran puerta de cedro con un tallado de ángeles y demonios luchando. El hombre tocó la puerta y lentamente se abrió mostrando el interior, decorado elegantemente con seda colgando en el techo, y un candelabro enorme de bronce tallado, el gran salón de baile tenía un piso del más fino mármol que hacía de espejo al reflejar a los asistentes.

Las parejas bailaban elegantemente al son de violines y chelos, danzaban los bailarines como si flotaran por el aire, y los vestidos de las mujeres ondeaban majestuosamente. Los hombres guiaban en el rítmico danzar a sus parejas.

Lucila estaba maravillada con la elegancia y majestuosidad del lugar. «No pensé que existiera un lugar así en Altamirano, nunca había visto algo tan bello por estos lados».
«Eres de las pocas personas que puede ver un lugar como estos, siéntete afortunada, jaja». Naimed le extendía la mano y la llevaba a ella hacia el centro del salón.

Juntos daban vueltas y vueltas, mientras las elegantes máscaras giraban a su alrededor. Bailaron mucho y las horas corrían raudas: sin pausa. Lucila miraba a Naimed y detrás de esa máscara miraba a hombre que la había conquistado, en tanto que él un beso le daba.

Lucila sintió desfallecer en ese largo beso y en aquel instante sonó el gran reloj de la pared, eran las 3 de la mañana. Las personas empezaron a convertirse en monstruos espectrales: ojos rojos, colmillos y piel grisácea. La mujer miraba cuando ellos se despojaban de sus máscaras mostrando su horrible aspecto.

Lucila gritaba horrorizada por lo que estaba viendo y luego se resguardo en el pecho de Naimed, ella levantó la mirada y miró que su amado se había convertido en uno de ellos. Lucila salió corriendo buscando la salida.

Los monstruos iban tras ella diciendo, «la sangre virginal más vida nos dará». Una y otra vez repetían, mientras iban tras Lucila.

Ella no encontraba escapatoria y fue capturada, luego fue llevada a un altar de piedra, donde se encontraba una daga de marfil, mientras era sostenida, el más horrible de los monstruos se acercaba y tomando la daga pronunciaba unas palabras en un dialecto desconocido.

El monstruo levantaba la daga y cuando iba a clavarla en el corazón de Lucila, apareció Naimed monstruo y rescató a la chica. Una pelea horrible entre los monstruos sucedió, mientras Naimed gritaba a la chica, «Escapa que ya está pronto a amanecer».

Lucila salía rápidamente de la mansión y por las ventanas miraba como su querido Naimed era destrozado. Ella seguía corriendo y las lágrimas brotaban sin parar, el camino se hacía largo y sin fin. Las piernas de ella desfallecían y caía en el polvoriento camino, en ese instante el monstruo más horrible se abalanzo sobre la chica.

Él se reía tenebrosamente y cuando iba a clavar sus garras filosas en el corazón de Lucila, el sol empezó a salir y el monstruo gritaba de dolor, regresaba a la mansión desesperado, pero fue alcanzado por los rayos solares y desapareció.

Lucila se levantó y miraba como la mansión se convertía en una horrible cueva, luego escuchó una voz, «Gracias por liberarme, mi bella dama, tu amor puro fue la cura de la maldición, ahora puedo descansar en paz, vete y se feliz. Te amo»

Lucila levantó la mirada hacia el cielo azul y con lágrimas cayendo como cascadas por sus cuencas, pronunció unas palabras al viento, «Te amo, Naimed».



Sources of the cover image Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Edited by Rincón Poético.

Text authored by:
Camilo Torres

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¡Thanks for you reading!




Fascinating and beautifully written! I wish Naimed had escaped with Lucila from that horrendous cave so they could be together forever. 😊


But that would have been a tad too sweet, wouldn't it? This was perfect. Not Cinderella. Not Snow White. @rinconpoetico7's very own charmed lady :))

I see what you mean and totally agree. 😊

Hehe... We went beyond conventions and gave it a touch of reality, the prince and the princess don't always end up together.

Thanks you for reading and leaving your comment.

Good day!

Well said! A touch of reality in a story keeps us grounded so we don't keep our heads in the clouds all the time. 🙂

A love that could not be in this life, maybe in the next they can be together. I'm glad you liked the story.

Thanks you for reading and leaving your comment @kemmyb

Good day!

This story works beautifully. You adopt the tone of a classic fairy tale from the first and continue the theme as you cast a spell on the reader. Charm abounds. Lucila is charmed. Naimed is charmed. The parents are charmed. All around spells are cast until the final scene where an evil spell is broken.

You do a fine job here, @rinconpoetico7. Your command of language, of mood, indeed of the reader, is expert. It was a pleasure to get lost in the charm of your writing.

Wow! thank you for your beautiful words, I am flattered by your recognition. I'm glad to know that my stories are held in such high regard.

Excellent start week!A hugs team @theinkwell!

I loved this story, @rinconpoetico7. You are truly a talented writer.

Thank you my friend for your beautiful words, they encourage me to continue building stories.

A hugs @agmoore

This is fascinated. At first you got me scared when the monsters got Lucila. It was a relief when Naimed came to rescue her but I really feel Naimed should have lived.

Thanks for passing and leaving your comment. I'm glad the story caught you. Truly Naimed's curse would only be broken by death.

Good day.

Ohhh, I loved reading the story! It had a bit of everything - romance, drama, horror. The meet cute of Naimed and Lucila even reminded me of my beloved telenovelas I grew up watching 🤩 Wonderful storytelling in both English and Spanish ✨

Thank you very much, it is a great compliment for me to receive such beautiful words. I'm glad you liked the story.

A beautiful night!