Inkwell writing prompt - Blossom

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

She walked so gentle, her step like a sunflower dazzle in the river, my attention got captured, i felt like my heart isn't my own anymore, my eyes wild open.



Her shape was so bold and Chubby, i could see all i have been looking for in her, it was on a Saturday night, the clubhouse was full of colour light, people dancing while some sitting, drinking and feeling the sound of the music.

I left my drink and walk towards Her, it was like a magnetic force that tends to draw me closer to her.

"My name is David" i said to her.

stretch forth my hands and she replied. "Jane, my name is Jane".

I was captured by her beauty, never did i know, Jane was accompanied by a friend, i ordered a juice for her and we talked for quite sometimes, after a along conversation, i saw a girl working towards her direction and whisper to her.

Th sound of the music was so loud in the house, i didn't know what she said to her, all i could see was that Jane have to get up immediately and follow her, i was so confused and heart broken, because i was beginning to fall for her, my heart started racing but i was unable to asked why she have to leave in such manners, even as the fun in the clubhouse was about to get started.

Exactly 9 o'clock i was tired and i decided to go home even if the fun was all i could asked for, my heart was captured, Jane took her leave and my heart away, starting from that moment i was uncomfortable in the clubhouse.

In the morning, on my way going to work, i saw a lady, who was about to bought a taxi as beautiful as Jane, i drove close to her, really it was Jane, just as i expected.

"Do you remember me?" i asked as nervous as i was, expecting a reply from her, while using my left hand to touch my chest.

she replied. "Yes, i remember you, you are the guy last night"

I looked at my time, it was almost 8:35 AM and i was late for work already, i brought out my card and i gave to her, told her to give me a call, anytime soon, that i would be expecting a call from her.

All my life, i have never admired someone in such a way before, it was so nice to see her and get to know her quite well, we fell in love and we had a serious relationship, i propose to Jane on her birthday and she accepted.

I would never forget, the way she walked so majestically and blossoms like a sunflower, she got me up on my knees.

she stretch forth her hand and said "I have already accepted you in my heart" i was so happy and i put her a golden ring.

We got married and we have been happy after.


You describe a very vivid scene. Not only did Jane blossom, but so did your love. It is a happy story that ends with two people in love.

Thank you for sharing this story with us. We appreciate that you engage with other writers in the community.

Thank you so much for the encouragement

A wonderful love story masterfully embellished. A happy ending worthy of a movie.


Thank you so much for your kind words

This is short and precise I love the story.

Thank God he met her again, there are situations where we meet people like this and never get to meet them again. They leave us with heartache trusting to meet them someday.

He is indeed lucky.

Honestly, he is a lucky man.

Thank you for your comments.

Thank you so much for your kind words