As long as it hasn't been online mate I have no problem with it whatsoever :)
I would have to have a conversation with my partner and fellow curator about this issue, but I honestly think that the deal breaker (for getting our community and curie vote) would be if it is online already. But even if it is online, you can still post it @improv and will probably get new readers and great feedback. It's just the rewards side of things where we have to follow our own rules.... or well.... it turns into chaos lol
Visit the community page and have a read of the description and rules. We're as flexable as we can be, and it's a friendly community.
My moto is zero drama. This is why we are strictly on chain, at least for now. My experience of discord communities is that drama is just around the corner lol
Yeah, I mean it's not online, except for sale on Amazon, so... what is online, anyways?
Just on a website m8. That's all I mean.
For example, just so you understand our process (it's also the way all curie curators have based their checks for many years) if I were to take a passage of the story, put it in google and it comes up as having been published on another website (the whole story, not just say an excerpt for promotional purposes) then I couldn't vote it with curie vote based on their own rules. Regardless of my opinions on it, they have gifted us with their community vote so I keep to their rules. There is an exception which is when I discover a story that has gone up on say a wordpress site and steem pretty much at the same time, and I can see a link in that blogger/writers wordpress with their steem account (thus showing ownership of the material and the steem account).
D'you see the process? It is all about trying to reward original material, eliminate plagiarism (we do have a load of other checks for that) - but I know you're not a plagiarist m8 - and try to encourage first publishing on the blockchain. However, these rules were constructed at a time when both crypto and steem were booming. At that time - around 2017/18 steemit was getting really good google first page rankings so the fight against spam, plagiarized material and trying to push the real good stuff to the higher payout was even more important.
I've gone on a rant, lol I have a tendency to do this sometimes. The origonal answer is all you need take into consideration. If it's been sold as a kindle version then it's not on a website, it's just on peoples kindles. Also, amazon paper copies sold aren't gonna influence me in not rewarding it as much as I can at The Ink Well. We want high quality writers and material.
I just won't be able to use curie vote if it's found on another website m8
Sounds grand, then!