In the solitude of the plain (Eng/Esp)

in The Ink Well3 months ago


These were my first internships in veterinary medicine, in the region of the plains of Barinas. As far as the eye can see, you can only see the immense plains covered with grasslands and rivers that flow through them. I, who am used to seeing the mountains surrounding the valley where I live, feel unprotected in these seemingly endless savannahs.

After inspecting a farm, I had arrived with my friend Norys at the Experimental Station, where we were going to sleep. All the workers had already left. The place was only guarded by a man who looks to be at least 60 years old. The darkness and silence make me a little afraid, and when we entered the room, I locked the door.

"I'm falling asleep, Norys, I just want to take a bath and go to sleep"

"We had a very busy day today, Tere, but I liked what we learned".

We continued to talk about our experiences, lying on our beds, letting time pass at its own pace, as it always does, indifferent to what we do. A knock on the door made us both jump.

"Who is it?" My voice sounds nervous.

"I'm the caretaker, don't be scared. Here's technician Ismael, who wants to talk to you".

"Open carefully, Tere".

I approached and opened the door a little. Outside, the hallway was lit only by a light bulb in each door, where mosquitoes swirled, trapped by its light.

It was already 7 o'clock at night, the darkness was absolute and the chirping of crickets broke the silence.

Ismael took off his hat, the light illuminated his young, smiling, sun-tanned face.

"Good evening!, sorry to bother you at this hour".

"Hello, Ismael!. Good evening."

Noris had already peeked out the door.

"I've come to invite you to a planer party at "La Mona" village. I already spoke with Dr. Espinoza to ask for your authorization. He agreed. It is an opportunity for you to have fun listening to our music and, if you want, also dancing. What do you think?"

I like planer music and having the opportunity to listen to it in the heart of the llano, took away my tiredness as if by magic.

"I would love to go and you, what do you say, Norys?"

Norys' face did not express much enthusiasm, but she said yes, I think it was to please me. My friend was not much of a party girl, she rather liked quieter activities like going to the movies or the theater.

"You have to give us some time to shower and get ready" I told his as I was closing the door.

"Sure, I'll wait for you outside while I talk to Ramon."

In about 20 minutes we were ready, after getting into Ismael's jeep, we continued along the main road and after half an hour we took the road to the village of La Mona.

The road was dirt, lonely and dark.

"I am going to play some music from our land so that you don't feel lonely because you are very quiet"

"Don't think we are quiet, it's just that this road is a little scary. You can't see anything."

"Hahaha, don't be scared, you are in good hands. I've been on these roads since I was a kid, and we're not going to get lost".

On the CD, the planer music brightened up the tense atmosphere until the thick and cavernous voice of an announcer began to be heard narrating a legend: that of the Whistler.

"In this region there are many legends of ghosts and apparitions. The "planer" who rides through these solitudes has seen many inexplicable things. I know people who have come face to face with the whistle and have lost their minds. Right here... in Guayabal"

Ismael's voice, interrupting what the announcer was saying, made the hairs on my arms stand up.

The voice of the announcer continued explaining that the Whistler was a fright, the soul in sorrow of a young man, who killed his father and his soul wanders with a sack of bones on his back. Suddenly he appears on the plain, and his whistling can be heard before his figure is seen, a very tall being, over 6 meters tall and with a frightening face. At that moment of the narration, a series of whistles began to be heard following the musical scale do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, sí, first loud and then soft.

Ismael again interrupted the narration.

"We listened in awe to what he was saying. If you hear the whistle loudly, the whistle is far away, but when you hear it softly, you have to run because it means it is already near."

After Ismael finished speaking, the whistle was very loud again, but it was no longer coming from the CD, but from inside the car. Outside, the darkness was absolute.

I turned to look at Ismael and saw him whistling. I got even more scared and Norys next to me grabbed my arm.

My nerves made me scream.

"What's the matter, Ismael!, are you scaring us?"

He started laughing and stopped the car. He looked at us and kept laughing. He looked like a madman.

When he calmed down, he turned to look at us.

"Funny, I didn't think they would be so scared!" He had a mocking expression, with a half smile and narrowed eyes.

"I don't think it's funny, Ismael. We were supposed to have fun at a party, and I think you did it with every intention of making fun"

"You don't know what the plains are like, you come here and think it's a beautiful place where you can walk around quietly, but it has its dangers".

Norys, more than scared, was annoyed.

"And we already know that there are also people like you, unkind to those who are not from this land. I want to go back to the station, I don't feel like going to the party."

"Well, we are not going back!. I told the director that I would take them to the party and that's what I'm going to do."

To avoid problems, we continued with Ismael to La Mona village. When we arrived, we saw the houses on both sides of the well-lit street. At the end, in a large open space, planer music ensembles were playing harp, cuatro and maracas, and men and women were singing the sturdy music while couples of dancers kicked up the dust as they stomped their feet. A typical planer scene.

The smell of meat on a stick cooking in the caney whetted my appetite. I remembered that we had not eaten since noon. I told Norys to come over, and we left Ismael talking to some friends. We really didn't want to be with him.

We sat at a long wooden table, almost all occupied by men in hats, eating and drinking beer. The meat was delicious. That and a few beers not only calmed our hunger but also our nerves, and we began to enjoy the music.

We danced until we were tired and didn't notice the time until Ismael told us we had to go back. That was the moment we didn't want to come.

"We must go, it is already past 12 o'clock, it is not a good time to walk in this solitude"

The road was even more lonely and dark, and this time Ismael was very quiet and had not turned on the music. The silence was very uncomfortable, and I had to break it.

"You are very quiet, Ismael. There's something wrong"

"It's just that I'm keeping an eye on the road. We should be there soon, it won't be long now."

He was in tension with your eyes fixed on the road only illuminated by the lights of the car.

"We can put on the music?".

"No!, don't play it!". In the tone of his voice, I sensed that he was nervous. He didn't want to scare us again.

In a calmer voice, he said.

"It's just that I need to listen, I have to be alert in case I hear the whistler. And he turned to look at us with wide eyes. And so do you".

For the rest of the way, we didn't talk anymore, just listening for the slightest sound of the night. When we arrived at the station, we thanked him for the invitation and said a quick goodbye.

We walked to the room without looking back and when we entered, we locked the door.

We didn't know if what Ismael told us on the way back was true, or if it was just an act to scare us. I think he was really afraid. The legend of the Whistle was not a roadside tale, it was a belief in something that is beyond the comprehension of people who do not inhabit this land of legends and mysteries. The whistle is lurking in the dark, to come out when you are afraid. If you believe so... it will be there waiting for you.

Thank you for reading

Versión en Español

En la soledad del llano


Estas eran mis primeras pasantías de medicina veterinaria, en la región de los llanos de Barinas. Hasta donde alcanza la vista solo se ve la llanura inmensa cubierta de pastizales y ríos que la surcan. Yo, que estoy acostumbrada a ver las montañas rodeando el valle donde vivo, me siento desprotegida en estas sabanas que no parecen tener fin.

Después de hacer una inspección en una finca, había llegado con mi amiga Norys a la Estación Experimental, donde íbamos a dormir. Ya todos los trabajadores se habían ido. El lugar estaba solo vigilado por un señor que aparenta tener por lo menos 60 años. La oscuridad y el silencio me dan un poco de miedo y, cuando entramos a la habitación, cierro la puerta con llave.

—Estoy que me caigo de sueño, Norys, lo que quiero es darme un baño y dormir.

—Hoy tuvimos un día muy ajetreado, Tere, pero a mí me gustó lo que aprendimos.

Seguimos comentando nuestras experiencias, tiradas en las camas, dejando que el tiempo pasara a su ritmo, como siempre lo hace, indiferente a lo que hacemos. Unos golpes en la puerta hicieron que ambas pegáramos un brinco.

—¿Quién es? Mi voz suena temblorosa.

—Soy el vigilante, no se asuste. Aquí está el técnico Ismael, que quiere hablar con ustedes.

—Abre con cuidado, Tere.

Me acerqué y abrí un poco. Afuera el pasillo estaba alumbrado solo por una bombilla en cada puerta, donde los mosquitos se arremolinaban atrapados por su luz.

Ya eran las 7 de la noche, la oscuridad era absoluta y el canto de los grillos rompía el silencio.

Ismael se quitó el sombrero, la luz iluminó su rostro joven y sonriente, curtido por el sol.

—!Buenas noches!, disculpen la molestia a esta hora.

—¡Hola! Ismael. ¡Buenas noches!.

Ya Noris se había asomado a la puerta.

—Vengo a invitarlas a una fiesta llanera en el caserío La Mona. Ya hablé con el Dr. Espinoza para pedir su autorización. Él estuvo de acuerdo. Es una oportunidad para que se diviertan escuchando nuestra música y, si quieren, también bailando. ¿Qué les parece?

Me gusta la música llanera y tener la oportunidad de escucharla en pleno corazón del llano, me quitó el cansancio como por encanto.

—A mí me encantaría ir y tú, ¿qué dices, Norys?

El rostro de Noris no expresaba mucho entusiasmo, pero dijo que sí, creo que fue por complacerme. Mi amiga no era muy fiestera, más bien le gustaban las actividades más tranquilas como ir al cine o al teatro.

—Tienes que darnos un tiempo para bañarnos y arreglarnos, —le dije mientras iba cerrando la puerta.

—Claro, yo las espero acá afuera mientras converso con Ramón.

Como en 20 minutos ya estábamos listas, después de montarnos en el jeep de Ismael, seguimos por la carretera principal para luego de media hora de camino tomar la vía al caserío La Mona.

El camino era de tierra, solo y oscuro como boca de lobo.

—Voy a ponerles una música de nuestra tierra para romper el silencio porque ustedes van muy calladas.

—No creas que somos calladas, es que esta carretera da un poco de miedo. No se ve nada.

—Ja,ja,ja no se asusten que están en buenas manos. Yo he andado por estos caminos desde que era un niño y no nos vamos a perder.

En el reproductor, la música llanera alegró el tenso ambiente hasta que se empezó a escuchar la voz gruesa y cavernosa de un locutor narrando una leyenda: la del Silbón.

—En esta región hay muchas leyendas de espantos y aparecidos. El llanero que cabalga por estas soledades ha visto muchas cosas inexplicables. Yo conozco gente que se ha encontrado de frente con el silbón y ha perdido la razón. Por aquí mismo... por Guayabal.

La voz de Ismael, interrumpiendo lo que contaba el locutor, hizo que se me erizaran los vellos de los brazos.

Mientras tanto la voz del locutor continuaba explicando que el silbón era un espanto, el alma en pena de un joven que habia matado a su padre, que se aparecía de repente en la llanura, y cuyo silbido se escuchaba antes de que se viera su figura, un ser muy alto, más de 6 metros y espantosa cara. En ese momento de la narración se oyeron una serie de silbidos siguiendo la escala musical do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, sí, primero fuerte y después suave.

Ismael de nuevo interrumpió la narración. Nosotras escuchábamos impresionadas lo que contaba. —Si escuchan el silbido fuertemente, el silbón está lejos, pero cuando se escucha débil, hay que correr porque significa que ya está cerca.

Después de que Ismael terminó de hablar, el silbido se volvió a escuchar muy fuerte, pero ya no venía del equipo, sino dentro del carro. Afuera la oscuridad era absoluta.

Voltee a ver a Ismael y lo vi silbando. Me asusté aún más y Norys a mi lado me agarró del brazo.

Los nervios me hicieron gritar.

—¿Qué te pasa, Ismael?, ¡nos estás asustando!.

Él comenzó a reírse y detuvo el carro a un lado del camino. Nos miraba y no paraba de reír. Parecía un loco.

Cuando se calmó, se volteó a mirarnos

—¡Qué gracioso!, no pensé que se asustarían tanto! —Tenía una expresión burlona, con una media sonrisa y los ojos entrecerrados.

—¡No me parece gracioso, Ismael! Se supone que nos divertiríamos en una fiesta y creo que lo hiciste con toda la intención de burlarte.

—Es que ustedes no conocen lo que es el llano, vienen acá y creen que es un hermoso lugar donde pueden andar tranquilas, pero tiene sus peligros.

Norys, más que asustada, estaba molesta.

—Y ahora sabemos que también hay personas como tú, poco amables con los que no son de esta tierra. Yo quiero regresar a la Estación, ya no tengo ganas de ir a la fiesta.

—¡Pues no vamos a regresar!. Le dije al director que las llevaría a la fiesta y eso voy a hacer.

Para evitar mayores problemas seguimos con Ismael hasta el caserío "La Mona". Al llegar, vimos las casas a ambos lados de la calle bien iluminada. Al final, en un gran espacio abierto, conjuntos de música llanera tocaban arpa, cuatro y maracas, y hombres y mujeres cantaban la música recia mientras las parejas de bailarines levantaban el polvo al zapatear. Una típica estampa llanera.

El olor a la carne en vara que se cocínaba en el caney me abrió el apetito. Me acordé de que no habíamos comido desde el mediodía. Le dije a Norys para que nos acercáramos y dejamos a Ismael hablando con unos amigos. La verdad es que no queríamos estar con él.

Nos sentamos en una larga mesa de madera, casi toda ocupada por hombres con sombrero, comiendo y bebiendo cerveza. La carne estaba deliciosa y las cervesas bién frias eso no solo calmó nuestra hambre sino también nuestros nervios y comenzamos a disfrutar de la música.

Bailamos hasta que nos cansamos y no nos dimos cuenta del tiempo hasta que Ismael nos dijo que teníamos que regresar. Ese era el momento que no queríamos que llegara.

—Debemos irnos, ya son más de las 12, no es buena hora para andar por estas soledades.

La carretera estaba aún más sola y oscura, y esta vez Ismael iba muy callado y no había puesto la música. El silencio era muy incómodo y tuve que romperlo.

—Estás muy callado, Ismael. ¿Pasa algo?

—Es que estoy pendiente del camino. Debemos llegar pronto, no falta mucho. Estaba en tensión con la mirada fija en el camino solo iluminado por las luces del carro.

—¿Podemos poner la música?.

—¡No! no la pongas. En el tono de su voz sentí que estaba nervioso. Me pregunté si sería que nos quería asustar de nuevo

Con una voz más calmada, nos dijo.

—Es que necesito escuchar, tengo que estar atento por si escucho al silbón.
—Y se volteó a mirarnos con los ojos muy abiertos. —Y ustedes también deben hacerlo.

Durante el resto del camino no hablamos nada más, pendientes del más mínimo sonido de la noche. Cuando llegamos a la Estación, le agradecimos por la invitación y nos despedimos rápidamente. Caminamos hasta la habitación sin voltear atrás y al entrar, cerramos la puerta con llave.

No supimos si lo que nos dijo Ismael en el camino de regreso era cierto o solo era una actuación para asustarnos. Yo creo que él realmente tenía miedo. La leyenda del Silbón no era un cuento de camino, era una creencia en algo que está mas allá de la comprensión de las personas que no habitan en esta tierra de leyendas y misterios. El silbón esta al acecho en la oscuridad, para salir cuando sientes miedo. Si así lo crees... estará esperandote.

Muchas gracias por leer


La traducción al inglés la realice en


Some parties turn to be scary. Sometimes it's about the place or people. Maybe both. The girls were lucky to come back home safe and sound😁

I wrote this story based on an experience I had in the plains and although I did not get to see the Silbón, thank God, I was scared just hearing the legend on a very dark road.

What you say is very important to be very aware of the people and the place of a party.

Thank you for your comment.
Greetings @gabmr ✨️

This is one scary tale, and the fact that when the whistling becomes louder, it means its far, but when it is soft and calm, it means it's close. Thats scary.

This would have gone well with the October Halloween prompt. Nicely written and long.

I liked giving that touch of suspense to the story. The legend of the whistle is very popular in the Venezuelan plains and hearing the whistle is scary.
Thanks a lot for your comment.
Greetings ✨️🌷Hello @fanshtioluwa

You are welcome. I will read more about the whistler

An excellent narrative that involves us in the story and the Silbón thing was very attractive, for a moment I thought the party was going to end in a horror story.

The element of regional folklore and people's beliefs give a very attractive touch to the story. Very well done.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Tuesday.

I like the stories and legends of the Venezuelan plains and I wanted to give a touch of suspense to the party
Greetings and blessings ✨️🎄😘Thank you very much for your comment @rinconpoetico7.


Thank so much @theinkwell ✨️🎄😘

And really the folklore of Venezuela is beautiful and very rich, with legends such as El Silbón, Florentino and El Diablo, La loca Luz Caraballo, El Árbol encantado de Paraguachí, Marí Lionza and others, are very enriching of our cultural heritage, and I personally enjoy it quite a lot.
Nice story.
My best wishes.Greetings @popurri, you know I had the opportunity to listen to the legend of the Whistler in the Apure State, in the El Cedral Herd.

Y de verdad el folclore de Venezuela es hermoso y muy rico, con leyendad como El Silbón, Florentino y El Diablo, La loca Luz Caraballo, El Árbol encantado de Paraguachí, Marí Lionza y otras, son muy enriquecedoras de nuestro acervo cultural, y en lo personal lo disfruto bastante.
Bonita historia.
Mis mejores deseos.Saludos @popurri, sabes yo tuve la oportunidad de escuchas la leyenda del Silbón en el Estado Apure, en el Hato El Cedral.


Uses: 5/8


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Saludos ✨️Muchas gracias @cheesbrotherspro

"if you believe so, it will be waiting for you." In the end, I'd like to think that maybe our mind can also be our dooms daym

Your comment got me thinking. In the mind anything is possible ✨️
Thank you so much for reading my story.Hello @bipolar95

You are welcome 🤗