
in The Ink Well2 months ago

Image of myself

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. On the one I'd be writing about how I was caught daydreaming by my roommate which led to a series of conversations. Talking about the topic of daydreaming we say daydreaming is a series of pleasant thoughts that distracts one's attention from the present. Which sometimes helps me especially makes me feel special and feel big in a way, like just drifting my thoughts to things that are not, and in another way, it is so fun because it makes everything feel real for that moment, it takes your thought away from things that will make you feel bad or whenever there's something that's bothering, you just convert the situation around a cause that's exactly what I do all this time especially when I'm doing chores I don't like to do. And here’s my own story of what happened this particular day.

So this faithful day, I was alone at home sitting outside watching the sky and its beauty and suddenly a thought came to me and I began wondering about how all my wishes and everything I was praying for would come true and a luxurious lifestyle where I don't have to stress before I get whatever I want, having my mansion, fleets of cars and having people to work under me. Just then a friend of mine came in I didn't notice she had been calling my name but I didn't respond cause I was in another world daydreaming about things. She just walked up to me and gave me a knock on my head to bring me back to reality, at first I was pissed cause she just disrupted the perfect that I was daydreaming about.

So she started asking questions about what I was thinking of that got my attention so bad that I didn't notice she came in, so I smiled and told her that if life was a bed of roses I’d perfectly lay on it. Asking her to imagine her living a life where she doesn't have to worry about anything and be free.

Just as we were discussing, my neighbor and roommate came in, and my roommate asked what we were talking about and I was explaining how I was daydreaming about the luxury lifestyle I plan on living. Just then my roommate brought up her own and was like that will be the best life ever, then she told us that there was a day she was with her coursemate and they were talking about types of cars and houses, though she’s not familiar with the types of the car there is but she was just following up with the conversation, then one of her friends there was now like what she’s imagining is her getting married to a very rich man and she is living in a big furnished apartment and she has fleets of cars that whenever she wants to go out she would match the car with her outfit whenever she wants to go out and we all laughed about it.

We went on with the discussion when my neighbor told us the story of when she was home doing the chores then she saw her sisters sitting down and just staring blankly, age thought something was wrong with her, probably something was bothering her. When she got to where her sister was, she tapped her on the shoulders to call her back and the sister started laughing and she was like what’s wrong with her, then the sister was like she was just daydreaming about something, that there's was this new boy in her school and he was really cute that she was imagining herself in a wedding dress walking down the aisle with the boy. This made us all burst into laughter like that was crazy.

The topic went on and on for a long time. At the end of the day, daydreaming about things is not bad, it is just like asking for things that might not come true, but at the same time, it is a sweet moment.

Aside from that day, a few weeks ago I wanted to wash some clothes, and I was too weak to even do anything but I still had to do it. Then I started daydreaming about living in the perfect house living in a perfect life having lots of money and all that like it was just so perfect that till I finished washing the clothes ut kept my thoughts occupied till my dad came in and told me that he has been calling that I should help me do something. I was not happy because I couldn't go back to my daydream but it is what it is.


Like any other person, daydreaming can disconnect you from the present.

Beautifully written. I enjoyed reading your story.

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Daydreaming led us to a desired reality and that's why we don't want to stop doing it.
I liked the way you narrated your story.
Regards @pearlsuddy

Daydreaming can make you double your hustle just for that dream to come to past. It's not bad to daydream