So what do you expect.

in The Ink Well2 months ago (edited)



It was twelve noon as she was walking by the road, a white Lexus car parked beside her. She was at first afraid but embodied the courage to say put. The driver wined down, and sitting was a handsome man with a well-carved mustache and sideburns. He is fair in complexions and looks neat and affluent. "Good morning, lady, and how are you? " he said.
She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt."I'm fine". She answered.
"Where are you going? He asked again smiling this time.
"Home, she said, "where else?".
"My name is Raymond," he asked, and you?"My name is Loveth," she answered. He stretched his hand out of the car's side window and shook her up. She was at first reluctant, but she just had to follow up as he had been polite with her from the start.

"Can I give you a ride home?" He asked politely. Looking at the distance she has covered and the distance to be covered, sweating profusely, she has no other option but to jump in the car with the stranger." My house is farther down the road" she said while she was sitting down.

It was obvious that she came from an average background, and the young man saw something in her that triggered him to stop to pick her up, or maybe he was just being kind.

He never spoke a word to her till they got to a bus stop where loveth highlighted as she lived two streets, always entering through the bus stop. She thanked him, and he gave her his card which stated Jade's group of company and that she should call him when she got home. Getting home, Loveth narrates her story for her mother and father as she was trained to do so and never keep secrets for them. Loveth is just twenty years of age and has no phone. Due to her background, she can't call a person and talk less to a stranger who is a man.

Loveth left second school two years ago and could not go further because her elder brother, Nnamdi, was at university. Although Loveth was extremely beautiful with a straight body and nice height, she was also bigger than her age and had curves to crown it all. Maybe that was the main reason Raymond stopped to help her; who knows?

Her father, Mr Okaka, from the card,, noticed the name Jade Groups
of the companies and was triggered to call because of the name's popularity. Mr. Okaka called Raymond, and fortunately, it was real as Raymond said that he just really wanted to help Loveth without reasons or expectations and that Her father, Mr. Okaka should come with her a week later to the office, which is located in the affluent environment of their vicinity.

His father, Mr. Okaka was happy as an unknown stranger who was willing to help his daughter work in the famous Billionaire company they all know. Then Mr. Okaka stated that even if the man is a gate man, he will earn hundreds of thousands, and He must be their savior, an angel, or a man sent by God to help them uplift them from their struggles. The family celebrated their wins even though it has not been affirmed yet and she has not yet been employed too.

The Real day came, and Mr. Okaka and his daughter, Loveth, arrived at this building through the address on the card and found a building looking very large, like a mansion; it was painted white and had tinted glasses all over it. It has several security guards and police officers who work there, and the visitors were asked to sit at the reception.

The reception was also painted white and had four gigantic cushioned chairs for visitors to sit on while the receptionist faced her business, looking at the computer every time, which was on her office table, while the air conditioner was at a high rate.

Sitting there, they discover that Raymond is one of the famous Jades group of companies sons and was the assistant director over there as his picture, his father, the state, governor, and the country president were hung on the wall. Loveth showed her father after Identifying Raymond.

After they had sat there in the reception awaiting their turn for the interview for thirty minutes, they were called in, and Mr. Okaka and his daughter entered a large office that looked bigger than their sitting room and bedroom together at home.

They greeted a man who was not even Raymond, and he asked them to sit down; his name was Dickson, the HR of the company who was in charge of all the employment.

He told them that Raymond already passed all the needed instructions down and that she had no problem; he said that she would have a six-month to a-year internship program before she could be fully employed. "As you know, Jade's groups of companies revolve around real estate and software programming all over the country and outside." "During the internship program, your child will be learning our ways here, so don't be confused about the ethnicity and how she is going to comprehend things." He concluded.
After taking all the necessary details down From Mr. Okaka, who has a guarantor for his daughter, they were told to go home, and Loveth should come to start her internship program the week after. They were very happy leaving there just like that, within the twinkle of an eye, they will forget been ever broken before.

She started the internship program, and she was also given a room to stay in one of the apartments where the staff resides. She joined the team effectively, following rules, timing, and other requirements. Then, after two months, her name got to the director as the beauty with brains, and she effectively perfected any given project with accuracy in submission. This was when Raymond recalled her nade and put to note of her. His father, Mr. Jade, gave good recognition of her as other top hierarchical staff also commented on her, and for Four months, she was given the staff of the month twice and made others uncomfortable because of the link she was recruited. She was to be trained as a receptionist and also upwards to the directory units if she was impressive, and she has been on fire ever since. Delivering top--not solutions to arisen issue.

She now beats the reception in her own work, crafts a content-creating style for business marketing on real estate, which converts like crazy, and she can now run programs on Java and Python and can also design web. All these together made the top officials worry about their post and when She got employment after the program, her beauty will give her a perfect fit for any position that requires an attractive ambassador.

The mistake she made was to over-give and show off her qualities aggressively but what do you expect from a young lady and less privileged, given opportunities to strive amongst few genius and many mediocre whereas she only talks to her relatives once daily and always gets advice from her father to be hardworking, and never knew the danger ahead of her and work politics.

Matters arise as none of her colleagues liked her but pretended at face value. Raymo also tried to lure her to his bed when she refused; the backup she had in the company was lost. At first, the internship program was stopped as she never advanced more than the stage of programming, and secondly, she was isolated by the team, and thirdly, she was set to face panels on trivia issues at least once a week, they watched her on cameras so she could fired for any mistake and put suspicion on her.

When she saw that the place was a living hell, all of a sudden, she called her father and told him she was quitting. Her father told her not to think of that as she had two months to graduate from the internship program and to be employed. Her father knew nothing of what she was facing. It was only the Director, Mr Jade, who liked her, but she did not even know. She was chased out of the room where she stayed and had to sleep in the store. Raymond made it clear to others that she was worthless and she was humiliated from top to the minimum even the security guards they will say it to her face that she has pride because she was beautiful and everyone is now throwing overtures at her and she was also declined the meal dished out to all the staffs. she knew something was wrong and it was from the top management.
Then she remembered a saying that was commonly used by her mother that a person that is not needed in a village don't sing song for people to dance and also remembering her father's saying that a dry loaf is better than water full of impurities. She quit the job without even a resignation letter; she ran away, left her things in the store, and went back home to start fresh. She believed in saving, so she saved a good amount of money during the good days at work to go back to school. She told her father everything and her father reasoned with her and apologized for not sensing her danger.
She enrolled back in school and acquired a diploma after three years, but still, Raymond is not ready to free her as he always says what he can't have, a person better than him can not have it as well due to his envious personality. Do you know the worst?
Jade's groups of companies, on behalf of Raymond, have tagged Loveth black, not allowing her to make use of the knowledge that she gained in the internship program to work anywhere in the country.

They lied that she made away with a huge sum of money before quitting their company and making sure that they used their power to the maximum and tried to make her life a living hell. Their plan is to make her go mad, as she would have no job opportunities anywhere in the state. She was frustrated to the prime as all offers she applied for fell flatted, and some companies even told her to come for an interview because Raymond demanded to see video footage of her and how disappointed she looked when she was turned down.

This continues like this, and by then, her elder brother, Nnamdi who was a graduate, was employed intentionally by a collaborative company to aim at Loveth, to know her plan,her moves in other to make counter attack on that.

The only source to earn that she can make use of is her farm which she went back to after so many heart aches revolving around a job. By this time , her brother was married and her parents is telling her she should be the next and the pressure is on her now.

She don't know that Raymond was the one behind her misfortune but she just put herself to prayer one more time.

Unknowingly for Raymond, Mr Jade knew all what was happening from day one and have been playing along in other to see what power intoxication and jealousy will lead his son to and to confirm if Loveth will break or hold her standards. He told Miles ,Raymond's elder brother about his plan and asked for total secrecy. Their years difference was just three so Mr Jade knew both well and watch has they grow that Miles is down to earth and more responsible that Raymond.
After Mr Jade has collected all needed facts , he called , Raymond and Miles to accompany him some where and before everyone knew what was going on , they are in Loveth's house.

Raymond wanted to leave but Mr Jade commanded that if he leaves, he has already left the Jade's family. Loveth was surprised to see Mr Jade's for the very first time and was surprised how he has been watching and waiting for the right time.

After they came in and sat down , Nnamdi, Loveth brother knocked the door coincidentally and was asked to come it. Mr Jade spil the beans and the secret was out and everyone knew they had stepped on one another.Even Nnamdi was ashamed of himself for bridging the trust of his Junior sister because of money which he took forgiveness and Loveth forgave him.

Mr Jade gave Mr and Mrs Okaka sum huge amount of money for compensation and Mile used the opportunity to propose to Loveth. She accepted the proposal and said to Raymond pointing to him," what do you expect, you thought by meeting me beside the road , I have no plans for my dear life ,you think your plans for me is my life and by blocking everything you promised,I will go die , I am sorry Mr Man as you are not powerful more than My God and I don't back down as you can see". She concluded.

Mr Jade said Loveth is now a member of Jakes family and Raymond will be the best man for Miles on their wedding day as a punishment for been wicked and after the marriage Raymond will leave for Kaduna to go manage the Company over there and stay there permanently


@oyebolu, we have a few important comments for you. The first one is that your image source is missing. All images must come from copyright-free sources, and you must provide a link to the source.

The second comment is that we ask writers not to publish stories in The Ink Well involving rape or brutality. While the actual incident doesn't occur in the story, we would ask that you simply remove the mention.

Additionally, our recommendation is that you use a one of the tools available to you to identify and fix errors in your writing before you publish in The Ink Well. We ask this of everyone who publishes in our community, as we encourage attention to quality. You can use Google Docs to draft your stories, as we describe in this article, or check them using the free Grammarly tool. (Just don't use it to rephrase your content, as this will result in it being detected as AI.)

Thank you for engaging in the community by reading and commenting on the work of another community member. But as a final note, we expect everyone who publishes in The Ink Well to comment on at least two stories for each one published in the community.

Thank you. We will curate your story once you have fixed the image issue and the mention of rape.

An interesting story that revolves around dignity and self-worth. Loveth was indeed a woman who held herself to high virtues. Not many can withstand such an offer. I'm glad she was eventually recognized by Mr Jade and compensated for the horror she had to go through at Raymond's hand.

I was somewhat surprised she accepted the marriage proposal though, well, she knew what was best for her.

Good one🥂

Thanks for the views ,comments and thematic exposition.

I really appreciate that.

You are welcomed friend.

Quite a story! Sometimes it can be hard for a beautiful woman to get ahead, because there are bound to be a lot of sharks who want to take her down. Greetings

Such is life , the big the prospect the big the problem. You are welcome.

It is important to listen to your children and understand their reasons for making decisions. Imagine insisting your child should work in a toxic environment just because the pay is good.
I am happy she survived.

That is why effective and clear communication is good . All her father thought is that the grass is greener at the other side .

When in fact, she was in grave danger 🥲