The Wait Is Over


Amaka parked her car in front of her beautifully decorated apartment and sat for a moment. Her mother-in-law was waiting inside. Amaka knew why she visited, as she stepped out of her car, she took a deep breath, preparing herself for the conversation ahead. She opened the door to her apartment and found Mrs. Obioma sitting on the couch with a serious expression on her face.
"Amaka," Mrs. Obioma began, her voice tinted with concern. "I came here to talk to you about something important."
Amaka walked over and sat beside her mother-in-law, her heart pounding.
"Yes, Mama. What is it?"
Mrs. Obioma took Amaka’s hands in hers, gazing empathetically at her. "I understand the pain and frustration you must be feeling, my dear. But I want you to know that your worth as a woman is not defined by motherhood. You are a loving wife, a caring daughter-in-law, and a beautiful person inside and out."
Amarka forced back tears as she listened to Mrs.Obioma's words of support and understanding. In that moment, the wall of insecurity that had surrounded her crumbled, replaced by a flicker of hope and acceptance.
"Thank you, Mama," Amaka whispered with a trembling voice. "Your words mean the world to me."They sat there, holding each other's hands, forming a bond of understanding and unconditional love. Amaka knew that despite the challenges they had faced, she had the support of her mother-in-law and the strength to navigate whatever the future held for her marriage.
Amaka asked Mrs. Obioma to spend the following day, Valentine's Day, with them, and she readily agreed.

Amaka’s alarm clock softly chimed, waking her from sleep. She stretched and glanced at the other side of the bed, where Kingsley, her husband, was still peacefully asleep, his face partially covered by the duvet.
She made her way to the kitchen and prepared a plate of mouthwatering Nigerian jollof rice topped with fried chicken wings and salad. A cup of chilled Zobo drink, along with a single red rose in a delicate vase, adorned the tray in which she served the plate of rice, neatly covered.
Amaka entered their room, carefully carrying the tray. She gently pulled back the curtains, allowing the soft morning light to filter in, and set the tray on the bed. She angled her smartphone and took a few photos, capturing the romantic ambiance. She uploaded the pictures to her Instagram account, captioning them, "Valentine's Day breakfast in bed, specially made for my amazing husband! Love and happiness all around. Xoxo."
Placing the tray on the bedside table, she gave her husband a soft kiss on his lips and hurriedly prepared herself for the day ahead.

At work, Amaka scrolled through her Instagram feed. Her friends liked her photos, commenting on how perfect her love life seemed. She smiled, happy for the attention her post was getting.
"Amaka!" her coworker called, sliding into her office.
"A bouquet of red roses just arrived for you! Kingsley is such a romantic," she said as she ushered in the delivery person.
Amaka smiled sweetly, signed the delivery receipt, and watched as her colleagues admired the beautiful roses. Attached to the bouquet was a small card and a wrapped box of locally made chocolates.
You're truly blessed, Amaka!" Her coworker remarked. "I can only imagine how much your husband loves you."
Amaka blushed like a woman deeply in love. "Kingsley always knows how to make me feel special," she said.
Amara graciously shared the chocolates while gathering her coworkers together. She snapped some selfies with the bouquet, captioning them, "My King surprises me every time! Here is my Val gift. I love him to the moon and back. Xoxo."


Fews months later, Amaka and Kingsley sat hand in hand in the comfortable waiting room of the fertility clinic. They’ve been married for several years and have faced the heartbreaking reality of infertility. But now, they were filled with hope as they waited patiently to consult Dr. Ejike, a renowned fertility specialist.
The door opened, and Dr. Ejike entered with a warm smile. "Welcome, Mr.and Mrs. Kingley Uka Obioma. I've reviewed your test results, and I believe we have a good plan to help you conceive."
Leaning forward, Amaka felt a mixture of anxiety and anticipation. "Thank you, Dr.Ejike. We're ready to do whatever it takes."
Dr. Ejike explained their options, discussing various fertility treatments. Amaka and Kingsley made their choice and together they attended the clinic for regular appointments and injections, each step bringing them closer to their dream of having a baby.

As days turned into weeks, Amaka began feeling sick every morning, so she hurried to the restroom to to check for pregnancy. Moments later, the home test confirmed her suspicion—she was pregnant.
Amaka's heart was beating fast with elation and shock. She couldn't wait to tell Kingsley the good news. He was still sound asleep as she snuck back into their bedroom. She leaned forward, planted a kiss on his forehead, and gently shook his shoulder.
"Honey, wake up!" she whispered.
Kingsley groggily opened his eyes, blinking away the sleep. "What's wrong, my love?"
Amaka's face lit up as she held up the pregnancy test. "We're going to have a baby!"
Kingsley's drowsiness vanished in an instant, replaced by sheer elation. He sat up, pulling Amaka into his arms, their tears mingling with overwhelming happiness. They were lost in the beauty of the moment, feeling the weight of their dreams coming true.


As the months passed, Amaka's pregnancy bump increased, giving away the fact that she was carrying a child. Kingsley accompanied Amaka to every prenatal checkup, gripping her hand securely and paying close attention to the doctor's instructions. They shared the good news with their extended family members. They finished decorating the nursery, putting the crib together, adding cozy blankets and plush toys, and painting the walls a delicate shade of sky blue.
The long-awaited day has finally come. They hurried to the hospital as Amaka's contractions started. Kingsley remained by her side, offering unwavering support and inspiration.
In the midst of their pleasure and pain, their baby boy made his triumphant entry into the world. His sobs resounded throughout the delivery room, melting their hearts and erasing all traces of their previous fertility battles as well as any associated suffering.
As they held their son for the first time, Amaka and Kingsley sobbed with delight. They had been longing for this moment, and it radiated an unfathomable amount of love into their souls.



Lovely story! I am happy that it came with a positive ending for the family 🙂 A situation that many people are too familiar with; I hope they all find happiness and strength through one another.

Thank you for sharing! 😃

You're welcome.

Nicely written account of a couple’s desire to have children. Your story tells us that the pair have been childless for a number of years and then joyously conceive. That lovely, but there no real conflict, you need to add an obstacle for the couple to overcome to morph this tale into a short story. For instance: a good conflict would be if the husband refused to go for the necessary treatment, but certain events occur that convince him to accept it. Then, once, the deed is done the resolution would be the wife’s gentle gratitude because she understands the sacrifice it cost him in terms of his ego. This leads her to realise just how much he loves her.

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