The protagonist of the film

"You're stupid, how are you going to say that, man?" -Rogelio shouts to the boy as if he could hear him and then takes a swig of the beer that gradually becomes lukewarm in his right hand. He scratches his protruding belly, wipes his alcohol-damp whiskers and burps, then continues watching the program:
"If I were in that movie, I'd do better than that whippersnapper. -I've always been a great actor," he completes and drains the little liquid left in the bottle.
While working a few months ago as a cab driver, Rogelio was no different: there too, while behind the wheel and looking in the rear-view mirror, he told his customers:
"In another era I was a great actor. I acted in thousands of movies and earned a lot of money. My movies were big box-office hits," Rogelio commented with a boastful voice and a boastful tone, "If there is anyone who knows how to act, it's me," Rogelio said with such conviction that the customer did not hesitate to ask:
"And how did you end up as a cab driver?"
"My friend, I was betrayed by my manager. He took all my fortune. But stars like me don't believe in defeats, but in falls. I'll get up from this one, any time. I have this job as a cab driver to pass the time, as a hobby" - Rogelio affirmed and the clients, who looked at the car, the clothes of the man who was talking, his petulance, inferred that behind those words there was a lot of deceit, of dream, of myth.

"Several times I was nominated for the Oscar" - Rogelio boasted looking in the rearview mirror at his client - "But I never attended because the academy is bought by an elite of swindlers" - he added and realizing that the client was looking at his wide, slack, ungainly body, he added - "Sure, this job doesn't leave me time to get back in shape. But I was a real stud in a soap opera".
Rogelio was like that: when he wasn't boasting about his virtues as an actor, he boasted about the awards he won, the trips he made and even how he conquered women with his characters:
"I had many conquests, many women fought for my love" - Rogelio boasted if among his clients was a beautiful woman. Then, with a mischievous voice, he would smile and say, "Of course, I am a man who loves to spoil a woman with gifts and details".
Perhaps it was the latter that got him into trouble with the cab company and they decided to dispense with Rogelio's services:
"We're sorry, Rogelio, but you must give us the keys to the cab. The clients have complained a lot about your conversations: nobody wants to know about your past as a supporting actor," confessed the manager, who had been Rogelio's schoolmate.
Then, Rogelio trumpeted his former classmate's inefficiency as a manager:
"In fact, boy, if I want to, I'll take this job away from you, because you don't know how to treat people. And you know what? You don't fire me, I quit. This job doesn't live up to my full potential and neither do those people who use transportation, who don't have their own car, appreciate a productive conversation, full of knowledge like the one I offer. All of you, especially you, are envious of my talent," said Rogelio and slammed the door shut.

"How pathetic is that actor!" -Rogelio despises the actions he sees on the TV screen, "Whereas when I was an artist, I received such a good review, so many awards," sighs Rogelio and in his head he makes a tangle between the things he was and the things he imagines: the two lines are two high tension wires that cross and go over his head.
The movie ends and Rogelio remains in his chair, motionless, attentive, watching the credits, perhaps hoping that at the end of those numerous names, his name will appear, as if he were the star of the movie he was watching.

All images are free of charge and the text is my own, translated in Deepl

Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends
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El protagonista de la película
Desde hace rato Rogelio está frente al televisor. Su figura estática es una muestra de la inmovilidad del tiempo. Con una cerveza en la mano, mira una película romántica en la que el protagonista le ha declarado su amor a una muchacha. Rogelio se burla de la actuación del muchacho que es despreciado por la chica y se queda en mitad de la escena con unas flores en las manos y la cara baja:
_¿Eres un estúpido, cómo vas a decir eso, hombre? –grita Rogelio al muchacho como si éste pudiera oírle y luego se toma un trago de la cerveza que poco a poco se vuelve tibia en su mano derecha. Se rasca la barriga prominente, se limpia los bigotes húmedos de alcohol y eructa, después continúa viendo el programa:
_Si yo estuviera en esa película, lo haría mejor que ese mequetrefe. -afirma Rogelio en voz alta, muy convencido- Yo siempre he sido un gran actor –completa y apura el poco líquido que queda en la botella.
Mientras trabajaba, hacía pocos meses atrás como taxista, Rogelio no era diferente: también allí, mientras estaba detrás del volante y miraba por el espejo retrovisor, le contaba a sus clientes:
_En otra época yo fui un gran actor. Actué en miles de películas y gané mucho dinero. Mis películas fueron muy taquilleras –comentaba Rogelio con una voz jactanciosa y un tono presumido- Si hay alguien que sabe cómo actuar, ese soy yo –afirmaba Rogelio con tal convicción que el cliente no dudaba en preguntar:
_¿Y cómo terminaste siendo un taxista?
_Amigo, fui traicionado por mi mánager. Él me quitó toda la fortuna. Pero las estrellas como yo no creemos en derrotas, si no en caídas. De esta yo me levanto, en cualquier momento. Este trabajo de taxista lo tengo para pasar el tiempo, como un hobbie –afirmaba Rogelio y los clientes, que miraban el auto, la ropa del hombre que hablaba, su petulancia, inferían que detrás de aquellas palabras había mucho de engaño, de sueño, de mito.
Otras veces, Rogelio hablaba de los premios que obtuvo en su carrera:
_Varias veces fui nominado al Óscar –presumía Rogelio mirando por el espejo retrovisor a su cliente- Pero nunca asistí porque la academia está comprada por una élite de estafadores –agregaba y al darse cuenta que el cliente miraba su cuerpo ancho, flojo, desgarbado, añadía –Claro, este trabajo no me deja tiempo para ponerme en forma nuevamente. Pero yo era todo un galán de novela.
Rogelio era así: cuando no se vanagloriaba de sus virtudes como actor, se jactaba de los premios que obtuvo, de los viajes que hizo y hasta de cómo con sus personajes, conquistaba mujeres:
_Yo tuve muchas conquistas, muchas mujeres se pelearon por mi amor –alardeaba Rogelio si entre sus clientes se hallaba una mujer hermosa. Luego, con voz picarona, sonreía y decía- Claro, es que yo soy un hombre que le encanta consentir a una mujer con regalos y detalles.
Tal vez esto último fue lo que le trajo problemas con la empresa de taxis y decidieron prescindir de los servicios de Rogelio:
_Lo lamentamos, Rogelio, pero debes entregarnos las llaves del taxi. Los clientes se han quejado mucho de tus conversaciones: nadie quiere saber de tu pasado como actor secundario –le confesó el gerente, quien había sido compañero de escuela de Rogelio.
Entonces, Rogelio pregonó la ineficiencia de su excompañero como como gerente:
_Es más, chico, si yo quiero, te quito este empleo, porque tú sí no sabes tratar a la gente. ¿Y sabes qué? Tú no me botas, yo renuncio. Este trabajo no está a la altura de todo mi potencial y tampoco esa gente que usa transporte, que no tiene carro propio, sabe apreciar una conversación productiva, llena de conocimiento como la que yo ofrezco. Todos ustedes, especialmente tú, son unos envidiosos de mi talento –dictaminó Rogelio y cerró la puerta de un solo golpe.
Ahora, frente al televisor, Rogelio apura su tercera cerveza mientras critica cada personaje que ve y se aburre del inferior desempeño de los actores:
_¡Qué patético es ese actor! –menosprecia Rogelio las acciones que ve en la pantalla del televisor- En cambio cuando yo era un artista, recibí tan buena crítica, tantos premios -suspira Rogelio y en su cabeza se hace un enredo entre las cosas que fue y las que se imagina: las dos líneas son dos cables de alta tensión que cruzan y van por encima de su cabeza.
La película termina y Rogelio permanece en la silla, inmóvil, atento, observando los créditos, esperando tal vez que al final de aquellos numerosos nombres, aparezca el suyo, como si él fuera el galán de la película que estaba viendo.
Thank you very much for your support, friends. Regards
It's sad that he ended that way—miserable and quite delusional in the sense that he hasn't yet accepted his current fate. I really thought that there would be some kind of redemption for his miserable character, but I guess he's better off that way since he's becoming a nuisance to the people around him. Maybe he'll just snap out of his delusional state, and then he'll realize that his current state is far from his former glory and that he should cope with it.
It is sad to see people who live in their past, in their past glories and in this way do not live in the present. Greetings
Lots of lesson to learn from this story. Rogelio is suffering from delusions of grandeur. It's sad that there's no remedy for his situation.
Lovely piece, good job.
It can be very annoying to encounter characters with these kinds of pathalogies!!!! It's fine for people to acknowledge the past, but they can't live in it. Regards
There is nothing mouth can not do. He is such a perfect being in his illusion but in reality, he is only an envious and jealous being. It's difficult to deal with such characters.
That's bad, he must be sad, but I hope he learn