How Ana made magic on Halloween

The mother had fulfilled her goal, until Ana went to school. The first day the girl went to school very happy, but when the mother went to pick her up, the girl said she felt bad and was very quiet. The next day she started crying and told her mother that she did not want to study and also asked her mother not to take her there anymore and to leave her at home.
Seeing this, her mother convinced her to go back, but when she took her there she noticed that Ana had no friends and that she was rejected. She immediately spoke to the teacher who promised to solve the dilemma. However, no matter how hard the teacher tried to get the children to befriend Ana, she did not succeed: the girl remained alone and every morning it was a problem to take her to school:
─Mamita, I don't want to go. -said Ana sadly.
─You must study, Ana. You'll see that today you will make friends.
But every day it got worse: Ana felt more lonely and isolated.
Then Halloween arrived and the school organized a party for all the children to have an unforgettable celebration. Each child had to dress up as whatever he or she wanted and then they would have a competition in which they would have to search for candy. The group that got the most candy was the winning team.
At first Ana didn't want to go, but then when her mother told her that she would make her the most beautiful costume they had ever seen, Ana got so excited that she couldn't wait for Halloween:
─I want the day to come soon! -Ana bounced with childish excitement.
Then the mom, who was a seamstress, started making Ana's costume. She knew it had to be special, not only because Ana was her daughter, but because maybe that would be the way for the other children to begin to accept her. So she looked for the most beautiful and shiny fabrics, and created a witch costume so beautiful that Ana herself was amazed:
─Thank you, Mommy, it's so beautiful! You're the best mommy in the world! -scored Ana and hugged her mother tightly.

Each group of children went outside to model their costumes. Used to not standing out, Ana was at the back of her group, but when the children knocked on the first door, the lady who opened it noticed how pretty Ana was and said to her:
─What a beautiful witch you are and the cat what's her name! -bent down to listen to the little girl.
─It's called Merlin like the wizard and the costume was made by my mommy.
─Great: a witch always carries her cat and being called Merlin, it gives her more power! Besides, you're wearing a very beautiful costume! For that costume I'm going to give you more candy - and she gave them lots of candy. The children were so excited that they asked Ana to stand in front of them so that everyone could see her beautiful costume. Ana obliged and stood in front of them. Then, every time they visited a house and opened the door, the adults were amazed by Ana's costume:
─ What a beautiful witch!!!! They deserve lots of candy, said the house owners, giving them lots of treats.
At the end of the day, the pumpkins of the children in Ana's group were overflowing with candy and they won the competition. Everyone jumped and laughed, and the best part, they hugged and laughed with Ana who was also happy because she felt accepted.
From that day on, Ana went to school happy because she had many friends, who, every time they could, remembered how Ana, with her witch costume, had done magic: she had made it rain candy and lots of sweets in her pumpkins.

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De cómo Ana hizo magia en Halloween
Ana era una niña pequeña que vivía sola con su madre y con su gato: Merlín. El papá de Ana había muerto cuando ella era una bebé y desde ese instante, su madre se prometió que cuidaría de ella y que haría hasta lo imposible para que Ana tuviera todo lo que necesitara y especialmente fuera una niña feliz.
La madre había cumplido su objetivo, hasta que Ana fue a la escuela. El primer día la niña fue muy contenta al colegio, pero cuando la mamá fue a recogerla, la niña dijo que se sentía mal y estuvo muy callada. Al siguiente día comenzó a llorar y le dijo a su mamá que no quería estudiar y también pidió a su mamá que no la llevara más a aquel lugar y que la dejara en casa.
Al ver esto, la madre la convenció para que regresara, pero al llevarla observó que Ana no tenía amigos y que la rechazaban. Inmediatamente habló con la maestra que prometió resolver aquel dilema. Sin embargo, por más que la maestra intentaba que los niños se hicieran amigos de Ana, no lo lograba: la niña permanecía sola y cada mañana era un problema para llevarla a la escuela:
─Mamita, no quiero ir. –decía tristemente Ana.
─Debes estudiar, Ana. Ya verás que hoy sí vas a conseguir amigos.
Pero cada día era peor: Ana se sentía más sola y aislada. Entonces llegó Halloween y en la escuela se organizaron para que todos los niños tuvieran una fiesta inolvidable. Cada niño debía ir disfrazado de lo que quisiera y luego tendrían una competencia en la que tendrían que buscar dulces. El grupo que más obtuviera dulces, era el equipo ganador.
Al principio Ana no quería ir, pero luego, cuando su madre le dijo que le haría el disfraz más hermoso que hubiesen visto, Ana se entusiasmó tanto que estaba deseosa que llegara Halloween:
─¡Quiero que llegue pronto el día! –brincaba Ana con emoción infantil.
Entonces la mamá, que era costurera, comenzó a hacerle el disfraz a Ana. Sabía que tenía que ser especial, no solo porque Ana era su hija, sino porque tal vez aquella sería la forma para que los otros niños comenzaran a aceptarla. Así que buscó las telas más hermosas y brillantes, y creo un disfraz de bruja tan hermoso que la misma Ana quedó sorprendida:
─Gracias, mamita. ¡Es muy hermoso! ¡Eres la mejor mamá del mundo! –apuntó Ana y abrazó a su madre fuertemente.
El día de la fiesta, Ana llegó con su gato Merlín y vestida de bruja. Como todos los niños estaban agrupados, la maestra la puso en un grupo e inmediatamente salieron a buscar los dulces.
Cada grupo de niños salió a la calle a modelar sus disfraces. Acostumbrada a no resaltar, Ana estaba en la parte de atrás de su grupo, pero cuando los niños tocaron la primera puerta, la señora que abrió, observó lo bonita que era Ana y le dijo:
─¡Qué hermosa bruja eres y el gato cómo se llama! –se inclinó para escuchar a la niña.
─Se llama Merlín como el mago y el disfraz lo hizo mi mamita.
─Genial: una bruja siempre lleva su gato y que se llame Merlín, le da más poder! Además, llevas un traje muy hermoso! Por ese traje voy a darles más caramelos – y les dio muchos caramelos. Los niños se emocionaron tanto, que le pidieron a Ana que se pusiera al frente de ellos para que todos vieran su traje hermoso. Ana les hizo caso y se puso al frente. Entonces, cada vez que visitaban una casa y abrían la puerta, los adultos quedaban maravillados con el disfraz de Ana:
─¡¡Qué bruja tan hermosa!! Se merecen muchos caramelos, decían los dueños de las casas, dándoles muchas golosinas.
Al final de la jornada, las calabazas de los niños del grupo de Ana estaban repletas de dulces y ganaron la competencia. Todos brincaban y se reían, y lo mejor, que abrazaban y se reían con Ana que también era feliz porque se sentía aceptada.
A partir de ese día, Ana iba a su escuela feliz porque tenía muchos amigos, los cuales, cada vez que podían, recordaban cómo Ana, con su disfraz de bruja había hecho magia: había hecho que lloviera caramelos y muchas golosinas en sus calabazas.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( nancybriti1 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.https://inleo.io/threads/nancybriti1/re-nancybriti1-2xqr3yrkt
This story is so very simple, and yet it hits home. We feel for little Ana when she doesn't want to go to school. The mystery of social acceptance is poorly understand by parents and teachers alike. However, it apparently helps to have a mother who sews beautiful costumes and a cat that is named after a wizard.
Well done, @nancybriti1. It was a pleasure to read this story.
Good, attentive parents are needed for an effective education of children. Thank you very much for your comment.
Hello @nancybriti1. Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Maybe the ending was a bit unrealistic (the child's social life turns around in a flash), but this is Halloween and the cat is named Merlin. In such a circumstance, wonderful things may happen.
A truly lovely story.
And you made me smile with your comment!!!! May we never lose the magic of children. Greetings
I just appreciate the fact that her mom had her back, having to have such difficulties but you have a mom like Ana does is beautiful. From #dreemport
Therein, I believe, lies the meaning of it all: attentive parents make happy children grow up. Greetings
I smiled at the turn of events while reading the story. Anna's mum is such an awesome mother who supports her daughter to surmount the the challenge of social acceptance through the beautiful Halloween costume.
I am happy for Ana, who was able to have friends. Congratulations. Greetings
What are mothers for? It is good to have such a loving mother like Ana's mother. The magical costume she made for Ana brought so many friends to Ana. It was an interesting read, I enjoyed the story.
When the cat's named Merlin...
It's a pretty huge giveaway of something magical or witchy😂😂😂
Loved the story ☺️