Fiction: A gift that comes from far away/ Un regalo que viene desde lejos (ENG/ ESP)

in The Ink Well3 months ago



A gift that comes from far away

She put on her wristwatch and looked at the time: she had just enough time to get to the train station. She put on some makeup in front of the mirror and sprayed her body with her favorite perfume. The mix of floral and citrus notes gave her some energy:

"Well, now let's go out and look for that gift Irina sent me". -Lola, a young Spanish woman in her early 30s, said aloud to herself.

On the way, she thought of her old friend Irina, a Russian with whom she had studied nursing at university. Lola was the only person with whom Irina had made a friendly relationship. At first Lola thought it was because of the language, but then she understood that Irina was an introverted person, quiet and very distrustful of people:

"In my country, people are not like here" - was the excuse Irina gave when Lola complained about her disinterest in making friends with the other classmates in the faculty.

"But you are not in your country, Irina. Besides, how do you know that I'm different from the others. Just as you trust me, you can trust the others,” Lola assured her, trying to be convincing, but she never managed to get Irina to stop being that nervous, sullen girl with few words.



Arriving at the train station, he looked at the letter again. It informed him that Irina Ivanov was sending him a secret gift. He checked his wristwatch and realized that it was minutes before the train was due to arrive. He fixed his suit and settled into one of the seats stationed at the station:

"Maybe it's an inheritance. Something of value,” thought Lola as she looked at the people also waiting for the train. Nervously, she smoothed out her linen suit and looked down at her neat, shiny shoes. Although her financial situation was not bad, her salary as a nurse was unenviable and barely enough to live on.

"Now it turns out that I'm deluding myself with an inheritance and Irina only sent me a matrioshka and vodka,” thought Lola with a smile on her lips. The noise of the arriving trains brought her out of her thoughts and she got up like a spring. Again she looked at her wristwatch and realized that the train was on time.

After waiting for people to get off the train, she turned to the man who had handed the suitcases and packages to the passengers:

"I have come to pick up a parcel sent by Irina Ivanov",_ Lola reported politely. The man looked at her quizzically and then assured her:

I have already delivered all the orders. There is nothing left. You must be mistaken. -She said that and turned her back. Lola felt offended and when she was about to complain, she heard a voice behind her asking:

"Lola Sanchez?" - Lola turned her head and ran into a tall, very short-haired woman with an icy stare and rounded features. She was evidently Russian like Irina. Lola nodded and at that instant, she noticed that the woman was carrying a basket. The woman reached out and placed the basket in front of Lola:

"This is from Mrs. Irina Ivanov,” she said with a thick accent and Lola looked inside the basket. Her eyes widened in surprise. Inside the basket was a child.



After an eternal silence and recovering from the great surprise. Lola stammered:

"I think you are mistaken",_ she said and felt her hands sweating.

"Are you Lola Sanchez? If you are Mrs. Sanchez, I would like you to offer me your identification to corroborate your words. And if you are, this belongs to you. Mrs. Irina Ivanov, before she died, asked you to take care of her daughter,” said the woman as if it were a sale and purchase transaction.

Lola did not know what to say. Learning of Irina's death in this way had left her stiff as a stone. Her head was spinning and she couldn't think of what to say:

"What if I am not Lola Sanchez?" -Lola dared to ask, trying to get away from it all.

Then the government of my country would take care of the girl,” said the woman with a bitter face.

Then Lola remembered Irina and the many times she told her not to trust others, that she only trusted her. She saw the little girl sleeping in the basket and imagined that child growing up in the country where Irina had grown up, and without thinking too much, she took her ID out of her wallet and handed it to the woman:

"Yes I am Lola Sanchez and it will be an honor for me to receive this gift,” she expressed excitedly taking the basket so gently that the little girl continued to sleep peacefully, as if she knew she was safe in those hands.

All images are free of charge and the text is my own, translated in Deepl


Thank you for reading and commenting. Until a future reading, friends

Click here to read in spanish

Un regalo que viene desde lejos
Se puso su reloj de pulsera y vio la hora: tenía el tiempo justo para llegar a la estación del tren. Se puso algo de maquillaje frente al espejo y roció su cuerpo con su perfume favorito. La mezcla de notas florales y cítricas le produjo cierta energía:
_Bueno, ahora salgamos y busquemos ese regalo que me envió Irina. –se dijo para sí misma, en voz alta, Lola, una joven española que no pasaba de los 30 años.
En el camino, pensó en su vieja amiga Irina, una rusa con la que había estudiado enfermería en la universidad. Lola era la única persona con la que Irina había hecho una relación de amistad. Al principio Lola pensó que era por el idioma, pero después entendió que Irina era una persona introvertida, callada y muy desconfiada de la gente:
_En mí país, la gente no es como aquí –era la excusa que daba Irina cuando Lola le reclamaba su desinterés en hacer amistad con los otros compañeros de la facultad.
_Pero no estás en tu país, Irina. Además, cómo sabes que yo soy diferente a los otros. Así como confías en mí, puedes confiar en los demás –aseguraba Lola intentando ser convincente, pero jamás logró que Irina dejara de ser esa chica nerviosa, huraña y de pocas palabras.
Al llegar a la estación de tren, miró nuevamente la carta. En ella se le informaba que Irina Ivanov le enviaba un regalo secreto. Revisó su reloj de pulsera y se percató que faltaban minutos para que el tren llegara. Arregló su traje y se acomodó en uno de los asientos apostados en la estación:
_Tal vez sea una herencia. Algo de valor –pensó Lola mientras miraba a las personas que también esperaban el tren. De manera nerviosa, alisó su traje de lino y miró sus zapatos pulcros y brillantes. A pesar de que su situación económica no era mala, su sueldo como enfermera no era envidiable y apenas alcanzaba para vivir.
_Ahora resulta que me estoy haciendo ilusiones con una herencia e Irina solo me envió una matrioshka y vodka -pensó Lola con una sonrisa en los labios. El ruido que hacen los trenes al llegar, la sacó de sus pensamientos y se levantó como un resorte. Nuevamente miró el reloj de pulsera y se dio cuenta que el tren llegaba puntual.
Luego de esperar que la gente bajara del tren, se dirigió al hombre que había entregado las maletas y los paquetes a los pasajeros:
_Vengo a buscar una encomienda enviada por Irina Ivanov –informó Lola de manera educada. El hombre la miró extrañado y luego aseguró:
_Ya entregué todas las encomiendas. No queda nada. Debe estar equivocada. –dijo eso y le dio la espalda. Lola se sintió ofendida y cuando estaba a punto de reclamar, escuchó una voz detrás de ella que preguntaba:
_¿Lola Sánchez? – Lola volteó la cabeza y se topó con una mujer alta, de pelo muy corto, con una mirada gélida y de facciones redondeadas. Evidentemente era rusa como Irina. Lola asintió y en ese instante, se percató que la mujer traía una cesta. La mujer estiró el brazo y puso la cesta frente a Lola:
_Esto se lo envía la señora Irina Ivanov –expresó con un acento muy marcado y Lola miró el interior de la cesta. Sus ojos se abrieron de la sorpresa. Dentro de la cesta había un niño.
Luego de un silencio eterno y de reponerse de la gran sorpresa. Lola balbuceó:
_Creo que está equivocada –dijo y sintió que le sudaban las manos.
_¿Usted es Lola Sánchez? Si usted es la señora Sánchez, me gustaría que me ofreciera su identificación para corroborar sus palabras. Y si es usted, esto le pertenece. La señora Irina Ivanov, antes de morir, pidió que usted se encargara de su hija –dijo la mujer como si aquello fuera una transacción de compra y venta.
Lola no sabía qué decir. Saber de la muerte de Irina, de esa forma, la había dejado tiesa: como una piedra. Su cabeza daba vueltas y no atinaba qué decir:
_¿Y si no soy Lola Sánchez? –se atrevió a preguntar Lola, buscando zafarse de todo aquello.
_Entonces el gobierno de mi país se encargaría de la niña –expresó la mujer con cara de amargura.
Entonces Lola recordó a Irina y las tantas veces que ella le dijo que no se confiaba de los otros, que solo confiaba en ella. Vio la niña que dormía en la cesta y se imaginó aquella niña creciendo en el país en el que había crecido Irina y sin pensarlo mucho, sacó su identificación de la cartera y se la entregó a la mujer:
_Sí soy Lola Sánchez y será un honor para mí recibir este regalo –expresó emocionada tomando la cesta con tanta delicadeza que la niña siguió durmiendo plácidamente, como si supiera que estaba segura en aquellas manos.



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Thanks for the support, friends!

Wow, I never expected that ending!
Sad but happy at the same time.
You are quite the story teller Nancy 💙

Thanks, coming from you is a compliment, my friend! A hug and nice Thursday

I m impressed with how often you write fiction. I should really get more stories written.
Thank you amiga and giving you a big hug today💙

Quite a twist, I totally expected a different kind of gift, interesting story.

That's the best thing about fiction: anything can happen. Thanks for your comment!

The twist at the end. OMG!!
This was beautifully written.

Thank you for your comment. Regards


Honored and happy for the appraisal, friends. Thank you very much for the support. Regards

That was a very surprising gift and it really changed Lola's life radically. An excellent story, very well narrated and with that surprising touch that pleases.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent day.