That Start!!

Starting is crucial; often, things fade out due to the lack of a start. I can relate to many incidents where I haven't gathered enough courage to take the first step to start the task, resulting in a missed opportunity. Also, many incidents led to the realization that I was cursing myself; why did I start this? hehe. So yeah, it goes both ways, positive and negative for us; let's see what's down to portrait next.

📸 Santa Barbara

Often, I rush at things, even at the things that are crucial and need proper attention. During the end of my school days. I was proudly a teenager who knew lots of stuff, being a responsible guy. So, one day, I had a few tasks to do one after another. One of them was to transfer some money to someone else, and I also had to reach somewhere before a particular time. I was late, so I started to hurry; while transferring the money, being in the rush, I had selected the mobile recharge option instead of send money. Imagine an amount of 100 USD as someone's mobile balance without any undo options, and in a country like mine, this amount used to be the monthly expense for a whole family.

I went out with the fear that I had messed up pretty badly; out of home, I didn't have the internet. So I was walking, my hands were shaking on and on, my legs were not moving at all, I was feeling cold with fear, I had to sit somewhere and think how I was gonna manage as it wasn't meant to be like that. After that, whatever I was doing was getting messy. I appeared late at the destination, misbehaved with a friend, and forgot to bring a few stuff as per the given list by my mother while going out. I mean, I had a bad start, and due to that, everything else was falling apart. All I was thinking about was the messed up amount of money on how to solve that issue.

I came back and connected back to the internet. I got the call to whom I was told to send the money. Seeing the phone ring, I was trembling with fear about what to say. I received the call and was ready to cry and apologize for the mistake, and he just asked why I hadn't I sent the money yet, no sign of it. I was shocked; didn't he receive the mobile recharge notifications? Or that the wrong transaction didn't go through. I ended the call and checked the balance; thankfully the whole amount was there. It's because there is a limit on how much we can mobile recharge at a single transaction. My amount was way bigger than that, and that's why the transaction failed, and I didn't notice that. I was just running the whole day thinking about that start as the worst one. If I had been careful enough to recheck then I wouldn't have to go through this immense stress, I can still feel the warmth of fear.

One bad start and everything else was getting spoiled; when I looked back at that starting point, I found out that I got saved by an inch, a bit of relaxation, and the rest of the day was saved.

Join this week's Creative Nonfiction Prompt by TheInkWell Community


This is very much relatable, and it's a simple mistake that can be made by anyone no matter how careful you are..

Lucky enough for you, you escaped the bullet

Oh yeah, I was lucky.

Wow, that would be such a stressful situation to be in. I remember something simular happened to me when I was younger, except it involved being send down town to pick some stuff up for the house and I ended up buying the wrong stuff.

It's one of those situations though where you have to admit the mistake straight away rather than dwelling on it and stressing. Although, that's easier said than done in a situation like that.

Although, that's easier said than done in a situation like that.

Thank you for stopping by and sharing your story as well.

100 dollar mobile recharge is huge and I think I don't finish that amount in a whole year. I think you were lucky. means very very lucky because nothing happened at the last.
I am just imagining the face when you get relaxed.

Yeah, 100 is huge, I think 30$ would be enough for me for a year including the extra mobile data I need during the outdoors as well.

It can be a tragedy to make that kind of mistakes and the worst thing is that sometimes, no matter how much you check, you can still make a mistake, no one is safe because we are human beings who make mistakes. Thank goodness nothing happened.

I was lucky that day but I was trembling with fear, I cant forget that day.

Mistakes are bound to happen right? But what's important is that we should not dwell in them but rather dust ourselves, learn from it and do better

I am glad nothing happened

Learning from it and doing better is what I too say to myself often. Since that day I have done multiple checks before any transactions.

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Thank you for guiding me, will read and keep them in mind.
I am reading other's writings and engaging as well.