
in The Ink Welllast year (edited)

Green Dock Beetle.jpg

If a piece of me got devoured every time someone advocates that experience is the best teacher and how we learn best, I would be annihilated.
Yet, why are we so scared of failing, and oftentimes succumb to the dreaded fear?

Despite humans being hardwired to notice danger and do have innate survival instincts, I think it's in the nature of many parents' to subconsciously instil their fear into children without first tackling their deep fears themselves.
We learn from an early age to be fearful of falling physically, and that fear manifests and overflows into other aspects of our lives, in terms of phobias and lesser fears. Even fear of failure often leads to people shirking responsibilities and not wanting to take accountability for situations in their lives. Some fears sometimes cause an aversion to nature, and people miss out on the benefits to be had from nature.

I do have phobias and fears.
My fear of being in the water stemmed from my parents' attitude and fearmongering that one will drown in large bodies of water. Those beliefs were formed from the fears of my grandparents, and they became a revolving cycle.

I'm ruled under the water sign of Cancerian, but I'm the crab without sea legs.
My knees wobble, my heart flutters at the thought of being immersed in water, and an onlooker might believe that I'm having an asthma attack.

Still, an invite to the river would never be spurned.

The most unforgettable time I've had in nature was holding on for my life in a tube on White River Valley Tubing.

My calendar of events was full with a back-to-back itinerary of media houses arriving, who I had scheduled for an excursion on the North coast in Jamaica. My eyes dilated as I read the upcoming location to visit.
Getting dressed, with conflicting feelings, I slipped on my swimsuit beneath my work clothes, and off to work I went.

The eclectic mix of personalities of the group made a 2-hour bus ride to the river a breeze.

"Milly, are you going to join us tubing on the river?"

Giggling and groping for the words to come out; "I'm terrified of water," I replied.

"An island girl who cannot swim." Teased the crew.


Arriving at the premises leading to the river, my confidence and curiosity were piqued and just like the spiritual and symbolism of the green dock beetle, with two fit, professional, friendly, and responsible river guides, out of character, there I was waiting in line for my gear and safety devices.

Despite being with the guides and strong swimmers, I took responsibility for my life. Through white crystal waters, I floated and paddled against the wind, against the direction that I desired. Our drift along the wide river through coconut plantations and pedestrian sideways felt surreal. Engrossed with a feeling of euphoria, my fears slowly subsided.

Crack, crack, crack, rumble and boom startled us. Lightning illuminated and reflected off the water, as the skies opened up. Drenched, with pent-up emotions releasing, it felt like a rebirth; A reminder from the universe that I was protected by nature, and the strong force that she is.


Smiles and the occasional thumbs up from the guides were reassuring. The moment of truth and testament of faith, courage, determination and will was to be demonstrated as individually we would glide down the hilly narrow single-lane waterfall. Taking us to a halt, the guides firmly looked into each of our eyes as specific and concise instructions were uttered on how to avoid flipping the tube as the forceful water pushes us down the stream. Fear shun brightly from my eyes, as my ears erected; Actively listening and registering every single word. One guide demonstrated down the narrow falls; The first to follow got rushed in the wind and dashed into the river and quickly regained control of his tube, the same for the second, and the third. Instructions were reiterated as the guide took a deep breath. We all knew he had doubts if he should let me down alone, but there was no way out except down the narrow stream of the waterfall, back to the flat river. I stood the test. Not from a great ability to paddle or navigate the winds, but from my strong will to survive.


I had never had that much fun with my clothes on, and an electrifying buzz remained with me for the following weeks. So elated, I was compelled to clap and stop strangers in the street to tell them of my unforgettable experience in nature.

To date, I still have a great fear of the water, more the deep blue than rivers. However, facing my fear, and following the instructions to the tee, made me feel proud, as I realised that I could overcome my fear. I'll continue to take steps to improve 🙏

Disclaimer: I am an avid nature lover, but not an insect lover. However, I was compelled to capture this Green Dock Beetle that rested by my feet, as if it came to deliver me a message.

All images belong to me

This is a response to the Creative Nonfiction Prompt #32, here in The Ink Well community.


Water can be very scary. Dark water creeps me out sometimes. I think it's because I watched Jaws as a young kid. Lol. Sounds like you overcame tour fear that day. Good for you. Sounds like a great experience

Dark water creeps me out sometimes

Sometimes? Yeah! Me, all the time!

White River tubing is the best experience ever, especially if the route is treacherous. You get a real rush. It's a magical experience being in such nature, and I think thunderstorms enhanced it.
I don't know what "force" came over me that day, but it has been one of the biggest revelations about what the mind can do if we want to:)

Yeah that's a pretty incredible leap. That would be quite the experience indeed. The mind is very powerful

This is so grand, you know? It’s so outlandishly real. I’ve always believed that the word “fear” was not in your vocabulary. Damn, you faced your fear and eon, WOW, that’s awesome.
Beautiful writing, gorgeous sentiments and such a unique declaration of vulnerability.

Haha! As a little girl, the neighbourhood knew when my mum was washing my hair. My mum thought I was being mischievous, and she had my sisters hold me down so she could wash my hair. Eventually, my mum saw my genuine fear and nearly cried when she discovered that I could have had a heart attack, just from her pouring water over my head.

I can only imagine how elated you felt when you faced your fear head-on and actually conquered ❣️.The memories would forever be in your heart and in your gallery too😅. But why though? Why do you still fear water when you outrightly thrived in it?.

All the photos you used look really amazing.✨

Thank you 😊

I can only imagine how elated you felt

I was on a natural high for about two weeks. Every day I woke up and laughed hysterically before heading back to work. I was eager to return, but my schedule didn't allow me to.

Why do you still fear water when you outrightly thrived in it?

I think I underestimated the tour and how treacherous many sections were, and the risk involved. However, my principle of doing what I need to do if faced with danger kicked in, I suppose. Still, I need to spend more time in rivers (my fav body of water) and develop to a level where I'm comfortable before going to the sea which makes me lapse back into my fear. I don't like the deep blue and get motion sickness from just seeing the movement of the waves.

Getting used to the sea is going to be one big lapse and one shouldn't rush into it. Personally, I get jittery whenever I come close to little water bodies talk less of the sea😅

I don't even like being in a boat at sea. I lived right on the seafront in the Philippines for 7 years. I spent most days on the shore. I only went in a few times and stayed close to shore because sea snakes were prevalent.
On days when there were rough seas, I got motion sickness while cooking, just from looking at the sea from my window 😅

Oh, and the salt sea water burns my eyes too, and I don't find it very pleasant. 😏

I love the sea but still have some sort of fear too, fear of drowning haha, fear of sea creatures too.

I enjoyed reading this beautiful story and all the shots are nice.

Fear of sea creatures too

I totally get that.
My husband loves marine and sea life. When we met, he used to show me his underwater videos, and the creatures freaked me out. I was fascinated to discover that people actually went scuba diving to see and take photos of such things.

I like chilling by the sea to meditate though 😍

My bigger phobia probably is height... one of, for sure!
PS - the same beetle came to me yesterday too. Pure coinsidense? Yes, it is. I was happy to spend beautiful 10 minutes together. It, and blooming buckthorn, made my day.

beautiful photo!

There were three things that I thought were phobias:
Snakes, water, and severe lightning and thunder. We get strong lightning that often kills many in Jamaica, so I've always hated it.
That day on the river, I realised that water, lightning and thunder were only fears and not phobias.
However, when I was home alone and a snake came into my house in the Philippines, that was my worst day ever.

Fear is some controlled emotion to me (when I understand what I am scared of and why), while phobia is uncontrolled, subconscious, organically inherent feeling when it is impossible to convince myself not to be afraid. thus, in snakes case, I have fear (even horror), and in case of height, I have a phobia. something like this...

Yes, phobias are irrational. I find it interesting how casual people's reactions can be when someone informs them of a phobia.
Once a tour bus pulled up at the lobby, and the guide from the Jamaica Tourist Board came to ask me if there were any cats on the property because there was a journalist with a phobia for cats. I took her concern seriously and took her to a location where she couldn't see any of the several cats we had on the property. All the staff laughed and ridiculed asking how could someone be afraid of cats.
The guide told me that the lady just wreaked havoc at the last resort and damaged all the fancy crockery in the restaurant and refused to pay because she advised them and they casually lied about cats not being there.

Thanks! I smiled when I saw your photo of the beetle yesterday. I was shocked to see how long it stayed. So pretty and shiny, I really liked the colours. Apparently, they're popular here in the UK. We have different ones in Jamaica:)

My friend shared this photo of said beetles: they are not fluffy, plush and harmless - can easily gobble up your crop of apples, pears or plums 🙄 but photo-friendly, thats true 🤩

Good Lord! It's terrifying to see that many at once 😳

Heh. 😎 You are not a photographer 🤸‍♂️🤩🤩🤩
No need to touch them, right?
I would be fascinated and momentarily unholster my camera, lols

In some places, they would respond to seeing such a collection of beetles by saying,
"Call the police" 🤣

Wow, what an intense and fascinating experience! I am very struck by the resource you used to get rid of fear: "Actively listening and registering every single word". Surely you are one of those people who must understand everything before acting. I also see that the same resource that inhibits you served you in all its power. Fear is there to protect us and you used it as it should be, intuitively, to survive. What a happy experience! No wonder you laughed so much and were so proud! Are you ready for more?

Thank you 😊
Where water is involved, I make no error with instructions. It was amazing that from the group of 7 people, I was the only one who did not fall. It was one of those "life-changing" moments when failure was not an option.
Immediately, I wanted to go back to the river and do it all over repeatedly. I think I would be brave enough should the opportunity arise.
Thanks for your lovely comment:)

Wow.. glad you overcame your fears😁... I thought the first paragraph of your thoughts was so inspiring... I felt the drop of knowledge right on my inside🙇💯

I'm happy that you found this valuable:)

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