The decision (ESP/ENG)

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

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Editada con Power Point


Jailene, era una adolescente de 15 años como cualquier otra, bulliciosa, inteligente y muy buena persona. Tenía muchos y buenos amigos. Un día al llegar a casa, después de salir del colegio, observa a su abuela ordenando la sala, y se abalanza sobre la viejita para abrazarla y besarla. Fue su abuela quién la crió desde los 4 años, tras un accidente que tuvieron sus padres. Accidente del cual Jailene recuerda muy poco. Eso sí, el amor maternal nunca le ha faltado.

¡Abuelitaaa!- dice Jailene.

¿Cómo has pasado tu día?- le pregunta.

Ordenando un poco- le contesta.

Esta noche vienen Karla y Ross- continúa.

Hoy queremos que participes con nosotras- añade.

Karla y Ross, son amigas de toda la vida de la abuela Mary. Jailene frunce el ceño.

Ustedes y sus reuniones- dice con un gesto de desagrado. Ella estaba clara, que esas “reuniones” eran, para realizar sesiones de espiritismo. Su abuela Mary es una mujer seguidora de temas paranormales y, de hacer contacto con seres del más allá.

Jailene se cambia de ropa, pone su música favorita, y se tumba en la cama. Nada podía ser más perfecto en ese momento. Sin darse cuenta, al cabo de un rato, se duerme profundamente, era viernes y su semana entre el colegio y las clases de música la habían agotado. Al pasar las horas se despierta.

Que hambre tengo, dormí demasiado- dice.

Se estira y da un gran bostezo, observa la hora, 9:54 pm.


Se levanta de un salto y sale de su habitación. A medida que baja las escaleras observa algo inusual, la sala esta oscura y no ve ni a su abuela, ni a sus amigas. A pesar del hecho, sigue avanzando, y siente como su estómago reclama alimento. Llega a la cocina, abre el refrigerador y mira al vacío, nada de lo que hay le apetece.

Un plato de cereal- dice.

Saca la jarra de leche, busca el tazón, la cuchara y la caja de cereal, se sienta a comer. El espacio solo estaba iluminado por una tenue luz. De pronto, siente una respiración cerca de su cuello, una respiración suave y fría.

¿Abuelita eres tú?- dice en voz alta.

Discúlpame, me quedé dormida- continúa.

Al no obtener respuesta, voltea y no ve a nadie. Apresura las cucharadas y se levanta para subir a su cuarto. El camino de la cocina a las escaleras se le hace interminable, acelera el paso, y siente que unos fríos dedos toman uno de sus talones, sube lo más rápido que puede y va directo a la habitación de la abuela, la puerta tiene pestillo.

Abre abuela, abre por favor- le suplica alterada.

Mientras espera que le abra, vuelve la mirada hacia la escalera, y ve una sombra que se hace cada vez más grande a medida, que va subiendo hacia donde ella está.

Abre abuela- habla más fuerte.

De pronto, de un tirón, abren la puerta, la halan, y con la misma velocidad cierran con pestillo. La luz está apagada y escucha la voz de su abuela casi en un susurro.

Jailene que no te escuche-.

¿Quién abuela?, ¿Quién no debe escucharnos?- pregunta.

Yo- le contesta.

Jailene siente como sus pupilas se dilatan, y cada uno de los bellos de su cuerpo se erizan en una desagradable sensación. Se le hace un nudo en la garganta.

¿Tu?- le pregunta a su abuela.

Pero si estamos aquí juntas- continúa Jailene.

Si esto es una broma, me voy a molestar mucho abue-.

Calla Jailene, que no te escuche- insiste Mary.

Jailene intenta salir de la habitación y cuando llega a la puerta, escucha del otro lado, una fuerte respiración acompañada por quejidos terroríficos, y luego, tres golpes, tan fuertes, que parecía iban a sacar la puerta de su marco. Jailene tapa su boca para no gritar y se retira de espalda sin dejar de observar la puerta, no tardan en asomarse las lágrimas de miedo.

¿Quién o qué está detrás de esa puerta?- pregunta.

Se voltea y ve a Mary sentada cerca de la ventana.

Abuela, ¿qué está pasando?- pregunta de nuevo.

La abuela con ojos sollozos la ve.

Nuestra sesión de espiritismo de anoche resulto fallida. Un ser demoníaco hizo presencia y mi viejo corazón no resistió tal situación. Se apoderó de mi cuerpo, pero a quien quiere, es a ti. La persona a la que viste hoy en nuestra sala, no era yo-.

¿Por qué me quiere a mí?- pregunta Jailene.

Porque mi cuerpo está viejo, y tu eres la juventud que él necesita para encarnar. Por eso trató de engañarte, para que estuvieras en la sesión de esta noche. ¡Qué suerte! que te quedaras dormida-.

¿Y Karla, y Ross?- pregunta Jailene.

Están en el sótano… muertas…- responde la anciana.

Entonces, ¿estás muerta abuelita?- pregunta entre sollozos.

La luz nunca más regresará a esta casa, todo quedará en tinieblas. Esa cosa, hará todo lo posible por llevarte al límite, hasta que te des por vencida. Todo acabó- continúa.

Perdóname hija, nunca debí…-.

Jailene la interrumpe.

Pues no. Esto no acaba aquí- y se dirige a la puerta y coloca su mano en la perilla, y por unos segundos, se queda pensando si abre la puerta, y enfrenta lo que sea que esté afuera esperando por ella, o si se queda atrapada en esa habitación para siempre.


Tu lector, dime... ¿qué harías?


Jailene, was a 15 year old teenager like any other, boisterous, intelligent and a very good person. She had many good friends. One day when she got home from school, she saw her grandmother tidying up the living room and rushed to hug and kiss her. It was her grandmother who raised her from the age of 4, after an accident her parents had. An accident of which Jailene remembers very little. Of course, maternal love has never been lacking.

Grandma!- says Jailene.

How did you spend your day?- she asks.

Tidying up a bit- she answers.

Tonight Karla and Ross are coming- she continues.

Today we want you to join us- she adds.

Karla and Ross, Grandma Mary's lifelong friends. Jailene frowns.

You and your meetings- she says with a gesture of distaste. It was clear to her that these "meetings" were for spiritualistic séances. Her grandmother Mary is a woman who is a follower of the paranormal and of making contact with beings from beyond.

Jailene changes her clothes, puts on her favorite music, and lies down on the bed. Nothing could be more perfect at that moment. Without realizing it, after a while, she falls fast asleep, it was Friday and her week between school and music lessons had exhausted her. As the hours passed she woke up.

I'm so hungry, I slept too much- she says.

She stretches and gives a big yawn, observes the time, 9:54 pm.


She jumps up and leaves her room. As she walks down the stairs she notices something unusual, the room is dark and she doesn't see her grandmother or her friends. Despite the fact, she keeps going, and feels her stomach calling for food. She arrives at the kitchen, opens the refrigerator and looks at the empty space, nothing in there appeals to her.

A bowl of cereal- she says.

She take the milk jug, finds the bowl, the spoon and the box of cereal, and sits down to eat. The space was illuminated only by a dim light. Suddenly, she feels a breath near her neck, a soft, cold breath.

Grandma, is that you?- she says aloud.

I'm sorry, I fell asleep- she continues.

Getting no answer, she turns around and sees no one. She hurries the spoonfuls and gets up to go upstairs to his room. The way from the kitchen to the stairs is endless, she speeds up her pace, and feels cold fingers take one of her heels, she climbs as fast as she can and goes straight to grandma's room, the door has a latch.

Open up, grandmother, please open up- she pleads with a start.

While she waits for her grandmother to open, she turns her eyes towards the staircase, and sees a shadow that grows bigger and bigger as it climbs towards her.

Open up, grandma- she speaks louder.

Suddenly, with a jerk, they open the door, pull it open, and with the same speed they bolt it shut. The light is off and she hears her grandmother's voice almost in a whisper.

Jailene, don't let her hear you-.

Who grandmother, who should not listen to us?- she asks.

I- she answers.

Jailene feels her pupils dilate, and every hair on her body bristles in an unpleasant sensation. She gets a lump in her throat.

You?- she asks her grandmother.

But we're here together- Jailene continues.

If this is a joke, I'm going to be very upset, Grandma-.

Shut up Jailene, don't let her hear you- Mary insists.

Jailene tries to leave the room and when she reaches the door, she hears on the other side, a loud breathing accompanied by terrifying moans, and then, three knocks, so loud, that it seemed they were going to pull the door out of its frame. Jailene covers her mouth so as not to scream and turns her back without stopping watching the door, it doesn't take long for tears of fear to appear.

Who or what is behind that door?- she asks.

She turns and sees Mary sitting near the window.

Grandma, what's going on?- she asks again.

Grandma with sobbing eyes sees her.

Our séance last night turned out to be a failure. A demonic being was present and my old heart could not resist such a situation. It took over my body, but who it wants, is you. The person you saw in our living room today was not me-.

Why does he want me?- asks Jailene.

Because my body is old, and you are the youth he needs to incarnate. That's why he tried to trick you, so you'd be at tonight's session. What luck! That you fell asleep-.

What about Karla, what about Ross?- Jailene asks.

They're in the basement... dead...- answers the old woman.

So, are you dead, granny?- she asks between sobs.

The light will never return to this house, everything will be in darkness. That thing, it will do everything it can to push you to the limit, until you give up. It's all over-.

Forgive me, child, I should never have....-.

Jailene interrupts her.

Well, no. This doesn't end here- and she goes to the door and places her hand on the knob, and for a few seconds, she is left wondering whether to open the door, and face whatever is outside waiting for her, or whether to stay trapped in that room forever.


Your reader, tell me... what would you do?

¡Me encantan las historias de horror! Las disfruto muchísimo. Espero que a ti también te encanten.

Como siempre, gracias por haberme acompañado hasta aquí.

I love horror stories! I enjoy them very much. I hope you love them too.

As always, thanks for sticking with me this far.


I would read this story again, because it was so wonderful.

Suddenly, she feels a breath near her neck, a soft, cold breath.

That sent chills down my back! A great horror story, with a perfect ending. What will she do???

Thank you for posting this story in the Ink Well community.

I appreciate your words. I enjoy horror stories very much. My mind is an endless source of these stories :)) Thank you so much for supporting me.

Great story, @mayellig! I love it! It's spine tingling and a very fast-paced read. You have a gift for horror writing. Thank you for sharing your work in The Ink Well!

One note: some of the pronouns did not come through correctly in the translation. It's not a problem at all, as your stories are so easy to read and the translation is very good. I'll share these small edits in case you want to fix them. :-)

In these instances, "he" should be "she," "his" should be "hers" and "him" should be "her":

  • A bowl of cereal- he says.
  • He takes out the pitcher of milk
  • He hurries the spoonfuls and gets up to go upstairs to his room.
  • As she waits for him to open the door,
  • The light is off and he hears his grandmother's voice almost in a whisper.
  • Grandma, what's going on?- he asks again.

Thanks for the details. I love knowing that you read my writings. Thanks for supporting my work ;)

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What a cliff hangar!
So dear grandma has been possessed by a demon. So what will Jailene do?
Well, i know what i will do. I will run out of that house as fast as my legs can carry me. But that's just me.
This is a beautifully terrifying piece, easy to understand despite some typos. You did a good job @mayellig, keep it up.

I hear you. If I were you I think I'd be stuck in that room hahaha. Thanks for supporting me. I will certainly continue to share stories in this wonderful community :)

Please do, i'll love to see more of your work on here😁👍🏽

Hi friend @bruno-kema. I published a crime story. I invite you to read it, it's really good.

I send you a hug ;)
