Betrayed Friendship |- Creative Nonfiction Prompt #55

in The Ink Welllast year

Life can be sweet until we make mistakes we wish we never crossed paths with. My worst life mistake happened years ago. I'm this unique young woman who finds it easier to associate with the opposite sex than with the same gender.

It was years ago in my hometown, Ebonyi state, when I met Paul. We happened to board the same vehicle that day, and that's how our conversation began. We exchanged numbers, and after a few months, we became good friends. I got to meet Destiny, who was a friend of Paul's, and it was easy for him and me to connect as well. That's how our trio of friends was formed.

Paul, Destiny, and I shared a camaraderie that was clear proof in our non-stop discussions about religion and life's complexities. Paul's relentless work ethic was clear as he juggled multiple business projects to make ends meet. He was a kind hearted person who would offer a helping hand without a double thought.

On the other hand, Destiny's wealthy lifestyle was often showcased through his frequent charitable donations. He was known as our "young rich Reverend" not only because of his wealth but also because he quoted scripture with passion. He could easily recite verses from the Bible, bringing them into his daily conversations.

Life was fun, but our different beliefs about life often led to inconclusive arguments.

"I think we should host a picnic, just the three of us, sit down together, smile, and laugh away our sorrows," Paul suggested. It had been a long time since we sat down together as friends to do something like that.

"Yours doesn't pass enjoyment and having fun; how many times have you emphasized on talking about the scripture? Have you ever heard about this new eatery in town? When will you ever get tired of all this, Paul?" Destiny questioned, sounding like a father who didn't find interest in what his son had a passion for.

"Holy man, keep your holiness to yourself while I enjoy my life in peace."

"Destiny, I don't know what you believe in, but for me, I believe that as much as we love knowing the truth, we should also enjoy life because it's only once. Let go of that grip and accept Paul's idea.

"Do I still have a choice? When you two have accepted. Why be the Judas? I'm in."

Destiny, who believed that his wealth was a result of how he served God, took it upon himself to sponsor the picnic, despite the earlier disagreements over the idea. If only we knew how everything would turn out.


Destiny asked me not to get involved, that they would prepare everything for the picnic. I was relaxed, hoping to hear that everything was ready, and the date for the picnic was approaching.

I was in the kitchen preparing noodles when I heard my phone vibrating. Thank goodness I didn't slide rushing to pick the call, but I still wish I did. Maybe that would have brought everything to a halt.

"Mary! I'm saying this to you because of our bond! Ask that man to refund my money. I trusted Paul; how could he stoop so low as to embarrass himself this way?"

"Hmm, just calm down and tell me what the problem is. I have never seen you this angry." I tried to understand the situation.

"Paul borrowed some money from me to repay for months now. It's been extra months from the due date for him to refund, and he has refused to say anything about that money!"

"Don't worry, please. I don't know Paul to be a debtor; he will pay. I will talk to him. There's no need to be so angry. Have you forgotten our friendship so soon?"

After I spoke with Paul, he shared what had happened. The goods he bought with the money had significantly dropped in price, making it difficult for him to repay as he had promised. Stating it clear to me that he had made explained this with Destiny.

All the plans for the picnic came to an end, and it was now Paul and Destiny every day. It started with heated arguments and daily visits to Paul's door to demand the money until one day the worst happened.

Destiny, the "Reverend," drove to Paul's house as early as 6 a.m. to meet him at home. It was clear that he was not ready for another day of arguments. After Paul's pleas and Destiny's refusals, seeing the anger in Destiny's eyes, Paul realized he wasn't safe. I don't know how, but he called me to come over.

When I arrived, the two were already exchanging blows, which left me deeply disappointed.

"I owe you, I know, but I won't let you come to my house and insult me by throwing punches at me, and I will stand and watch you like a weakling," those were Paul's words.

"I will make sure you pay for this." Those were Destiny's last words, and the next thing I saw was the front screen of his car glass broken. I was surprised and wondered why Destiny would do that.

It felt like the friendship we had built with Paul was only to hurt him, being action at the end of the matter haunted me like a ghost. A week later, I traveled to my hometown, and the next thing I heard was that Destiny had reported the case to the market office, and Paul's shop had been locked up. Destiny had brought bribed witnesses, and I was the only person left to stand by Paul. He called and pleaded with me to come, but I was reluctant because I didn't want to go and look foolish knowing that Destiny would win.

Paul was found guilty even when he wasn't the one who broke the screen. His goods were sold at auction to pay the debt he owed Destiny, and his shop was rented out to someone else for two years to repair the car screen.

"I was thinking I built a friendship, but I never knew it was a friend's enemy. Even when I have heard a lot about keeping best friends, I thought ours was genuine until Destiny woke me up, and you served me hot water with salt. Thank you for letting me see the other side of you. The information is that I'm leaving Ebonyi for good because I have lost everything here because of friendship."

That was the last message I received from Paul. He left for his hometown and disconnected from me through calls. As for Destiny, he betrayed the trust I had for him. He was the last person I would have thought capable of doing what he did, considering how he presented himself as a disciple.

That was how a built friendship shattered, and the fact that I was unable to stand up for the truth when I should have haunted me deeply. The realization that I betrayed a Paul and broke the trust he had in me fills me with remorse, and I vowed never to let such a thing happen again in my encounter with others. I was able to apologize to him after a long run but he said words that broke my marrows. "I have forgiven you but I can never forget."


Destiny was clear about the separation between the sacred spheres and the material scenes of life. He was ready to get his money back and did not care about the beautiful bond they had formed as friends. Not all relationships between friends stand the test.

This is very true. Not all stand the test of time and I felt so bad for Paul after and during the whole trial.

No naw! At least Destiny would have tried to understand Paul's situation. He went too far. This means that he wasn't really in to God like that because if he had the spirit of God in him, he wouldn't have treated Paul that way.

My dear. He really went behind. Destiny is wealthy, though the amount wasn't a small one but is not like it's something he can't excess patience.

This is so sad. What are friends for if they do not even understand each other in difficult times.
Poor Paul, he must have learned his lessons the hard way.
And the fact that you couldn't stand by him at that time is heartbreaking, It's a good thing you apologized,
Thank you dear for sharing.

I couldn't and it was something I kept regretting till date. That's life, we see ourselves doing something that we love to regret afterwards.

The characterization was well done - I could clearly envision the different personalities... Well written thanks for sharing.

Thanks so much. I'm grateful for your kind words.