Adventure And The Glowing Orb

in The Ink Well17 hours ago (edited)

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"It's real. They all called it a myth, but it's real," Carlos, Dr Ellen's guide screamed, eyes wide open. “I can't believe that I've been to a waterfall nearby and didn't know that the lost city was close by” He continued.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He has been a guide in the Amazon for over fifteen years now and didn't know that ‘The lost city of Echoes’ was there in the heart of the Amazon. Thanks to Dr Ellen's careful reading of the map, he has finally seen it with his eyes.

"It's always been real. The lost city of Echoes has always been real " Dr Ellen, the 35 year old archeologist said, wiping the sweat off her glasses. The heavy Amazon air against her nose.

She couldn't believe that after months of searching, she had finally found that which no one believed could be found apart from the Jasp Agency, who had been after her for the map for years now.

She had at first agreed to work with them to find the lost city when they came to her with the offer. They had the funds and equipment needed and promised her a better life. But when she realised that their intentions to find the lost city weren't for historical sake but for their selfish gains. She quit and took the map with her, and for years, they have tried tracking her down for the map.

She took a deep breath; the entrance to the city was before her, with the Jasp Agency nowhere in sight. Gently, he forged ahead into the forgotten whispers of the city that were eagerly waiting to be heard by the world. A weird-looking sculpture covered by trees now welcomed them in. Tiny voices could be heard in the background.

"Something spooky is here," Carlos said, feeling uneasy. "Can't you feel it, Dr?" he asked.

"I can feel it. Legends say the souls of the residents still hover around this city, protecting the glowing orb. Their whispers could be heard in the walls of the city," Dr Ellen explained in a spooky voice, sending shivers down Carlo's spine.

"Do you have to explain in such a spooky voice, Dr" Carlos asked in a whisper, clearly terrified.

"Do you have to talk in whispers, Carlos?" Dr Ellen returned the question. Carefully studying her environment.

"I don't want to wake the ghost" Carlos continued in whispers.

Just then Dr Ellen stopped in her tracks "Shh! Do you hear that?" she asked

Almost crying now. "I hear a lot of things, and they're all spooky. Can we just get out of here?" Carlos cried.

Moving further into the ruins of the city. "Not before I've gotten the glowing orb" she said with so much enthusiasm, pointing at a glowing orb floating in the middle of the city. Just a few more steps to grab it she heard a loud gunshot. She turned to see who it was.

And there standing in their black regalia were the Jasp Agency agents led by the owner Jasper himself.
"Not so fast, darling", Jasper said. " The orb is mine," he added.

“Jasper” Dr Ellen called.

"Uh, I can see you two know each other, but can I at least get an introduction?" Carlos said, terrified, with his hands in the air. Looking from Jasper to Dr Ellen.

"What are you doing here, Jasper," Dr Ellen asked through clenched teeth, Ignoring Carlos.

"Surprised? When I discovered that tracking you in the city was a waste of time, I decided to wait till you embark on the trip to the Amazon then I'll follow you. And look, it worked," Jasper laughed, looking around.

"I'd rather die than let you have the orb", Dr Ellen threatened.

'I like to see you try", Jasper replied "Remember, I'm the guy with an army willing to shoot. Don't test me," he added, walking close to the orb and picking it up.

Immediately he picked the orb, the whole place started to shake, and Carlos yelled at the top of his voice. The city was collapsing.

"Next time we meet, the orb must have made me the strongest man in the world, Dr Ellen", Jasper mocked.

Immediately, a helicopter with the Jasper Agency logo hovered above them, throwing down a rope into the falling ruins of the city as Jasper ran towards it.

"Are you just going to let him get away with that?!" Carlos yelled at the top of his voice.

Dr Ellen stood there confused about what to do, at the same time trying to protect herself from the dust from the helicopter and the falling debris of the collapsing city. She turned to Carlos

"Where did you say the waterfall was?" She asked. The loud helicopter noise and rumbling of the city drowned her voice.

"What? Is that necessary now? He's getting away!" Carlos replied confused as to why Dr Ellen had to ask that question.

"Where?" She shouted again

"Close by. Just a few clicks from here"

"On my call, run towards the waterfall" she ordered and ran after Jasper.

She got to him before he could grab the rope and tackled him to the floor, sending the orb flying out of his hands into the air. With the same energy, she dived and caught the orb before it would hit the ground. She stood up immediately, not minding Jasper who was still rolling on the floor from the tackle, and yelled to Carlos


With that, Carlos led Dr Ellen, and they ran outside the city gates, dodging falling debris and jumping over obstacles towards the waterfall, while Jasper and his army chased after them. Shooting at the same time. They ran like thieves being chased by policemen after a heist. While Jasper and his army chased after them without giving up.

They got to the edge of the waterfall and Carlos stopped and looked at Dr Ellen. "What now?" He asked

"We jump in," she replied, moving back a bit to gather momentum for her jump.

"What! Are you..." Carlos tried saying. But before he could finish, Dr Ellen ran past him jumping feet first into the waterfall.

Carlos stood there confused between getting caught by Jasper and his monstrous-looking army coming behind him or taking the risk like Dr Ellen and jumping into the water. Looking up to the sky he murmured

"Lord, if you save me today, I'm definitely trying a new line of work. Maybe I'll become a priest"

He moved back a little like Dr Ellen, and when he had gathered enough courage, he ran towards the edge of the waterfall and jumped.

Jasper got to the edge of the waterfall with his men but none of them had the courage to jump in. He stood there realising he had lost Dr Ellen and the orb. He groaned and yelled in anger

"We'll get them in the city," he said and turned back.


A good one Marriott, what an adventure.