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RE: Creatures Of The Forest

in The Ink Well6 months ago

Beautiful story that reminds me of the fables that I used to read as a child.

Mira frantically grabbed her daughter and backed away from the fence. Nido retreated and sprinted further into the park leaving deep paw prints in the mud.

You've created a world with rich details. I like this paragraph because you're being definite and specific. This paints a better picture in my imagination. It also gives vigor and strength to your writing.

Lena and her Parents reached the fence to find the hybrid tribe waiting. Some of them were emerging slowly from behind the foliage while Nido and a dozen others stood beside the fence. Gentle howling, growling, hissing, and chirping filled the air. Nido hesitantly came forward.

I wish the world was as magical as the one in your tale. Nicely done! 🐾


Oh, thank you so much. This is so heartwarming.