The precious seed.

in The Ink Well2 years ago (edited)

The sound of birds rented the air. It's getting dark with all forest inhabitants getting set to sleep except perhaps those special species that have the most engaging period of their day only at night. Both friendly and unfriendly animals were emerging from the forest to scare them away from the journey.


Lam is scared and is contemplating going back but he was quickly reminded by Ade that they've crossed the point of no return.

Animals that ordinarily were nightmare to Lam and his brother in the journey were coming out in large number to the extent that both of them have buried their fears and only waiting for the uncertainty.

Standing in front of them right now is a tall creature whose head is barely visible. A giant creature that have some features of human being - standing with two legs, with his two hands by his side but a very tiny head on a shoulder more that 12 ft above the ground. Out of all that these courageous young men have seen and overcome, non has sent a shiver down their spine like what is standing in their front. Fear grips Lam and Ade. Their eyes are red, the whole body covered with sweat like someone that had spent hours under a direct downpour - not even the cool blowing breeze of the night could prevent this. Lam's hands were shaking and at some point was tempted to shout but "No matter what you see, don't shout and don't pause your journey more than five minutes", a statement made by the chief priest before they left the palace echoed in his memory.

There is drought in the town of Ihima and once it happens, the gods are contacted through the priest to know the solution. Historically, in severe cases, the forest of Orihima is visited by two young boys who will volunteer to bring a seed of rain from orihima. Whoever goes to the forest must not shout neither can he come back without accomplishing his task once he step his legs into the forest. The person should not also stay beyond midnight before getting his hands on the seed. Anyone that return out of fear stand the risk of anger of gods which are severe. Lam and Ade are brothers whose father is a farmer. The drought is affecting his crops and livelihood just like it is affecting other farmers. When Lam volunteered with his brother to go on this sacrificial journey, their father vehemently opposed. "I don't want anything to happen to you my children. You are going nowhere." said their father right in front of the priest in charge of communicating with the gods. The priest reminded him that no one prevents any volunteer from going on the journey without the anger of the gods. He gave his blessings and tearfully wished his children well.

Checking his watch, Lam realized that the time is few minutes before 10pm. They have about two hours to go and here is a giant delaying their journey. Lam held his brother's hand and walked through the standing creature. As contact was made, they lost conscience and by the time they regain it, they are in a cave where they can't identify entrance or exit route.


They have overcome a major hurdle but now in a dark cave without light to even check their watch to see the time of the night they were.

Both of them sat down at a corner, tired and worn out but suddenly a ray of light appeared from many kilometers away. "So, the cave is as big as this" Ade asked. In his response, Lam said "Please forget the size of the cave and let's be brave and courageous to leave here as soon as possible. The light soon arrived and it came with a big snake. The snake came and was trying to be friendly. They were in palpable fear throughout. An old woman with a long teeth emerged from the other end of the cave with a walking stick. Leaning on her stick with her body shaking, her eyes were directly on the August visitors.

Time is going. It's about 30 minutes before the hour of 12 am. They were rushing to find their ways out of the cave but the old woman smiled and told them to come. Lam and Ade are tired and exhausted. The idea of getting the seed and returning home through the same route in less than thirty minutes is becoming a mirage. Lam approached the old woman and a seed was handed over to him after a frightening encounter. Don't be afraid, the woman with fire coming out of her mouth but it wasn't harmful to Lam.

Immediately he got the seed, the old woman disappeared and a road appeared in the cave that leads to outside world.


They followed this road and in less than 20 minutes, they mysteriously found themselves at the forest entry point. They headed straight to the palace where everyone is keeping vigil for their return.

The seed was handed over to the priest and after few words of incantations, heavy rain began to fall. The whole community celebrated the two brothers for their sacrifice and bravery.

"The adventure is worth the benefits despite the numerous risks" elated Ade stated.

Quite an interesting and thrilling adventure. Very brave to take such a sacrifice for the village.

Thank you for sharing that story with The Ink Well, we appreciate your engagement in the community by commenting on other writers' stories.

Thank you for the opportunity @theinkwell

This one's a nice read especially the twist of having to return with an accomplishment before midnight. Still, @lightpen, quickly give me a handful description of their father's reaction, will you be kind enough? 😁

During the hours of the boys in the forest, their father was unsettled. He was really disturbed because he wasn't sure of how his sons are fearing. Though he haven't been to the ancient forest, he heard about the kind of dangerous animals in the forest.
On sighting the returning of his sons, he was the first to stand up. He rushed to hug Lam and tears of joy rolled down his eyes. His family is now an important figure in the village. They can even become king in the future - anyone that does such sacrifice for the village become possible heir to the throne. It was from a twist of celebration. He was happy they went for the adventure seeing the positive outcome.

Even better than I imagined, thanks 😁

A nice story! I feel like the turnaround with the old woman was kinda quick. Where did she come from and who is she? Why did she give them the seed? Still a nice read.

Oooh... Nice observation. I'll keep learning and improving. Thank you.

You are a good discovered my friend keep it up.

Thank you bro. Cheers!!!

Beautiful story with a good climax. I like the fact that it was when they were on the verge of giving up that they got their triumph.

The joy is such achievement is immeasurable.

I love how you have made the audience wait after wait while twisting and turning the theme accordingly. It is called the seed of a story right? The last words of Ade are truly factual.

Thank you Sir. I am learning on the process.

I would not mind you calling me by my name or pal, no calling Sir, please.

Alright. Cheers!!!

Such a dangerous yet thrilling adventure. The determination of Lam and Ade helped to end drought. I was hooked throughout your story. Nice one.

Thank you bro. We are learning in the process.