Painful betrayal

in The Ink Well4 months ago (edited)


"The face of that guy looks familiar," Sandra told her friend, Vivian, with whom she was walking to their lodge.

"Babe, you have come again with your habit of knowing everyone that you come across. Please, I told you earlier that I was hungry. I can't wait to get home and prepare something fast to eat," Vivian responded to Sandra, holding her hand and dragging her to follow her.

"I am serious, babe. The guy resembles someone I met in Canada when I went there for a business trip."
Sandra detached her hand from Vivian's, and she trekked back to meet the guy who was in a soft discussion with his friend.

Vivian, fuming with internal rage, stood and waited for her.

"Good morning, guys," Sandra greeted the duo.

"Good morning," both guys chorused with eagerness to know what brought such a pretty girl to them written over them.

"Sorry for interrupting your discussion," said Sandra. "You look familiar. Did we meet in Canada a few months ago?"

"I don't remember ever coming across this face," he responded.

"Do you mean that you are not the person that I met in Ontario when I went to Canada on a business trip?"

"No, no, no. Though I travel a lot, I have never been to Canada."

"This is the proof of what I have been hearing: that God created every individual in pairs. The resemblance is striking. Well, I am Sandra," she introduced herself.

"My name is Kayode, and ..." "Wale," his friend, said his name.

"Nice meeting you guys. I believe we will see some other time," Sandra released a contagious smile as she waved to the duo while she walked away to meet Vivian where she was standing.

It was the national service year for all of them. They were all Corpers, as they were fondly referred to, posted to the same state and local government area to participate in the compulsory one year national service for every graduate under the age of 30.

"Was he the person you met in Canada?" Asked Vivian.

"You can't believe it was a resemblance. I am shocked."

"I have told you several times that you don't jump on guys like this else you would be seen as a cheap girl. Once a guy knows that you love him and you express it first, he will not value your relationship," Vivian responded to Sandra with anger.

"Why are you so quick to interpret the whole thing as me loving a guy and expressing my feelings? I only saw someone that I thought I once met. It ended up that he wasn't the person. What have I done wrong?" Sandra asked.

"My own advice is for you to be careful with men. Don't allow your sincerity to be abused."

"I have heard you, babe. Thank you for the advice. Let's move fast. It seems that I am hungry now also," Sandra increased he pace of walking.

"Why won't you be hungry after wasting our time chatting with strangers?"

"Vivian, let's leave that topic. What are we preparing when we get home? Rice?"

"I need fast food now. I think noodles will be better," Vivian responded.

Wale fumed at Kayode as soon as Sandra left them.

"Why can't you get along with that beautiful lady? I have been telling you to be smart."

"What do you mean by being smart or getting along?" Kayode asked.

"What does it cost you to claim that you are the one that he met in Canada? Do you know that lady's family?" Wale asked.

Kayode let out a loud laughter before responding. "That would be the easiest lie to be exposed within a short period. I have never been to Canada, nor do I know the kind of discussion they had. Besides, who is she?"

"That lady is the only child of late Chief Chris, the multimillionaire businessman in Lagos. You better get along and get empowered financially for life," Wale responded.

Wale succeeded in convincing Kayode to get along with Sandra.

Sandra barely arrived at her lodge with Vivian when she got a call from her mother. The call was centered on the issue that her mother has been disturbing her for the past few years.

"You are not growing younger, Sandra. Please, let me bless your marriage before I depart this world. You are aware that my health is deteriorating by the day,"

Sandra's mother was battling an ailment that had claimed her sight and mobility. She moves around the house in a wheelchair.

"I will bring my fiancé to you very soon. God will restore your health and keep you alive, mom," Sandra responded to her mom.

Two days later, the paths of Sandra and Kayode crossed again. Sandra was in a haste. All they could achieve was to exchange contacts and promised to schedule a meeting at a suitable place for them to talk.

Wale came up with some fresh advice when Kayode briefed him on his encounter with Sandra earlier in the day.

"That girl is from a rich family. For you to win her heart totally, you need to veil the financial status of your family. The rich move with the rich. That's how the world works," Wale said.

"How will I lie about my family, about my roots, about the people that sacrificed a lot for me?"

"What you called lies are to the benefit of your family. You need to be smart if you really want to liberate them from poverty," Wale responded to him.

"I will think over it and devise a means to handle it," replied Kayode.

Here comes the day that Sandra and Kayode planned to meet. They met at a restaurant, and they chatted about many things, from business to career choices.

"My mother has been waiting for me to bring home my husband. My father willed his conglomerate in Nigeria to my husband and me before he died as a result of a plane crash. I can't wait to take this friendship to the next level if you love me the way you've expressed," Sandra told Kayode.

"Accept my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your father in a plane crash. I lost my parents to a similar accident a few years ago. Both of them died in the crash." Kayode bowed his head with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Sorry for the ugly experience, dear. I don't mean to hurt you. We have individually been through pains. It is awesome we continue to heal our hearts together." Sandra patted Kayode on his back.

They both had a nice time before returning back to their abodes.

It has been nine months since Kayode left his parents. Back in the village, his father was jailed for defaulting on the payment of a loan he took from a financial firm several times. The money was spent on the education of Kayode.

"This was not how we planned this," Kayode's mom talks to herself. "Your father, your siblings, and I sacrificed a lot to make sure that you rounded up your degree program, with the hope that you are coming back to liberate us from poverty. Isn't it too early for you to forget us? Nine months, no call, no visit." She burst into crying.

The relationship between Kayode and Sandra was burning like fire. They quickly scheduled a visit to Sandra's mom to fast-track the start of their marital journey.

It was an emotional scene for Sandra's mom during the visit.

"You have seen my disabilities. You can see me, but I can't see you. Are you willing to marry me with my daughter by being good not only to her but to everyone around her?"

"I don't see any disability, ma. You are equally my mom. Sandra and I will continue to love and care for you," Kayode responded to her.

Sandra's mom offered prayers for the duo to wrap up the visit.

Kayode's parents couldn't hold on any longer without hearing from their son. He wasn't picking up their calls for a few months after leaving home. He later changed his phone number to cut off contact with his family completely.

His mother reported to the police in her locality. The police collected basic information like his son's full name and the state he was posted to.

The police were able to locate Kayode within a few days.

Kayode's mother followed up with the police description of Kayode's place of primary assignment. She coincidentally went on the day of the monthly clearance of the Corpers.

It was an unexpected development that took Kayode totally unaware. He was sitting in his girlfriend's car with a door on the side he was sitting on opened. It was like a dream when he saw his mother from a long distance. He quickly closed the car's door.

Kayode's mom walked up to one of the offices. Another coincidence was that Sandra was in that office at that point in time.

After introducing herself, she took her time to explain what brought her to the officials while the corpers, including Sandra, stood aside and looked on.

"Here is his picture," she unwrapped a nylon and brought out Kayode's picture.

Sandra couldn't hold herself any longer. She initially suspected her boyfriend when she heard the matching full name called by the woman. The sight of the picture cleared all her doubts.

"I am confused here," she exclaimed.

"Confused about what?" The official asked her. "Do you know him?"

"Everyone should hold on. Let me call Kayode to join us because I can't really believe what is happening right now."

Both Kayode's mom and the officials in the office were confused about what Sandra was saying. But they waited patiently for her to call the so-called Kayode in.

Sandra went to the car and informed Kayode that their supervisor wanted to see him. Kayode devised many tactics to avoid going inside because he already knew that his mom was inside. Sandra didn't take it lightly with him.

"Either you follow me in there, or we part our ways and never meet again right now," Sandra threatened.

Kayode reluctantly followed Sandra to the office. His mom started weeping profusely upon sighting Kayode walking in.

"So, you are in this world, and you neglected your father and me. Your father is in jail because of the loan he took for your education that he wasn't able to pay back."

The atmosphere was tense.

"Please, stop crying, ma," Sandra console the old woman. "Kayode, is this your mom?" She asked.

Kayode kept mum.

"Are you doubting me?" Kayode's mom asked Sandra. "Why are you not talking?" She turned to Kayode and asked.

Sandra couldn't contain her emotions. Tears started flowing down his cheeks like a pool.

"How wicked can you be?" Sandra asked Kayode. "Your parents are alive, and you lied to me that they died in a plane crash. You betrayed your parents, who suffered for you. If you can betray your parents so easily, how much less me? I can't trust a betrayal.

Kayode lost his voice throughout the encounter.

His mom, disappointed, returned to the village.

Sandra intervened in the incarceration of Kayode's father. She paid the loan and secured his release.

"I do this for the sake of humanity and for the fact that you didn't deserve what Kayode has subjected you to over the months. I loved your son sincerely, and I hoped we had a great future together. Unfortunately, everything was fine until this magnitude of his betrayal came to revelation. I am done with our relationship."

"I understand how you feel. Thank you for bailing me out despite what my son did to you. Whatever was going on well between both of you had a faulty foundation due to the lies told to you by my son. You deserve someone better."

Kayode's parents were deeply heartbroken. They nearly regretted sacrificing so much for a son that chose to deny their existence. After much pleading from extended family members, Kayode's parents accepted him back, but the trust had been irredeemably punctured.


Anything build on the foundation of lies will definitely come crashing sooner than expected.
Nice story outline! I enjoyed the reading

Lies has an expiring date. Once it reaches, everything built on it comes crashing.

He lost a gem. If only he had been real and told her everything without listening to his friend.

That's true. I see genuineness in Sandra's love for him. His financial status wouldn't have sent her away. Kayode allowed himself to be influenced by a bad friend. Thank you for stopping by.

Yeah, she was deeply interested in him and he didn't need all thst he did.

You are welcome.


Thank you for the support, @theinkwell

Omo!!! How do people deny their parents now... No matter what! Especially parents who have gone through hell for one's sake. I know this is fiction but I have seen it play out in real life situations.... May God not give us such children.

I can't wrap up my head around it too. It's so unfortunate. Amen to your prayers.

Nothing built on lies will last, and friends like Wale are no good. A big lesson for Kayode.

Building on lies is like building on a sand without foundation. It takes just a wind to blow the whole thing away. Thank you for stopping by.

Wale really led kayode on the wrong path

She helped Kayode’s father pay off a loan but still ends the relationship, vowing never to trust him again.

Relationship built on lies will never stand because the truth will definitely come out

Once the truth comes out, the trust is punctured for life.