My graduation.

in The Ink Well8 months ago


The day I graduated from the university is a day that I will never forget. Friends and family came around to celebrate with me.

A day before the event, my brother and my cousin arrived from Abuja.

My landlady had voluntarily given me two more rooms in the house to accommodate my family and well-wishers who would come to spend nights. On the arrival of my brother, aunty, and many friends, my landlady hosted everyone to a feast. The woman took me as her son and not just a tenant.

"This boy has been a humble and dedicated student right from when he packed into this house," my landlady, popularly known as Mama Zainab, told my aunty. "This is my time to celebrate his academic achievement."

The following morning, which was graduation day, I woke up very early to prepare for the event. I had ironed my academic gown the previous night. I stood in front of the mirror in my room to add finishing touches to my appearance. "Six years ago, I wore this gown to herald the beginning of my academic journey." I talked aloud with my eyes fixed on the picture hung on the wall. "Today, I am putting on the gown not just to mark my successful completion of my studies but also as the best graduating student." I didn't know when I went on my knees and put my forehead on the ground to appreciate the Almighty God.

"Everyone is ready. The latest graduate, can you join us and lead us through the way?" My brother tapped me from behind.

Before leaving the room, my eye fell on the picture of my dad hanging opposite mine. I was moved to tears seeing that my father wasn't there to celebrate me on that date. When I was leaving home to go to school for the first time six years earlier, he wished me good luck and hoped to celebrate my graduation with me. He didn't live long enough to witness that. After a little reflection, my eyes got impregnated with tears. Noticing my sudden change in mood, my brother connected with my thoughts immediately. He saw me put my attention on our father's picture on the wall.

"Whatever we achieve today, he takes the glory. Let's go out and celebrate you in his name. He would be proud of you, wherever he is now."

I turned my back to my room while I cleaned the escaping tears from my face.

My brother and I joined others in two cars and left for the graduation ceremony.

The auditorium was decorated in beautiful colors. A section was dedicated to the graduates, while another was for the parents and guardians. The third was for the undergraduate students in the department. A few minutes after everyone takes his or her seat, the program starts. It started with the recitation of the national anthem and national prayers. The auditorium was full to capacity.

Without any delay, the oath of practice as a science laboratory technician was administered to my colleagues and me. It was one of the happiest days of my life. Journalists from the university's information unit and journalists from various media organizations were on the ground to cover the event.

The NTA (Nigerian Television Authority) televised the program live. At the end of the event, I was invited to the podium to come and give a vote of thanks.

I stood up and looked around the hall; the number of people paying attention to me was intimidating. My heart was in my mouth as I entered the auditorium. I was monitoring my steps to avoid missing any. My voice trembled as I saw many microphones pointed at my mouth for me to speak to.

I had to run the gauntlet of the microphones and cameras.

"On behalf of my colleagues, I want to sincerely appreciate the vice chancellor and other principal officers of the university." I took a deep breath before continuing. "To our parents, I say a very big thank you for sacrificing a lot for us to get us this far." I went on to appreciate everyone present and wish them mercy on their journeys to their various destinations.

On my way out of the auditorium, the microphones were waiting for me to have a personal interview with them.

"Can you tell us how you feel today?" One journalist asked me.

"I feel great and fulfilled," I responded to him. I answered a few questions more before pleading with them to allow me to leave the premises of the auditorium.

My friends and family were already at the venue for refreshments. It was on an open field within the university.

By the time I got to the venue, my mind that was up earlier had come down. It was all smiles and celebration as my people celebrated with me.