The Special Bond | The Inkwell Prompt #61

in The Ink Well3 years ago


Olette felt depressed. She felt the fading away had begun. Sighing deeply, she folded her translucent, shiny wings and dropped through a tiny hole where the big trees in the Pixie woodlands overlapped and formed a big canopy. She hovered a little above the ground to pick off an injured bee from a sunflower before dropping finally to the ground.

"Hey you," she whispered to the bee tucked in the palm of her hand. Its buzzing was weak. "Hurt your wings, eh? Let's see how I can make you all better…"

Just then, three faeries flew by, saw her and giggled to themselves. "Talking to a bee? Hahaha," one laughed.

"When do you think she'll ever find her special bond?" Another asked.

"Don't know. You should ask her yourself…"

Those were the words that reached Olette's ears as the faeries flew away to attend to their humans. Olette sighed once more and sat down on a tree root. She stared at the bee, lost in thoughts.

In the fae world, when faeries reach adulthood, they gain the power to form a special bond with a living human. They become like guardians, using their magical powers to help the humans whenever they need it. As soon as the humans were born, they would telepathically send out a signal by their first laugh to draw the faeries to them. The faeries would then find them and the special bond would be formed.

Very few faeries did not form this special bond. They became an outcast in Pixie woodlands. Without the special bond, they lost their powers, became depressed and faded away. There was no such fae at Pixie woodlands except Olette.

Olette reached adulthood two years ago and had not yet found her human. Her peers had found their humans and were running around to attend to their benevolent duties. Olette waited for a year hoping the signal would come but it did not. She flew from one end of the earth to the other, in search of her human, but returned to the woodlands unbonded.

By then, her peers mocked her. Her parents suggested she find her own treehouse as they hoped to bear another fae. Olette became depressed.

The bee buzzed weakly in her palm, reminding her of its presence. Olette spread open her palm, feeling sorry for the poor bee. She lightly touched the crumpled part of its wing and a tiny ray of light passed from her finger into the bad wing. Instantly, it straightened.

The bee buzzed louder and took off from her palm into the air. Olette smiled slightly, amused at the speed at which the bee flew from her palm. It flew around her head before settling down on her shoulder. She felt a trickle of happiness watching the bee but remembered her predicament and doused it.

"You are better now. Go off and do your thing," Odette whispered to the bee.

"Buzzzz…what thing? You just made my injured wing better. I'm indebted to you for life," the bee said, shocking Odette.

Her eyes widened. "I can hear you."

"I had to speak slower…so you can hear. Thank you, my lady fae." The bee attempted a bow. Odette could not believe her eyes or ears. She chuckled, her heart melting with love for the tiny creature. She brought an open palm close to her shoulder and the bee dropped into it. She wanted to see the bee clearly and turning her neck to speak to her shoulder was uncomfortable.

"It's nothing," she said.

"Don't belittle yourself, young fae. It's everything. Was going 'bout my pollen business when my wing got caught on a wisp and I was injured….you look sad. What is it?"

Odette was quiet for a long moment before she answered the question with tears in her eyes. "I-I am unbonded. I can't find my human."


Odette nodded in affirmation. The bee buzzed in a circle and stopped in front of her nose. "I have an idea. You helped me so I will help you."

"Thank you but how?"

"What if your human is unable to give the signal?"

Olette stared at the bee in shock. "That has never happened before. Every baby laughs."

"Uhhh…buzzz…I have flown past human houses and seen babies unable to laugh."

Olette stood up from the tree root in excitement and dusted her dress. "Where? Tell me so I can go look, maybe my human is there."

"Buzzz, calm yourself. I hear 'em humans call the place hospi…something. I'll just take you there." Olette and the bee took off into the blue sky in search of Olette's human.

The breeze was cool and the sky blue without a dot of cloud in it as the bee led Olette to a big hospital in the town next to Pixie woodlands. Olette sprinkled some pixie dust on herself and became invisible. Only the bee could see her. It led her to the neonatal ward.

"They are so adorable, are they not?" Olette stared in wonder through the window glass at the babies wrapped snuggly in swaddling clothes and placed in their small cots. The bee buzzed in response.

Olette walked through the neonatal ward and then into the intensive care unit. Her heart warmed up at the sight of a toddler in one of the rooms. She could hear two doctors discussing that the child was put on life support due to a deadly infection and they feared she may never wake up.

"Oh no!" Olette exclaimed.

"What? What'd they say?" The bee buzzed in her ear.

As tears pooled in her eyes, she shook her head. "He's the one," she pointed to the toddler. "And he's dying."

"You sure 'bout that?"

"Yes, yes," she whispered, walking towards the toddler's bed. The mother sat beside her baby, staring at her baby, looking forlorn. As Olette drew close, her wings fluttered involuntarily and shine brightly.

"Your wings," the bee said.

"I can hear him trying to reach out but too weak to do so."

"Well, whatcha gonna do?"

Olette laid her hands on the toddler's chest and light filtered through her hands into the toddler's body. He sneezed and the mother was amazed. She ran to get the doctor.

Olette smiled widely that the bee blinked twice to be sure she was still herself. Her face was illuminated with light and happiness. Olette hovered a little in the air and spinned around, chuckling. When she settled down, she was beaming from ear to ear.

"Thank you, bee. I am finally bonded to my human…."

"You are?"

'Yes. Just now and he's going to be fine. Just like when you were weak but fine after I touched you. I am bonded. Yipeee!" Olette screamed, though only the bee could hear her, and took to the air, sprinkling dust of goodness around in joy.

The end.

Photo by: Alyssum Mormino on Unsplash


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Hello @kemmyb,
I love your story. I do have to admit that usually I'm not impressed with magical stories, but this one is symbolic. It is the sort of story any young person might relate to. Most people, as they are growing, doubt themselves. It seems everyone else has a place, is comfortable, is happy. Of course that's not true, but that's how it seems to most young people. They need to be reminded that being different is not the same as being wrong. That if they try and are 'true to themselves', then they will find a way to be fulfilled, their own path.

Your story would be a great read for a young person looking for a path. It also reminds those of us who have traveled a long path, that we are unique and have our place if we take the time to see it.

Great story.

They need to be reminded that being different is not the same as being wrong. That if they try and are 'true to themselves', then they will find a way to be fulfilled, their own path.

This right here is just inspiring and sums up this story. You are right, @agmoore. We are unique and everyone must run their race individually. Not all of us will get to the finish line at the same time.

I'm thrilled you loved this story and it made this much impact. Thank you for reading and also for your insightful comment. !PIMP ☺️

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Reading this amazing story warmed my heart. This story also depicts that one should not just give up easily, we should keep fighting till we find what we are looking for.

Glad Olette got bonded to her human so now I wonder what those faeries who mocked would say. Silly faeries.😅

Enjoyed reading your post! Lovely plot!

This story also depicts that one should not just give up easily, we should keep fighting till we find what we are looking for.

You are absolutely correct! Hope is that light that brightens our path on our life's journey.

Silly faeries.😅

😂 Indeed, they are silly. I'm sure they would be ashamed to know Olette would not fade away after all.

Thanks so much for reading. !PIZZA !LUV 🙂

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Hey @kemmyb, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

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Hello @kemmyb,
You handle the prompt and the challenge beautifully. Happiness is the goal. In pursuit of that goal our protagonist is despondent, and yet hopeful. She searches for someone to bond with, but does not let disappointment rob her of her help. It is that mission which redeems her. Your voice is strong, and consistent. Sweet, yearning and yet hopeful.

Thank you for sharing this story with us, and as always, we appreciate that you engage with other authors.

Thank you for this glowing comment and your support. The story just flowed and I enjoyed writing it. I wish we could always be like Olette, hopeful! 🙂

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen today and I am really glad @kemmyb that your story is the first I’ve read today’s. Who would have thought fairy tales like this would seem so good in text 😀

Wow, thanks @blackalbino1 for this lovely comment. I'm glad you liked this story. Thanks for your visit. 🙂

A very good piece. I am not so much fond of the fairyland but I have heard of the word "pixie dust". Waiting to read more of your stories.

Fae stories have always held my interest and pixie dust is the magical dusts they spray to make things happen! Thanks for reading. More stories are on the way! ☺️ !PIZZA

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I have always wished I could hear insects talk, ha ha , wonderful piece

Lol, I don't like insects so much but wouldn't mind hearing they speak! Thanks for your comment. 🙂

It's a pleasure

This is such an intriguing story, it got me hooked all through and the ending made me so happy.

Then my work here is done! 😄 Thanks for visiting.

You are welcome.


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Well, I didn't think I could like a fairytale story, but this one hooked me from the very beginning, when the little fae wanted to help despite her big sadness. It was so well written that I knew, rightaway, that I had to learn somthing from this writer.

While reading your story, I even changed my textual dictionary for words I didn't know (about 20 of them) since English is not my fisrt language. I think I'm gonna read you more often. Beautiful story. Wonderful message. Congratulations.

Well, hello @amaponian! I appreciate you for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it. I invite you to read more. We learn from each other. Thank you! !PIZZA 🙂

This story was developed rather beautifully. The relationship between the fairy and the bee was a precious reminder that no life is insignificant. I was both happy to see that she had found her human, and then sad that this portion of the story was so quick to resolve. It would have been interesting to see a bit more of the reasons behind his inability to reach out to her. Very much enjoyed this story, @kemmyb

It would have been interesting to see a bit more of the reasons behind his inability to reach out to her.

I know! I had it all in my head but the word count was almost hitting the mark laid down by Ink Well. I didn't want to cross it and also make it easy for others to read. Not everyone can stand a lengthy story.

Thanks for highlighting this. I appreciate your lovely comment. 🙂

Awnn...Oletta is such a sweetheart, I wish she was my fairy!! Lol, I envy the baby now.

Grey story though. Very very charming and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Hahaha. I agree, Olette is a caring fae. I appreciate your lovely comment and so glad you like this story. Thanks! 🙂

Your work is amazing. What a relief at the end. I was starting to lose hope that she wouldn't get bonded. Phew.

Ah, good thing Olette got bonded at the end. If not, what would be the point of this story? Hehe, thanks a lot for the nice compliment. 🙂

@kemmyb you have used your piece to lead some people on the way of life which is supposed to be like that because we can start a race at the same time, everyone will struggle to reach the destination but everyone will not get there at the same time. Thank you for sharing this piece in a great community like this one. Please continue with a good job!

Hey there! Thanks for your insightful comment. We are on a journey but not everyone gets to the end at once. It's all about appreciating every step. I'm glad you liked this story. 🙂

This is so magical! It is a simple tale told well. Your story is even poetic in some parts. I enjoyed readingit, brought a smile to my face!

...brought a smile to my face!

I'm delighted! Thanks for this lovely comment and for your visit. 🙂

This was a beautiful story ... well done!

Thank you so much for your kind comment. 🙂

been long i ready a fairy tales, this is interesting, write more fairy tales story lol

😂 Okay, I hear you. Be prepared to read more fairy tales and I'll tag you when I post them! 😋

 2 years ago  

Lovely magical story. Sometimes it takes others to show us the path to where we need to go. It wasn't by chance she saved the bee. One good deed leads to many other opportunities to reap.

Thanks for sharing.
Read through ListNerds

Very nice story. The magic works well with the storyline. Thanks for sharing.

Haha, bees are a good choice but be sure to hear them first before they sting! 😄
Thanks for reading.

@kemmyb! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ddn688. (5/10)

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Hey @dwixer! Thanks for reading. I appreciate your comment. You are right that humans have guardians and whether or not they are called angels or some other name, is debatable. This story is just a figment of my imagination. That's why we call this genre fantasy. ☺️