Hardworking leads to success

in The Ink Well2 months ago

"You are aware that mummy and daddy doesn't want you to study engineering, they've given you their reasons for wanting you to study business administration, why don't you just forget about engineering courses and do the business courses instead " Nelo said demonstrating with her arms as she tries to convince her sister Judy.

Judy took a deep breath and turned towards her sister Nelo, she asked her "have you ever dreamt of something you love so much that you would give anything to make it become reality?" Without waiting for Nelo's response she went on "if only you knew how long I've dreamt of becoming an engineer, how I picture myself constructing roads and bridges then you will understand that it's my passion and I want to achieve my goals. I can't give up now!


Lowering her head and with a subtle voice, Nelo said to her sister "I'm so sorry for not supporting you, now I understand how important this engineering course is to you. I guess I misjudged you as being stubborn, now I know better. Both of them hugged each other tightly and Nelo promised to speak to their parents on her behalf.

Two days later, Nelo thought of raising the topic and helping her parents see the bigger picture which is her sister's happiness and the day seems to be perfect because her parents were in a very good mood. She greeted her parents and gave them cashew nuts she had bought for them to make them happy. As they chatted and munched on the nuts, Nelo decided to bring up the topic.

"Daddy, I've never met any female engineer in our community. It feels like the only courses they go for is business related and office management"

Nelo noticed the frown on her father's face as he chewed slowly on the cashew, she ignored and continued " I think Judy's choice of course is good, something totally different from what others are doing and besides she will be the first female engineer in our community"

"Keep quiet my friend, what do you even know? How do you expect me as a titled man to allow my daughter, my first daughter for that matter to go and study a man's course and be building roads or houses, mba na (it's not possible)" said their father.

Daddy and who said engineering is meant for the men? We have past the time where there's is distinction between what a man or a woman can do and can not do. Judy has always dreamt of becoming an engineer so please let her do what makes her happy and watch how she will make you proud, said Nelo.

It was time for the UTME entrance examination and Judy had registered to study engineering (civil engineering). She had prepared for the exam and went with courage.

Unfortunately, she didn't do well in the course, scoring 180 when the cut off mark was 200. They offered her other course options which also included business related courses. Judy wept for days and wouldn't talk to anyone, her mother was trying her best to convince her to take up the business related course instead because it would be easier for her as a lady but Judy refused, her mind was made up to study civil engineering, "I won't back down" she told her mother, I will try again and I will succeed on my next try.

A year later, Judy decided to try again and this time her father had warned that if she fails to pass the school entrance examination, then she would take whatever course the school offers or face the consequences.

Judy prepared extensively for the exam, leaving no stone unturned she read all related topics and came up with her own exam questions which she wrote to test her capabilities. She read for months before the exam and she passed her exams with flying colours, exceeding the cut off mark.


She ran home with her printed results to show her parents and surprisingly, they were happy for her. She didn't expect her father to be happy but he was. He explained to her that he wants the best for her and was only looking out for his daughter because a friend of his told him that such course is meant for men because it's tedious and too dangerous for women. Seeing you working so hard to achieve your goals made me realize that this is what you really want and it's makes you happy.

Judy hugged her father and thanked him for believing in her "I will make you proud " she said to him. The family came together to celebrate Judy's achievement with a special dish.

Few years later, Judy graduated and became the first female civil engineer in their community. She was also among the team that constructed their roads and everyone that saw her went to their house to congratulate her father for such great achievements. Her father was so proud of her that he would always boost about his daughter's occupation.


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Pursueing your dream's in the right way always lead's to success, Nice post✨

Thanks for taking time to read