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RE: Week Two - The Ink Well Summer Contest - Final Rules!

in The Ink Well4 years ago (edited)

Hello @theinkwell. Thank you for the opportunity to revise my initial draft. Here is the link to my final draft:

Thanks to all who provided extensive and quality feedback and suggestions. They were exactly what I needed to take a step back and look at my story through their eyes and reading.

Finally, thanks to @jayna for suggesting; and especially to @deeanndmathews for showing me how to read through my story and spot several possible titles that actually fit the story line.

Good luck to all who are continuing on with their final draft.

Have a good rest of your weekend.


 4 years ago  

You're welcome, and, nice update!

"He'd no interest in any new skirmishes" ... I remember once hearing that "he had" really cannot officially be contracted, BUT, in casual spoken British English, it DOES happen, so, forever around and around on the question of spoken versus written English, and where and why ...

 4 years ago  

Hello. Thanks for the correction on the contraction. It sounds better not written that way. I'll fix that