Elliah's Class Encounter| original story by @joreneagustin

in The Ink Well3 years ago (edited)


I attentively listened to Miss Aguinaldo’s announcement but the bell rang, and it's our breaktime.

“Okay class dismissed! See you again tomorrow.” Miss Aguinaldo, our teacher, smiled and bid her goodbye.

Our classmates went out immediately, it seems that break time is their favorite subject.

“Faster, I'm enjoying the discussion earlier. Let's just buy food for a minute!”

“Huh! you're just enjoying your nonsense vlog, Joshua!”

“Yippie! Let's eat guys!”

There they are my classmates. They are so loud but I envy them since they have their friends.

I'm not going to buy my food since I don't have money. I will just go to the washroom. But before I could go out, Wella and her friends blocked my way.

“What’s up? Bright classmate?” she called me bright in a low voice. “Oh? Seems like you are enjoying this show, to call you bright, or smart?” I didn't say anything, I just looked at her.

She shook her head, and it seemed like I disappointed her.

“Come on, Elliah. Don't dream of being the highest in class. Know your place, girl.” she smiled widely, she curled my hair then she tapped my shoulder. They laughed at me, I didn't do anything, I just ignored them.

Wella’s group are smart and powerful, all of them are beautiful. Mens with our age like their group.

After using the washroom, I went back to the classroom. As always, I’m alone again. My classmates haven't come back yet, maybe they’re enjoying the break time while I am enjoying my time alone reading my books.

“Oh goodness! Didn't you hear the news? Someone at Section-A stole Miss Aguinaldo’s wallet!”

“Really? Oh my gosh! Shame on that thief.”

“But who is she? Or he?”

“I don't know, Miss Aguinaldo will be there after breaktime.”

I heard some gossiping outside our classroom. I looked at them and they’re looking in my direction. I just ignored them and read my book again.

But wait? They said it was from section A? There’s a thief in our section? But how come they steal the wallet of Miss Aguinaldo?

Some classmates entered the room and they are talking about Miss Aguinaldo’s wallet.

“Oh, You're alone here earlier, right, Elliah?” Wella's voice echoed in our classroom.

“As always, Wella! She seems so busy with her book.” one of Wella’s friends says. “Uh? It seems like you're nervous, Elliah? Are you the one who stole Miss Aguinaldo’s wallet?” there I faced her!

I was shocked by what she said, she's telling me that I stole Miss Aguinaldo’s wallet?

No way! I can't do that!

I heard some laughter at the back.

“No worries, Gelai. She's poor. She might think that stealing can save her from hunger! Hahahaha.” Wella said while laughing with our classmates.

I stood up and faced them all. “I may be poor, Wella. But I can't do that! I am not a thief!” I said confidently.

“Well let's see! You were the one alone here. And you possibly do what you can do inside this room!” Wella insisted. I just shook my head.

We are making a scene now, Wella confronts me, and our classmates are listening. I heard Miss Aguinaldo sighed. I nervously looked at her direction. Hoping to save me from this scene.

“Class, stop it. Don't judge someone if you didn't see her actually stealing my wallet.” Miss Aguinaldo calmly said.

“But please, my students, my wallet is important, my cards, and I'ds were all there. If you see it, please give it to me.” Miss Aguinaldo said in a pleasing low tone.

I felt sad. And nervous at the same time.

“But Ma’am? Elliah was the only one left here! She possibly saw who stole it, or probably, she stole it!” I didn't feel this anger towards Wella before. But she's accusing me and it's hurting me!

“I didn't steal anything. I went to the washroom after class, then when I went back here, I heard gossipings about Miss Aguinaldo's wallet!” I explained it to everyone, hoping they will stop accusing me.

“Okay, stop accusing Wella.” Miss Aguinaldo told her. “To prove her wrong, Elliah, can we check your bag?” Miss Aguinaldo asked me. I felt nervous but I nodded slowly, letting them check my bag.

Some boys in our class got my bag and put it in front of the table.

I closed my eyes, and I felt sad how they treated me like a thief. I never felt this way before. I have never been accused in my entire life!


“She’s a liar!”


“Hypocrite and a thief!”

“Elliah. Can you explain about this?” I heard Miss Aguinaldo’s cold voice, it seems like she's disappointed.

When I opened my eyes and looked at them...

“WHAT?!” I screamed, I got shocked when I saw that the wallet was inside my bag!

“BOOOOOO!!” I heard my classmates read loud boooos!

How did that happen?

“Ma’am! I don't know why it's inside my bag! I didn't touch any of your things maam, please believe me...” my tears pooled in my eyes.

I never did that!

“Your explanation is useless now, Elliah. It's clearly inside your bag!” Wella butts in!

“No! I demand to check the CCTV.” I said and I almost cried because of this shameful scene!

“Are you playing with yourself, Elliah? Hahaha.” Wella said. And almost all of my classmates are laughing.

“Okay let's check for the CCTV footage.” Miss Aguinaldo said.

Miss Aguinaldo called the CCTV operators in our building.

“Whattt!? Deleted?” Miss Aguinaldo's voice echoed.

She turned to me...

“Sorry Elliah, but the CCTV footage hours ago was deleted! Someone planned these things!” Miss Aguinaldo said.

“Sorry about this evidence...” she's pertaining to the wallet inside my bag ”...is fine, also no one can prove that you didn't steal it. Call your parents tomorrow. And you’ll be in charge of cleaning the CR for straight one week. I’ll let this case stay in our class, I won't spread it. Just do the consequences! I'm so disappointed!”

I cried as I felt that I'm alone in this battle. I have no companion and worst, they didn't believe in me.

“But I think she doesn't deserve it, ma'am.” someone at the back said it. I was shocked!

Is he saving me?

“Joshua? What are you talking about?” Maam Aguinaldo asked.

“We just lacked evidence, maam. What if someone planned it?” Joshua asked while she shyly laid his eyes in Wella.

“Joshua, it's okay. We couldn't do anything anymore. I can't change their perception about me anymore. I'm poor and a thief to them. ” I said shyly while it was breaking my heart.

“A transferee like her doesn't deserve to be treated this way! Shame to the students who judged and accused her.” Joshua added.

I felt a bit relieved after hearing Joshua’s concern. At least there is one who's on my side.

“I bet Wella is more deserving of that punishment, ma'am.” I was stunned and shocked at the same time after hearing Joshua's words!



“Joshua may have lost his mind! Hahaha”

“Wella doesn't deserve punishment!”

Our classmates began talking... They glared at me. I just looked at their direction.

What does Joshua mean?

He slowly walked in front, he connected his phone to the laptop and then to our big flat screen TV.

“Good. That your recording is worth it man!” Joshua's friends at the back are cheering him.

I heard earlier that he was recording for his vlog. But I don't know what’s inside his phone to save me in this situation.

I looked at Wella, and I can sense that she is nervous. But what does she do to feel that way? And why does Joshua say that she deserved punishment?

“I recorded this video while we were discussing, ma'am. I just wanted to make a music video about my classmates. If our CCTV is broken, which was planned by a smart student, then let this video prove you'll be wrong!” I freeze while Joshua is talking.

He looked at me and smiled.

Half of me is glad that someone is there to save me from this shameful moment. But half of me are feeling nervous and sad at the same time.

“Whaaaatttt!” Everyone in our classroom looks disappointed. When I took a look at the screen...

The recording started at Miss Aguinaldo’s discussion. We changed seats for our group activity, I was the leader of group 2 and Wella was the leader in group 4. Our group got the highest score and Wella started to hate me again.

Until break time, Wella’s group and I were left alone inside the classroom. There! I see Wella went to Miss Aguinaldo’s table at the back! And the next thing that happened was when they blocked my way. Wella curled my hair, then tapped my shoulder then... WHHHHAAAAT!

When she slid her hand, she put something in the side of my bag!

The whole class sighed and everyone was now staring at Wella. She can't look at everyone’s face.

“Can you zoom it out, Joshua? I want to assure things this time.” Miss Aguinaldo's serious voice echoed inside our classroom.

When Joshua zoomed it out... there!

It proved to everyone that I'm not a thief.

Someone at my back, whispering I'm sorry Elliah.

“I’m so disappointed with you Miss Wella Aragon. You're supposed to be a model in this class, but you failed me!” Miss Aguinaldo

“BOOOOO!” Everyone is saying that word to Wella.

“The real thief, Wella Aragon!” a classmate shouted.

Right? Because of her anger towards me, she planned that thing? To put the wallet inside my back and accuse me? It's so childish!

“TSK...TSK...TSK!” a voice outside our classroom echoed. When we turned our heads to look at who is it...the principal! He stepped inside and walked in front of Wella.

Everyone got silent as they watched Mr. Principal.

“Dad” Wella uttered. “Please dad....” she's now crying.

The principal is Wella’s dad?

“I’m sorry Miss Aguinaldo, and to you Miss Elliah for my daughter’s doing.” I nodded, he turned to Wella “I will not tolerate your action, Wella. I'm so disappointed and ashamed!” then he looked at our teacher “Miss Aguinaldo, give her the right punishment.”

From that day, my classmate asked for my forgiveness. They were sorry for accusing me. They became nice to me too and some want to be friends with me. Wella and her friends are doing their punishment, cleaning the CR, hallway, and library for 2 weeks.

“Good morning, Elliah!” Joshua greeted me and I smiled.

“Good morning! Enjoy your day!”

I'm glad I found a friend like them. Today, I'll start my study with confident and happy minds!


Title:Elliah's Class Encounter
Genrefiction story,and school life story
Cover PhotoEdited in Canva
Written by:@joreneagustin



No bad deed goes unpunished. Nice read.

Thank you for reading!

yiee nice story of yours. sana all may hero <3

Thank you for reading and for your appreciation po😄

Oh, it feels terrible when one gets wrongly accused. I'm Glad that bully got busted. Bad behavior and evil deeds will always be punished one way or another.

Aside from the advice @theinkwell mentioned about the grammar, your writing is beutiful.

Thanks for sharing that story! 😀

Thank you for reading!

Hello @joreneagustin An interesting story you have there, thank you for sharing it in The Ink Well.

Bullying is a problem that sadly exists in our schools, but there will always be good people who face those bullies, stop their wrong doings, and stand up for the truth, just like Joshua did in your story.

I like the way you describe the setting, emotions, and dialog between the characters. However, there are many grammar issues in your writing, which made it hard to overlook.

I see that you have been directed before to check our Help for the Grammatically Challenged, and I would emphasize again that it would help you greatly to correct those grammar issues in your stories.

I would also like to suggest again visiting and commenting on the work of other writers in The Ink Well community. (See The Ink Well community rules on our home page.) This helps our community thrive, and also makes you eligible to be chosen for a spotlight in our weekly highlights magazine.

Thank you @theinkwell, I am glad you liked it. Now, I will try to use google docs, I'm willing to improve my grammar issues so thanks for your advice!🤗

A delightful story, with a clear moral.

Thank you for appreciating!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment