
in The Ink Well4 months ago (edited)
I stared at my mom who sat on the sofa in our living room apartment as she weaved a red and white colored cardigan for my younger brother, John, the baby of the house who was getting ready for boarding school for the first time in high school. My mom's face was expressionless but deep down, I knew she had resorted to engaging in weaving as one of the several means of distractions to ameliorate the loneliness that lurked within. She was oblivious of my stare and equally, the thoughts that flooded my mind. I sensed her solastalgia was masked only because my brother and I were around to make the house lively.

I nodded my head in disapproval yet mother did not notice. I did not want her kind of life. My dad, her husband serves in the military and stays out more than he was ever around. We were tired of relocating and personally, I was tired of changing schools and having to repeat classes occasionally. I got accustomed to not having my dad around but my mom lived life like a shadow of herself.

"Mom, you thinking about dad right?" I said gently after watching mom's fingers masterfully weave for a protracted period.

Mom turned slowly towards me and let out a smile, one I knew was fake in all its creation. "Don't mind me, we need to get your brother prepared for his new school." Mom responded.

I nodded in affirmation both for her diversion and also the question I asked. My mind was made up at that instance, 'I would never end up like mom'.

It had been two weeks since John was escorted to the boarding school and I longed for the remainder of my holidays so as to resume back to college. I didn't like the idea of leaving mom alone but I had no choice, I had to go to school. I stayed indoors most often, avoiding making friends with my age bracket in the barrack where we lived. My intention was to block every avenue of meeting or making friends with children of officers, a tactic to avoid the terrors of loneliness such as experienced by my mom.

I helped mom in her supermarket store where she sold foodstuffs and beverages. I came around only when I wished or severely bored, expecting nothing exciting at the shop also. But, whenever I was at the shop, I helped mom in making sales. She had gone to the market to restock while I stayed back at the shop to attend to customers.

"Excuse me, do you have cardboard paper and HB pencil?" A soothing and gentle voice caught my attention from the phone I was glued to. I looked up and marveled at the innocent looking and chocolate skin color guy in his late twenties, probably three years older than I. His eyes sparkled enchantment while the dimples on his face as he smiled weakened my senses.

I was shocked for a brief moment and fell into a short trap of amnesia, mesmerized by the physique of the customer.

"I'm Teni." I said with a smile.

"Oh, I'm Bankole." He said and stretched forth his hand for a shake which I took hastily.


"Nice to meet you Mr. Bankole." I said shyly holding onto his hand longer than I should have.

"Just call me Bankole or Banky"

"Alright Banky."

"So.....?" Bankole asked, piercing me with his searching eyes.

"Oh, pardon me, what did you come for again? Pardon my manners." I asked, trying to coordinate myself.

"Cardboard and HB pencil?" Bankole repeated.

"Oh.... Pardon my clumsiness." I said and went to pick what he came for.

"Can you make the cardboard two? White please." Bankole echoed from where he stood as I drew out the cardboard from its pack.

I gave Bankole his items and he turned to leave. I almost thought he stopped halfway as every ounce in me wanted to call him back. I stood transfixed as Bankole's figure slowly disappeared into a far distance.

I wished I had the courage to strike further conversations with Bankole or even, ask for his phone digits. 'Come on Teni, if the feelings were mutual, he would have taken the first step as man.' I consoled myself with the thought.

I began to frequently come around the shop purposely to meet with Bankole. The barrack was not very big, probably twenty flats. I expected Bankole to have stepped out to the shop, to buy anything at all. I longed for Bankole's voice for every customer that came to buy an item. I knew I was getting impatient, I was due to resume college in about five days.

"Bankole, my son. So you are around?" I heard my mom's voice as she attended to a customer. My heartbeat hastened faster than my legs as I rushed out to see if it was the same Bankole and immediately I saw him, my heart melted and butterflies in my tommy merried moments before I felt a surge of anger. 'What took him so long to come again? I barely have two days before returning to college.' I thought to myself as I walked closer to where Bankole is.

"How's your mom? Is she back from Adamawa?" My mom asked Bankole who stood outside of the supermarket store.

"Not yet, hopefully in three months ma." Bankole replied my mom with a smile which widened immediately our eyes met. Little did he know my heart shattered on hearing him immediately it found peace with him.

"God will bring her back to us safely. My husband has no date of returning yet. These military people and posting every now and then." My concluded as she gestured Bankole to come into the store, where a bench was. "Teni, you know Bankole right? Lieutenant Agboola's son. He's schooled in far away Jigawa but he is a graduate now. His mom is my good friend but for distance sake, except we talk on the telephone." My mom continued. "That's my daughter, Teniola." My mom added.

"Good afternoon Bankole." I said, feigning a smile.

"Good afternoon Miss Teniola." Bankole said with a smile. I wondered why he had to call out my name in full when I had previously told him, 'Teni.'

"Get him a bottle of coke my dear." My mom said to me and I stepped into the inner part of the shop where the fridge was. Many thoughts ran through my mind but I managed to compose myself. I offered him the bottle of coke and yet again, his voice almost swept me off my feet as he said, 'thank you.'

"So, what are you up to for now." My mom asked Bankole. I was glad my mom was asking the many questions I wanted to know and almost forgot myself standing beside my mom. Mom and Bankole continued to talk and laugh for a while. I was glad mom enjoyed Bankole's presence but knowing the type of mom I had, she could engage him relentlessly in conversation.

"Mom, it's almost time for evening mass." I whispered audibly to my mom. I knew my mom would not trade anything for her church program.

"Oh.... My son, I almost forgot. Teni would attend to you." Mom said and packed a few of her things before hurriedly stepping out to the church.

I signed a breath of relief as mom stepped out and an awkward and protracted silence ensued afterwards.

"Your mom is interesting to talk with." Bankole finally broke the silence after a few minutes.

"You're right, that's when she enjoys your company." I said and sat on the bench next to Bankole. "So, what took you forever to come around again?" I whispered gently before remembering I was getting myself wrong again. "Pardon me, what did you come to pick up roday?" I asked shyly.

"Nothing really, I came to deliver this." Bankole said, bringing out a portrait drawing on a cardboard paper from his bag.

"Wow!" I exclaimed in disbelief. Bankole had drawn a picture of me from the day we first met and the smile of the image captivated me so much I had no choice than to blush. "You're amazingly good Banky." I said, looking at the portrait severally as though it were a different image of me.

"You like it?" Bankole asked.

"Like? I love this!"

"I'm glad you love it. See you around?" Bankole said, standing up to leave.

"Hmmm... Well" I stuttered.

Bankole stopped for a moment, piercing me once again with his searching eyes.

"I won't be staying beyond Friday. I have to resume college." I said regrettably.

"Ouch... Guess I have to spend the whole of tomorrow with you then?" Bankole replied.

The butterflies in my tommy came to life once again, hearing Bankole's proposal to spend the following day with me. I knew I was going against my fundamental resolution of not falling in love with a military personnel's son but here I was, helplessly falling in love.

Bankole and I spent the following day together. I let mom stay alone in the shop. Bankole and I explored several places in town, including parks and even the cinema. The day ran fast and dusk knocked despite not wanting the day to end.


Bankole walked me to my doorstep, my heartbeat raced erratically as he gently held my hand. Many thoughts ravaged through my mind. I knew Bankole would be gone for his compulsory one year youths service posting in a few days to any part of the country while I would be back to college yet I feared deep within a period we would be away indefinitely. He opened his arms and sheepishly, I walked into his arms, savouring his scent and build while fear lurked deep within my heart.


A story that takes us through the development of a relationship from the beginning to the end. Very enjoyable to read and the chemistry of the lovers is charming.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent Thursday.

Thank you very much for your kind comment.

Did you know I had to check out the tags you used before making a conclusion from the wrong thought process?
I had a good read! @jjmusa2004

I'm glad you found this worthy to resonate with. Thank you for reading

You're much welcome!☺

I could picture the scenes clearly in my head as i read through. This was very much relatable. You write very well, i must commend you.

I'm glad you enjoyed the reading. thank you for your kind words

What a beautiful story! I think many people reading it will identify with your story because who hasn't seen a possible love leave and with it hope. I loved your story. Regards

Thank you very much dear friend for your soothing comment. Truly, love remains a mystery, abolishing the very walls we build against it.


I am much honoured!

Thank you very much