His rising

in The Ink Well8 months ago
We live in a world where people can't be accepted if they don't have anything to show for it. Some people choose to make a name for themselves, while others feel they do not have to lift a finger, probably because they were born with a silver spoon. However, there are others who are just lazy and do not wish to do anything for themselves.

"How long do you intend to continue with all of this?" A voice sounded close to Samuel, bringing him out of his reverie. He turned to see his longtime friend, and with a smile, they shook hands.

"Micah, you finally came to see me." Samuel exclaimed with a smile, still shaking Micah's hand vigorously.

"How could I not come when my dear friend is in need of my help?" Micah responded.

"I'm really glad you came down to this place to see me. Please have a seat." Samuel said, and sat down as well. A female servant came out with a tray of fruits and served them. Samuel thanked her for her diligence, and she departed.

"So, why exactly are you here? What are you hoping to achieve by leaving home?" Micah asked again. The friend he knew most certainly came from a buoyant family where he lacked for nothing. He was supposed to be the heir to his father's company, but he chose to suffer. Micah couldn't seem to understand why Samuel would make such a rash decision.

"My dear friend, I know how all of these might seem to you, but trust me, I have a good reason for being out here." Samuel said.

"Could you share these reasons of yours with me?" Micah asked him.

Samuel was quiet for a while, but then he decided to speak up; after all, Micah was the only friend he could rely on in a time like this.

"I'm here because I want to make a name for myself. I want to earn a living and make my father proud of my success. That's my reason for being here." Samuel confessed to Micah, and this got Micah even more confused than he already was.

"But you already have everything you can ever want. Your family is rich and famous. Your dad could get you to anywhere you choose with a piece of writing. What more do you want? All you have to do is take care of the family business once your dad retires." Micah said. He didn't think it was a wise idea to abandon all the good things that life has offered a person.

"It's quite unfortunate that all everyone speaks of is my wants. How about my needs? My father sent me to the best school in Germany to study automobile engineering, and now that I'm back, he wants me to take over a textile industry, which is actually a good one, but what was the need for all the education if I do not get to practice what I learned?" Samuel explained this to Micah.


Indeed, it has been a rough time for Samuel. Living alone without financial help from his family was hard. Mr. Nam, who was his father, had cut all ties with him for disobeying his instructions, but Samuel was determined to survive on his own. It has already been a year since Samuel moved out of the house, and since then, he has been indulging in some odd jobs in order to get by daily.
"Please, Micah, all I want from you is a loan. I have intentions of getting a merchandise store where I can sell automobile parts and make repairs as well. Please help me, and I promise that within a year, I'll repay you in full. Just give me a chance to do something for myself." Samuel pleaded with Micah.

Micah stared intently at his friend. The friend who had helped him get to where he was. The same friend who had always been there to protect him. He sincerely felt bad for Samuel.
"Though I still do not understand your reason for doing this, you're my friend, and I can't sit down and watch you waste away like this. I'll give you a loan, and I'll also get a place for you to stay for your business. Consider that as my thanks to you for your immense support before all of this." Micah responded, and Samuel was filled with joy. Indeed, keeping Micah as a friend was the best decision he had ever made, and he was full of joy.

Four months later, Mr. Nam, who hadn't heard from his son, got a message about a contract with an automobile company. He read the terms of the contract and realized that he was going to make a lot of money from it. With this thought, he called the company and set up a meeting with their manager.

Mr. Nam was an hour earlier than the fixed time for the meeting. After a few moments of patient waiting, a man with a face so familiar to that of his son walked into the cafe and strolled towards him.

"Could that be my Samuel?" Mr. Nam asked himself and gasped in shock as the face came into view. Standing before him was his son, whom he had cut ties with, looking all rich and handsome.

"How could this be?" Mr. Nam asked in surprise and stood up to his feet. He peered into his face to be sure of whom he was looking at.

"Father, I'm convinced that even if we're apart for a hundred years, you will recognize your son wherever you see him." Samuel said.

"I've been waiting for you to come home. How did you get here?" His father asked, his voice breaking.

Samuel told his tale to his father. From the time he left home, down to the point where his friend helped him, and finally, the last stroke that got him to where he was.

"I helped a man fix his car, and it was as good as new. He asked for my educational qualifications, and I gave them to him. Next thing, he offered me a job, and now I'm the manager. So here I am today, so you can sign a contract with me. Would you like to work with me, father?" Samuel asked.


His father was speechless. He was surprised at how his son had turned out to be this great and magnificent, even without his help. After a few minutes of silence, Mr. Nam signed the contract, and both father and son reconciled and embraced themselves. From that moment on, everything changed for the better. And the family got back together and excelled in many ways.

Thanks for reading


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Sorry, the story is fictional and its purely based on my imagination.
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