
At this point, I was once again questioning why I was going through all this

I'm sorry, I laughed. I recognised the ridiculousness of it all and yet ... we still keep trying to make it work!

Those women, though, enough to bring out your inner flame thrower! 😍

Love the crabby assistant, good to know there are some things AI can't do.

Yes, we keep trying to make it work, against all reason. Never again, though! I've finally learned my lesson.

I heard that there are women's shelters that need clothing, and I'm going to figure out how to do that. I just don't like feeding the Goodwill machine, because it's a big capitalist venture!

there are women's shelters that need clothing

That's a very good idea.

It’s funny how some garments that may have suited you at a certain age just look ridiculous with the passage of time.

I totally relate to this one because our cabinet is literally filled with a lot of clothes, and most of them are the ones we often don't use. Your experience in reselling those clothes is sure grueling. I couldn't imagine how taxing it is to go back to those stores, especially with those foul women on the counter. I admire how long your patience was because I couldn't imagine myself dealing with them.

It's so hard to get rid of clothes, even if they no longer fit or the style is wrong. It's like we just keep feeling hopeful that at some point they will be just the right thing! But I've discovered that whenever I clear out excess things from my closet I feel amazing, like I'm getting a fresh start!

Wow ! How rude !

I wonder how people keep taking their items to these shops at all. I don't know why anyone would put up with being treated that way for a small amount of money.

I'm glad the rainbow brightened you back up.

Haha @jayna, you had me chuckling before the crabby woman image, sounds like the perfect candid camera prank. Only thing, it was for real😂 Sorry I'm laughing but I can just imagine how you must have felt, and I can see the look on those people's sullen faces!
We have an online platform called yaga where we set up our own store of preloved goods, not just clothing. I've decluttered big time, mostly homeware goods, selling them dirt cheap but making some extra on the side and the buyers are happy. We use a locker system run by a courier company, making shipping super affordable.
Yaga was started in Estonia, and whoever started Yaga here in SA must be doing exceptionally well. Perhaps there's a similar concept in your state?
If you'd like to take a peek, my store is
Thank you for brightening my day with your candid camera story. Not funny at the time though😡

Oh god what a farce! Are people in retail usually that difficult where you live? Clearly taking them to a charity shop is the way to go. I am guilty of driving clothes around for a long time before they finally go to the 'oppy' as we call it here - the opportunity shop.

That last image is hilarious. A shame you couldn't send it as a 'thankyou' card for the 'wonderful' service you didn't recieve.