Theinkwell fiction challenge | My grandmother's goat

in The Ink Well4 years ago


Imagen de German Rojas en Pixabay

My grandmother's goat

He climbs the hill as fast as he can, the slight carelessness in not closing the corral door, had him sweating among the greenery of the few bushes at the foot of the mountain, while he saw his grandmother's favorite goat walking away without stopping. He recalled his mother's constant harangues about the importance of paying proper attention to what he does, he thought it was only for intellectual tasks, and not for manual tasks such as feeding farm animals. Now he would have to struggle to return the mischievous animal to the home, from where it should never have escaped.

The clear sky, the clear air, and low foliage allow him to make eye contact with the goat, this at times stops the march and turns to look at it, as if it would challenge it to follow it. With each span of the road, the youngster slows down the pace as the slope increases, he feels his heart pounding and he is forced to stop, the goat also slows down the climb, turns again, as if to tell him I am waiting for you. He thought, this animal mocks me, you'll see when I catch you.

t is not long before they both resume their march towards the top of the mountain. The cold sweat under his coat makes him uncomfortable as he lowers his head to gasp, he observes a great shadow that descends from the heights rapidly approaching him. Something large pushes him toward the edge of the cliff-leading road, he puts up resistance and feels as if the tips of several spikes pierce through the thick overcoat to his back. He manages to stop him for a moment, and struggles and tries to turn to see the attacker.


Imagen de Torben Stroem en Pixabay

He cannot believe in the situation he is going through, he recriminates stubbornness and carelessness, in not practicing the good advice of his mother, otherwise, if he had paid enough attention, he would not have left the door open, the goat still she would be in the corral, within reach of her beloved grandmother.

Hearing a sharp sound so close that it hurts his eardrums, he understands that he was the prey of a great bird of prey. Impossible, he yells in surprise, loudly rebuking him to let him go, while he pats receives several pecks and the blood flows between his fingers. He feels the bird flutter without letting go, he thinks about the idiocy of the bird, he briefly imagines that he tries to take it to the heights, he soon discovers the true purpose, feeling stupid to belittle the intelligence of the animal. If he succeeds, he will make him fall into the gorge, killing him, the vision of being devoured shakes him. A powerful and unsuspected blow frees him from the grip of the attacker. The imposing goat, his grandmother's favorite animal, came to the rescue, repeatedly ramming the gigantic eagle with his horns, his eyes do not believe the heroism with which he fights and decides to help him. The eagle has no other option when wounded than to take flight.

The noble animal looks him straight in the eye, now he pays the proper attention, he understands that it doubles both in weight and also exceeds him in the ability to travel the steep mountains. No, the animal did not challenge him, much less mocked him, the great goat only took care of her great friend's grandson, while it was taking a walk.

The end.


An original drabbler by @janaveda

Thanks for reading me. I hope this micro-fiction is to your liking. I would very much like to read your comments in this regard to enrich myself with your criticism.



Brave the goat!

Hello @toothsome,

A brave goat and protector of your friends! LOL

Thanks for stopping by.

Very nice ending, @janaveda. I'm glad the man was saved. I've read that goats are very intelligent, so I wouldn't be surprised if one could save a person in peril. Of course I also hope the majestic eagle wasn't too harmed in the process!

Hello @jayna,

Thanks for the excellent review. We humans are supposed to be here to care for creation, including goats and eagles alike, domestic animals, and those that live freely in the wild. Therefore, like you, I hope that the eagle of fiction has learned its lesson and has not been seriously injured. LOL.