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This is my entry for The Ink Well Prompt #105: Bride, stairs, illusion

My younger sister has always been the spoiled one, she was very excited about her wedding. She had dreamed of that day since she was a little girl and had imagined every detail since she was a child. As for me, I have never wanted to get married and perhaps that is why our mother was so excited about Martha's wedding.
Here I am, sitting on the steps of the impressive St. Francis Church. The large wooden doors stood closed behind me.
The interior was decorated with beautiful pastel-colored floral arrangements and bouquets of flowers hanging from the center aisle. The arrangements were mainly composed of roses, lilies, and peonies, creating a romantic and delicate atmosphere. I have to admit that my sister is a stickler for detail.
Even the wooden pews were adorned with small bouquets of flowers that matched the main church arrangements. The light filtered through the stained glass windows and created a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
The wedding reception would be in the gala ballroom of the Princesa Plaza Hotel, decorated with centerpieces of seasonal flowers in soft, warm tones, candle arrangements in the corners, and delicate white tablecloths on the tables. The atmosphere would be warm and cozy so that all the guests would feel happy to celebrate with the newlyweds.
But Martha had the genius idea of wanting to marry a man she met online. Can you believe it? I guess today's generation only lives in fantasies. His name is Carlos and he lives in Uruguay. They had been chatting for more than 6 months and knew each other through social networks.
We weren't so sure that the idea of marrying a total stranger was the best. But Martha was in love. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister. But sometimes I think I'm adopted.
Finally, we got to meet Carlos, a man with a dashing bearing and a silver tongue. But I didn't fall for his syrupy tone. I was always on the defensive and even more so when he informed us that he wouldn't make it in time for rehearsals. His flight had been delayed for some reason. I immediately thought the whole thing was a hoax, even more so when he borrowed money from us to pay a special last-minute fee. Like the Nigerian princely emails, the situation smelled like a scam.
But Martha never gave up hope. She sent him some of her money to get him out of his country. And there it was, as fate would have it, the boy was real.
It wasn't until my sister came into my bed the night before her wedding, it was almost midnight; I was worried that I had made a bad decision.
"Are you having second thoughts?", I prodded.
But who was I to prevent her happiness, for no reason would I be the bad sister to oppose the marriage of the princess of the house.
That night she told me that she did not know that her idyllic Carlos smoked or that he chewed gum with his mouth open. Little things that our friend, the internet, was an expert at hiding.
I told her not to worry, that she would have her whole life to fix the insignificant things. Gratefully, she gave me a big hug and a big kiss before going to sleep in her bed. But that night I couldn't sleep, I had to find out what other dark things Carlos was hiding from Uruguay.
That's when I got information about the groom. Some friends who know how to use the internet very well and especially the underworld was hidden under the innocent cloak we all see on our screens, sent me an email about who Carlos really was.
The musicians had already started playing the soft melody my sister had chosen (Christina Perri - A Thousand Years from the Twilight Saga) and the guests were standing to watch the bride enter through the front door. The bride, dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress, walked down the center aisle as everyone present looked on in awe and admiration.
Next to her walked our father, who carried her on his arm and looked proud and excited. She walked gracefully (as she used to do when she was a little girl) to the altar where the groom was waiting for her with a smile on his face.
The officiant of the ceremony began to speak and the groom took my sister's hands. The guests listened attentively as the priest spoke about love and the importance of marriage.
I had very little time to stop the wedding, my hands were shaking like jelly. I must admit that my entrance was totally dramatic, soap opera-like, right at the moment when the officiant said the famous line, "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or ..."
The situation called for doing what you do when you want to rip off a band-aid, in one pull.
Yes, I had to intervene. I was the object of all eyes when my voice startled those present.
"Mr. Carlos Enrique is a married man with three children", I shouted at the top of my lungs.
I had printed out all the material that had been sent to me by mail: his visa, his national ID, and also his work information, what he did for a living.
My sister was dumbfounded.
The poor man, his eyes wide open, was struck dumb on the spot. Silence means consent, my father always said.
"It's not what you think," the victimized man repeated.
But I could be even more dramatic. I approached them, my heels echoing in the vault of the church (you could hear even the buzzing of a fly) and threw the papers at their feet, in front of their noses. My mother almost fainted, and my father was as pale as the bride's dress.
A gasp was heard from the crowd of guests.
My sister's eyes filled with tears ruining her makeup. But Carlos was still defending her honor.
"I would never hurt you, you know me," said the very Judas looking into her moistened gaze for a hint of hope.
Then, his eyes fell on one of the documents that were on the floor and he said something I was not expecting
"My name is Carlos Henriquez, with an H, this man is not me" then he took out his passport and we all saw that he was telling the truth.
"Bury me alive!" was the only thing that went through my mind.
I turned red as a tomato
What a shame I put my parents through... Now you know why I still sit on the stairs outside the church.
Suddenly I felt heavy footsteps behind me, very familiar...
"Cinthia," my father said.
"I know you didn't mean to hurt her."
"Come with us, the wedding can't go on without the maid of honor."
My sister stood at the doors of the church with her arms wide open.
One thing I was sure of, we would never forget my sister's wedding.

See you next time...

Esta es mi entrada para The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #105: Novia, escalera, ilusión

Mi hermana menor siempre ha sido la consentida de todos, estaba muy emocionada por su boda. Había soñado con ese día desde que era una niña y había imaginado cómo sería cada detalle desde pequeña. Por mi parte, jamás he querido casarme y quizás por eso nuestra madre estaba muy ilusionada con la boda de Martha.
Heme aquí, sentada en las escaleras de la imponente Iglesia San Francisco. Las grandes puertas de madera se mantenían cerradas tras de mí.
El interior estaba decorado con hermosos arreglos florales de colores pastel y ramilletes de flores que colgaban del pasillo central. Los arreglos estaban compuestos principalmente de rosas, lirios y peonías, creando una atmósfera romántica y delicada. Tengo que admitir que mi hermana es muy detallista al respecto
Incluso los bancos de madera estaban adornados con pequeños ramilletes de flores que hacían juego con los arreglos principales de la iglesia. La luz se filtraba por los vitrales de colores y creaba una atmósfera cálida y acogedora.
La recepción de la boda sería en el salón de gala del Hotel Princesa Plaza, decorado con centros de mesa de flores de temporada en tonos suaves y cálidos, arreglos de velas en los rincones, y delicados manteles blancos sobre las mesas. El ambiente sería cálido y acogedor para que todos los invitados se sintieran felices de celebrar con los recién casados.
Pero Martha tuvo la genial idea de querer casarse con un hombre que conoció por internet. ¿Pueden creerlo? Supongo que la generación de ahora solo vive de fantasías. Su nombre es Carlos y vive en Uruguay. Tenían más de 6 meses chateando y conociéndose por las redes sociales.
No estábamos muy seguros que la idea de casarse con un total extraño era lo mejor. Pero Martha estaba enamorada. No me malentiendan, amo a mi hermana. Pero algunas veces pienso que soy adoptada.
Finalmente, llegamos a conocer a Carlos, un hombre con porte de galán y una lengua de plata. Pero yo no caí con su tono meloso. Siempre estuve a la defensiva y más cuando nos informó que no llegaría a tiempo para los ensayos. Su vuelo se había retrasado por alguna razón. Pensé inmediatamente que todo era un engaño y más aún cuando nos pidió prestado dinero para pagar una tasa especial de último momento. Como los correos de los príncipes nigerianos, la situación me olía a estafa.
Pero Martha jamás perdió su esperanza. Le envió de su dinero para que lograra salir de su país. Y ahí estaba, por cosas del destino, el chico era real.
No fue hasta que mi hermana entró a mi cama la noche antes de su boda, eran casi las doce de la noche; estaba preocupada de haber tomado una mala decisión.
“¿Te estás arrepintiendo?”, azuzé
Pero quién era yo para impedir su felicidad, por ningún motivo sería la hermana mala que se opusiera al matrimonio de la princesa de la casa.
Esa noche me contó que desconocía que su idílico Carlos fumaba o que masticaba chicle con la boca abierta. Cosas que nuestro amigo, el internet, era experto en esconder.
Le dije que no se preocupara, que tendría toda su vida para arreglar las cosas insignificantes. Agradecida, me dio un fuerte abrazo y un gran beso antes de irse a dormir a su cama. Pero esa noche no pude dormir, debía averiguar qué otras cosas oscuras escondía Carlos de Uruguay.
Fue entonces cuando me llegó información acerca del novio. Unos amigos que saben usar muy bien el internet y sobre todo el inframundo oculto bajo la capa inocente que todos vemos en nuestras pantallas, me enviaron un correo sobre quién realmente era Carlos.
Los músicos ya habían comenzado a tocar la suave melodía que mi hermana había escogido (Christina Perri - A Thousand Years de la Saga Crepúsculo) y los invitados estaban de pie para ver a la novia entrar por la puerta principal. La novia, vestida con un hermoso vestido de novia blanco, caminó por el pasillo central mientras todos los presentes la miraban con asombro y admiración.
Junto a ella caminaba nuestro padre, quien la llevaba del brazo y se veía orgulloso y emocionado. Caminaba con gracia (como solía practicarlo de pequeña) hasta el altar donde el novio la esperaba con una sonrisa en el rostro.
El oficiante de la ceremonia comenzó a hablar y el novio tomó las manos de mi hermana. Los invitados escuchaban atentamente mientras el padre hablaba sobre el amor y la importancia del matrimonio.
Tenía muy poco tiempo para detener la boda, mis manos temblaban como gelatina. Debo admitir que mi entrada fue totalmente dramática, como para telenovelas, justo en el momento en que el padre decía la famosa frase: “Si alguien se opone a este matrimonio, hable ahora o …”
La situación ameritaba hacer lo que se hace cuando se desea arrancar una bandita, de un solo jalón.
Sí. Tuve que intervenir. Fui objeto de todas las miradas cuando mi voz sorprendió a los presentes.
“El señor Carlos Enrique es un hombre casado y tiene 3 hijos”, grité a todo gañote
Había hecho imprimir todo el material que me habían enviado por correo, su visa, su identificación nacional y también la información de trabajo, a qué se dedicaba.
Mi hermana quedó boquiabierta.
El pobre hombre, abrió sus ojos a más no poder, quedó mudo en el acto. El que calla otorga, siempre lo decía mi padre.
“No es lo que crees”, repetía el hombre hecho la víctima.
Pero podía ser aún más dramática. Me acerqué a ellos, mis tacones sonaron haciendo eco en la bóveda de la iglesia (se podía oír hasta el zumbido de una mosca) y tiré los papeles a su pies, frente a sus narices. Mi madre casi se desmaya, mi padre estaba pálido como el vestido de la novia.
Un grito ahogado se escuchó entre la multitud de invitados.
Los ojos de mi hermana se llenaron de lágrimas arruinando su maquillaje. Pero Carlos seguía aún defendiendo su honor.
“Jamás te haría daño, tu me conoces”, decía el muy Judas buscando en su mirada humedecida un deje de esperanza.
Entonces, sus ojos se posaron en uno de los documentos que estaban en el suelo y dijo algo que no me esperaba
“Mi nombre es Carlos Henriquez, con H, este hombre no soy yo” y luego acto seguido sacó su pasaporte y todos vimos, que decía la verdad.
“¡Trágame Tierra!”, fue lo único que pasó por mi mente.
Me puse roja de la vergüenza
Para qué contar la pena que hice pasar a mis padres… Ahora ya saben por qué sigo sentada en las escaleras, afuera de la iglesia.
De pronto sentí unos pasos pesados detrás, muy familiares…
“Cintia”, dijo mi padre.
“Sé que no querías hacerle daño”
“Acompáñanos, la boda no puede continuar sin la dama de honor”
Mi hermana estaba en las puertas de la Iglesia con sus brazos abiertos.
De algo estaba segura, jamás olvidaríamos la boda de mi hermana.

Hasta la próxima.
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You have some great lines in this story, @jadams2k18.
You've created a wry tone that works really well for this storyline. And your narrator is so strong and well-portrayed. Nicely done!
One tip: In this like, it is Cinthia speaking, but it is her sister that is concerned she has made a mistake. You might want to edit that. 🙂
Thank you! I love your input very much.
I don't know what you mean. Cinthia is the narrator of the story, however, she doesn't take action until her sister confirms that she is also worried when she realizes that her prince charming is not as perfect as she imagined (he smoked and stuff).
I love this story, @jadams2k18. The helpful, self-righteous sister is so well-intentioned and protective. What a truly terrible and embarrassing moment. I love the fact that Martha forgives her completely.
Excellent ending!
Hello there , my dear Jayna. Long time no see. I'm very glad you enjoyed the story.
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Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
This is why it is said that reality is sweeter than fiction. I like the story very much. There is a mixture of family love, where I find everything together. A moment of terrible was created but I truly love the fact that Martha forgives her completely. It is true that wedding moments are never to be forgotten.
Thanks for the good ending!
Hello Sharmin. I'm glad you liked my story. What is the family for, isn't it?
Thanks for coming by :)
I'm glad that Martha forgive her, wedding are memories, family are love, thanks for this story, hoping to read more of your story's
Hello Victor.
Yes, what are sisters for? right? ;D
Thanks for passing by
I must say you had me there thinking that Enrique was not honest. But then again you were just trying to protect your sister. Only that your informations about him was wrong. Great writing.
Hahaha! Yes! She made a terrible mistake. Thanks for coming by :-)
Phew!!! That was close. I did thought he was a scam too.. since he had to borrow money to pay certain fees and your sister sent the flight money too.
But I support you for being protective of your sister. Family stand by our side no matter what. I am glad your family understood you.
What's family for, right? hehehe. Thanks for passing by :)
Hehehehe... Yeah.... You're welcome
Well, I did have a good laugh at the end. I feel bad for the sister though. She needs to step down a bit.
Beautiful writing.
Hi! I'm glad you liked it. hehehe. Thanks for passing by :D
Wow, so Cinthia was wrong about Carlo? Too bad and I wouldn't blame her for watching out for Martha. I wonder how Carlo will feel about her sister-in-law after the wedding.
He wouldn't have a choice but to forgive her and the wedding will definitely be an unforgettable one.
Hello, thank you for visiting. We do whatever we can for our brothers and sisters. You are right, Carlos has to forgive her since he is now part of the family.
Wow tremendous story, I understand, the situation, marrying a person with whom we have shared face to face, is not traditional, however, cupid works in different ways.
Thank you so much for reading my story and visiting my post. I appreciate it very much
Great! The story had a balance of many things; humor the one I like the most, realism, a slight serious tone, good details, anyway point is it was a definition of a short good read for entertainment.
Yes, You're right 😃. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for coming by