The inkwell nonfiction. African mother recipe.

in The Ink Well4 months ago

Good parenting can be told from being able to observe and tell when the children are trying to act funny.

Any parent who can not predict what his or her child should do in the nearest future i tag that parent to be a careless one.

I took a stroll one good evening trying to while away time since being idle made the day to be slower than expected. The time moved slowly just like a snail.

My mum was in the kitchen trying to prepare something for lunch but the food also seemed to be slow and my tommy was aching. I couldn't stand the hunger, So I decided to go for a walk.

As I walked down the road two men approached me asking after a woman who sells tomatoes, I showed them the house but they said they wouldn't mind if I take them there, so I willingly offered that help, as the woman in question was bereaved of her son not long ago so I thought they must have come to pay condolences visit.

On getting there we parked in front of the house as I pointed my fingers to the house, “this is the house” I said.

The passenger prayed for me and the driver, I answered Amen casually as my major problem was to go home and eat.

So, I walked away making my way home when the driver ran to me and said “that man who prayed for us must be a prophet so we should utilize this golden opportunity as he could help us with our individual problem which could be spiritual or even physical.”

I Reluctantly followed him back to the man who prayed for us on getting there, he said to the driver.

“Last week one of your bike was stolen”

Yes, the driver replied with much shock. My mouth was wide open at that point it became even more interesting.

He turned to me, “You are a student?”

Yes, I replied. How did he know? I asked myself.

But of course everyone at my age should be a student. Lol.

Then again to the driver.
“The color of your bike is red.” the prophet in question said.

With excitement the driver answered. “Please help me. Even this one I am driving was given to me on a hire purchase as I can't help myself,” the driver cried.

Then he instructed the driver to take out everything from his pocket and hand them over to me as he was willing to help the driver recover his bike. I don't know how but he said he will do it.

After the driver emptied his pocket with all the phones, money and all that were in his pocket he handed them over to me then an instruction came that he should walk down to a tree and pray there he will find something like a ring he should pick it and come then the next instruction will follow.

The driver did exactly as he was told with much excitement he returned with a ring then the man asked him to keep it safe, wait till 12am at night he should get a bowl of water put the ring in it and it will show the faces of people who stole the bike and it will also show where the bike is.

The story was becoming interesting when he turned to me and asked what my mum does for a living.
I told him my mum was a fashion designer so he said he wants to help me pass my exams without any stress.

But how will one pass his or her exams without a proper study? I asked myself again.

He gave me same instructions just like that of the driver to take out things in my pocket I did but it was obvious that I didn't have much so he asked if I know where my mum keeps her money I responded, “Yes” he asked me to rush home and get the money so that I will get what I want. I wonder what my mother's money has got to do with what I want but I was curious of what the next reaction will be.

I rushed home and walked straight to my mum's room without a word. I went to pick the money but the fear of my mum could not allow me to pick that money as I know that my mum is a typical African woman who disciplines her children the way an African woman will do. So I kept the money and quickly walked out of the house.

When I walked out of the room my mum knew something was cooking so walked into her room and straight to her box to confirm that her money was intact.

I got there and when they saw that nothing was coming they decided to take away what they had from me, which was a small phone and 100 naira, that was the only thing in my pocket. So I was given the instructions just like that of the driver “empty your pocket, walk down to that tree without looking behind pray and you will find what this driver got, then come back and the next instruction will follow” I did as I was told but funny enough I did find nothing by the time I will raise my head to signal them that I didn't find anything they were already gone that was when it downed on me that they were fraud.

I walked back home and food was ready but I already have lost appetite.

What happened? I knew you were up to something when you walked into this house without saying anything. My mum asked. I replied, I met some frauds today.

“Thank God you didn't carry that money.” My mum spoke like she was with them. I was surprised at my mum's response.

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I would have used you as a recipe for tonight’s food. She was serious and I know her very well she will do it. Not literally but trust me the house would have been hot for me to stay that night. So she comforted me with one of her small phones and warned that when I next see a stranger I shouldn't spend much time with them.


I agree with your mother. On the street there are a lot of imposters setting traps to see which deluded person falls for it. Good thing the fraud was not worse. Greetings