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RE: Some people write down their dreams in a book, I write mine down into music :) 🎵🎶

in The Ink Well2 years ago

The production of a beautiful mind. Perhaps we dream our ultimate personality, or the person we wish we could be. Whatever the case is, I’m so glad that you’ve shared your dream with us. It’s magnificent and your music soars on the wings of the child’s spirit. Awe inspiring and totally delightful ❤️🤗😘🥰😘💕💕🥰😘😘


Aww ....thanks! You always know just the right words to say🌝

Perhaps we dream our ultimate personality

This is a good conjecture though... I never thought about it that way. Who knows, maybe I'm just a big ol' 3 year old girl inside afterall XD.

Either way, Thank you!!!💛