Ode to earphones

in The Ink Well5 years ago

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Ode to the twin wells of comfort,
Into which I submerge my parched soul
In times of boredom

You bring to me a sacred solitude,
Whenever I'm scared to be lonely,
Injecting in me sweet symphonic sounds

Oh, what would I ever do
Without the blaring affection of harmony
That rings to my ears
Whenever I wear my earphones on an ugly day?


So they make your ugly day beautiful?
I cannot wear a head phone for more than 15 minutes without getting a severe headache. hehe
Enjoy your headphone. 😁

Hahaha. What an irony. I don't usually wear earphones for that long on a stretch. But when I do, it's always as an escape from a crowded situation.

Really? I understand, sometimes it does serve its purpose. If only I was able to wear it for longer i would listen to whole books at a stretch.

Oh, audio books. I guess I'm the only one who rarely enjoys those.

I love them too and enjoy them when I am alone and can have it read on speaker.

This is nice! I can relate to this poem. I'm always with my earphones listening some good music.

Nice to know that. Thanks for your feedback

I can't imagine travelling without them. They are very essential. I can relate to this poem.

I also cannot travel without my earphones. In fact, they go everywhere with me. haha

Great little ode! I read it over and over because, at first, I felt that the juxtapositional statement, "blaring affection of harmony" was a bit jarring and out of place, but I then imagined having one of those 'bad days' and slipping on my favourite headphones and escaping into my favorite band's music, with the volume turned out 'blaringly loud', and I got it! Nothing more joyous and uplifting to drown out feelings of disharmony, than a great tune. Nice work.