Grace to grass

in The Ink Welllast year (edited)

From grace to grass

How can I go back to square one? I became poor overnight.

I was the daughter of the most prominent CEO in the country. Our house was the biggest in town. Our family was known as the most prominent family. As a result, I was arrogant and rude. I never cared about anybody; I was so full of myself and very proud of my determination that nobody had a right over me.

One day, I went to a supermarket where I was welcomed highly as the best lady. That was the name every girl born of noble blood was called, “my lady." I was respected by everybody because I was so aggressive that anyone who passed beside me without greeting me would get punished.

Walking into the supermarket, a female clerk hit me while I was running without paying attention. I dragged her back and slapped her hard on the face. “What's wrong with you? Are you blind or something? What is your problem? Don't you have eyes to see in the daytime? You are a stinky idiot! smelling pig I know you don't have manners, and you don't have money or standards. You are not from a noble family, so you don't know how it feels to have money or have a high status

Teguh Sugi

I screamed at her to get out of my sight. She ran away crying, and I am sure she was cursing me in her mind, but I don't fucking give a damn care about anybody. I always thought nobody could get me or do anything to me because I believed I was untouchable.

But just like a dream, my father's business went down the drain, and we went bankrupt. The company was sold, and we went back to square one; we couldn't even afford the cheapest house in the city. I was ridiculed and embarrassed everywhere i went.

I moved from company to company, looking for jobs. I walked into a company where I was asked to wait for the CEO. When he finally arrived, I was shocked to know it was the girl from the other day who I insulted at the supermarket. She smiled at me and told me never to look down on people because we don't know what the future holds for everyone. She told me she couldn't employ me because she couldn't employ someone who does not have a good character, lacks manners, and does not speak respectfully. I begged her while kneeling, but she wouldn't listen.

We had to move back to the village and live quietly. I couldn't accept this kind of life after living a high and mighty life, insulting everyone beneath me. I was already used to my noble lifestyle of abusing people, treating them like trash, and believing that they were worthless without value. Now I would become just like them: "worthless without value." "No!!! I would never accept this. There must be something I can do to avert this. I can't stay in this remote area. Does this mean I will live a worthless life henceforth? I can't imagine myself in this situation. No! That can't happen. I would be ridiculed and embarrassed forever. I won't be able to come out of the house. I would feel ashamed throughout my entire life." I was already feeling like a loser.

I told my dad he had to do something. We must find a way to relocate to the city as fast as possible. This place does not suit my kind of person. What and how would my friends see me to be? What do I tell them, and where do I tell them I am? Who will be my cook and my gardener? Who is going to take care of me and the chores?

"That's impossible. I would never stoop so low, I told myself. I just couldn't think of how bad our situation is now. "Can't we just do anything other than live in this remote area? I was so disappointed in myself. I cried for days I even felt sick, and there was no money to take care of myself. My father went begging on the street just for us to eat. Finally, he got the money, and I was taken to the hospital for treatment. I wasn't used to this local type of hospital, but I had to adapt to it. I got better and joined my father, begging out there just to survive the huddles.

I learned a lesson: "Never treat other people like animals." I learned to always treat everyone equally.


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I Have sourced the image correctly.i am still learning in the system.

Thanks goodness the narrator eventually learnt her lesson though it was too late. Being rich shouldn't turn one into a disrespectful and spoiled brat.
I hope she gets a second chance

Good read

Life has a way of turning things upside down! Or probably teaching us a lesson. I hope she learnt her lessons.