Strangling Ties

in The Ink Welllast year


Daniel was always the talk of town as a kid. He had a special way he curled his hair that made the girls go crazy for him. He grew up into a slender dashing young man, with a very attractive body; and way of speaking - due to the fact that he read so much books while growing up. As a grown up young man, he had no idea of how he was going to make a living.

He always heard people talking about passion, but when he thought about his life, he could see that he had no passion for anything. Or none that he had discovered yet. All he wanted was money, he loved money, but didn't know how to make lots of it. When he thought about the various career paths he could take, none of them excited him.

His eyes and spirit was always on flashy things: Porsche cars and gold wrist watches and necklaces. His father sat him down one morning and said, "My son Daniel, you're 24 years old now. I've sent you to the University to study Physics. Now, you're a complete graduate, but you sit at home all day, not even searching for a job. What's the problem son?"

He could feel his father's eyes starring at his soul, and waiting for a logical answer. But Daniel was confused what exactly to say. In his mind, he knew that he was disappointing his father and entire family by been so confused. But he actually didn't have any idea of what he wanted to do with his life. The silence was getting awkward as he was looking at the ground, thinking of the right words to say to his father, but not a single word could come out his mouth.

His father who was now retired from an oil company work, always dressed like a youth. Looking way younger than his age. His hair well brushed to the side, with gray beards around his mouth, was always very calm and never raised his voice at Daniel. It felt like thunderstorm from hell, when he heard his father roar, "Daniel! What do you want to do with your life?"

In split seconds, he came up with an answer that he had never consciously thought about. Daniel said, "Dad, I want to sell insurance." Daniel saw the twisted veins in his father's hands, gradually relaxing, when he heard his answer. "Okay Daniel!" His father replied, nodding his head. His father continued, "I have many friends who work in the insurance industry, I'll make some calls today. Get ready to start selling insurance tomorrow morning."

The next morning, Daniel hated his look in the mirror. He hated ties, and always felt like it was strangling him. His mom made breakfast of fried egg, bread and coffee for him. She was smiling, seeing Daniel dressed up in sparkling white shirt, blue tie and a smashing brown suit.

Daniel said, "Ahhh, mom thanks for waking up so early, just to make this lovely breakfast for me!" His mom replied, "My boy, you're starting your work life today. You know I'll do anything for you. And I know that you'll make me and your father proud." Daniel sat down at the dinner table, and said, "Sure mom!"

The aroma of the fried egg, made Daniel's belly sing songs of joy. He was about to put some fried egg in his mouth, when he heard his father's voice loudly, "Will you put that down?" His father continued, "Have you ever seen me having breakfast before living for work?" Daniel replied, "No, I haven't dad." His father then said, "Get all that you need. And leave for work immediately." Daniel quickly picked up his bag, which contained his laptop and a notebook, and left.

Evening came, and Daniel didn't return home. It was past 10 PM, and his mother was getting increasingly perturbed. She appealed to Daniel's father to call his friend - who decided to give Daniel a work in his insurance company. Daniel's father reluctantly called his friend who said, "I didn't see Daniel today. I even thought that he changed his mind about starting work with my company today."

For the next 4 months, Daniel ghosted his father and mother. When his mother accused his father of making their son run away from home. His father replied, "I'll rather have that lazy confused idiot away from my house, than wake up every morning to see him doing nothing with his life." On the forth month, Daniel called his mother and said, "Mom, I'm sorry for not reaching out to you all this while. I had to figure out what I want to do with my life. I really needed time away from everyone."

His mother's heart gladdened without measure on hearing Daniel's voice. She asked, "Where are you Daniel?" Daniel replied, "I'm somewhere safe and quiet." His mother then asked, "But I hope that you're okay?" Daniel replied, "I'm okay mom. Bye for now."

A year and three months later, Daniel drove into his father's house with a brand new Porsche. The kind of flashy car he always dreamed of driving when he was a kid. His mother was happy to see Daniel again. She hugged him and cried, "I've missed you my son!" His father who was reading at the front of the house asked Daniel, "And how did you get that car?" Daniel replied, "I found my passion dad. I'm now into currency trading." His father smiled, and said, "Hmmm. That's my boy!"


Daniel's father did not agree with him, but Daniel had to find his own way. A very entertaining story.

Thanks for the kind words.

Daniel is a complex character - he seeks his parents' approval but also needs to detach to find himself.

Daniel needed some space, time and quiet, in order to find his passion. Thanks for coming around.

An interesting story. Not knowing what to do in life, finding meaning depends on each person and cannot be imposed. Daniel needed to think without the pressure of his father.

I liked the way you wrote it.

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