Words that turned out to be a treasure...

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Words are very powerful and the impact can be felt even decades after it was said. I am the kind that places so much importance on the things I say and I try as much as possible to only lift people with words. The impact of words can be either good or bad and it depends on us to choose what the do with the power in our tongue.


The image was designed by me

I have met a lot of people who have had an impact on me by just encouraging me with words and they made me understand there is so much power in the things we say.

Not everything we want in life happens and most times it hurts when things aren't going for us as planned. My life took a different turn after secondary school and I didn't have a choice but to walk through the path life has placed me in.

A lot of my friends got admission into higher institutions immediately after secondary school but the future of my education was so cloudy to the extent that I didn't have a clue of what tomorrow would look like for me. Some of my friends detached themselves from me because they made new friends and I held on to those who still choose to call me a friend.

There was a particular friend whose dad is very rich, he invited us for his birthday three years after secondary school and I was very reluctant because I don't want to be reminded that I am the only one who hasn't gotten admission among them.

I eventually went and while we were having a small party, his dad came in and requested that we pause the party for a while. He was in his fifties and there was sadness written all over his face.

At first, I thought he wasn't happy with the party and after he poured out his mind I felt sad. The man said, "did you all know that your friend has been to two schools in three years?

He exposed how his son dropped out of school after failing different courses in the university in his first year and he has gotten admission into another university but the old man is worried the same thing might happen again so he pleaded that we talk some senses into his head as friends.

He went on from that to asking which school we all gained admission into. He was approaching me and my heart started beating fast.

"What's your name boy, your face doesn't look familiar?", he asked.

"My name is Damola sir", I replied.

"Which school do you attend?", he continued.

"He hasn't gotten admission", about five of my friends chorused.

I looked around and felt terrible, the man just skipped me as if I vanished from their midst. I couldn't bare the shame and I left the party without saying goodbye to anyone.

I got to my guardian's place that evening and I wasn't myself. I live separately from my family because we live in a small room and it wasn't comfortable anymore. I was the eldest so I chose to create more space by vacating the house.

My guardian noticed that I was cold and he asked what happened to me, I was about to speak when I started crying.

I managed to explain what happened and he felt pity for me. My guardian had been very supportive but he retired already and wasn't making enough money from his little business so he couldn't help further my education.

He consoled me that evening and shared his life story with me.

He said, "people will look down on you because they are a step ahead of you but you mustn't let them make you feel like nothing".

This is just a phase of life you have to go through just to discover your purpose in life so just be yourself and keep working to bring your dreams to reality.

My heart felt like a heavy burden was removed from it after that conversation.

He went on to tell me to always appreciate God in every situation I find myself in because he didn't put me there for no reason. There is always a purpose for finding yourself at different points in life, make use of that point well, and don't stop trying to make progress.

His words got into my head and I believed everything I was going through was part of the journey and I just need to keep my head high through the storm.

At that time, I was working as a home teacher for two families. I got another job through one of the families, it was a tough job but I was able to push through.

My new boss really liked me because I do help her with calculations, the collation of reports and others, she asked why I didn't further my education and I explained my condition.

She invited me to her place on a particular weekend after work and while I was on the bus, we went through Lagos State Polytechnic.

I was looking at the school gate and she saw the desire in my eyes.

She said,"If you can secure your admission here, I can help you with accommodation to ease your finance".

I felt very happy and started working extra to earn more for school fees and other bills.

She supported me and I got admission. The day I got admission was one of the happiest days of my life. After informing my mom, I told my guardian and he helped me connect the dots.

Due to the delay, I started working as a teacher where I got the connection to another job. My new boss admired me and I wouldn't have seen the school or thought of taking the step if I hadn't visited her that day.

She even gave me accommodation and did some other things for me.

He reminded me that God knows what the journey is and I just need to trust him while making effort.

I didn't understand well until a few years ago when I looked back and realized that there was indeed a reason for every point I found myself in life.

Every point I found myself had a connection with the next one and trusting God's lead has gotten me to where I am today. I don't hesitate to thank God even when things aren't going as planned and I keep pushing while I trust him to lead me through.


A sad story that became a happy one as there were lot of experiences that made up for who you are today, glad you shared this for others to be reminded that there's time to get yours.

There is time for everyone in life and it is best to wait for the time. Waiting doesn't mean that we have to be idle, we can keep ourselves busy with things that will add value to us while waiting.

There's always a reason why we are in any situation. We shouldn't get overwhelmed and forget to look within for answers.

I'm glad you found a boss who was willing to support you and your guardian too is a very good man✨

There is always a reason truly but we bury ourselves in sadness for finding ourselves at such point and forget to see the goodness or reason why we are there.

I have the same feeling of insecurity when I couldn't continue going to a university after high school because my parents couldn't afford it anymore. Yes, you shouldn't let others put you down because of you're situation. If you want something, work hard for it and everything will fall into place.

I think it is a normal thing to feel that way but people making it look like we mean nothing because of that makes it worse.

We just have to always keep our heads high regardless of how much they try to hurt us emotionally.

You take us through a variety of feelings here, as we walk with you in this rapidly changing period in your life. The advice you received was very well timed, it is hard to read that you were treated so cruelly in the exchange between the older man and your group of friends. Luckily, your guardian was there with words of strength for you when you returned home.

Your hard work and dedication carried you far, and eventually you caught a break when your boss helped you with school! Wonderful. Thank you for sharing your story with us, and for your engagement with other members of the community.

I went through different phase of emotions truly but with the mental support of my family, guardian and a few other people around me, I was able to have a break through that changed my story for good.

I love happy endings. I'm glad you didn't allow your friend dad's action to weigh you down, instead it served as motivational fuel to propell you forward

He made me really sad and that day I understood my place in life. People only associate themselves with you when life is beautiful for you forgetting that no condition is permanent.

He behaved like a human and God proved to be God.

Thanks for the beautiful comment on this article.

This is exactly what I try to tell most of my friend, your situation is not permanent, there is always a reason for that situation you find yourself.... where ever your life might be at that moment don’t see your self as a failure..... your guardian is very kind and you must have been a good kid too for him to sit you down and ask what happened..... I’m glad you also listened to him

Congratulations, @george-dee! Your story has been chosen as one of the best of the week and is part of the highlighted author magazine #94.