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RE: Run with me

in The Ink Well3 years ago

Hey Gin, I'm so sorry to hear that; I know you and Big Dog had so many adventures and losing him will have been (and still is) a terrible moment. I don't really know what to say in a message on Hive, but in person I'd offer you a hug. (Worlds best hugger and all you know.) You know how to reach me if you want to shoot an email and vent. I'm a good listener as well as hugger.

Exoskeleton pat's are awesome, so thank you.


Thanks, he was and always will be the best dog ever. He have adopted another friend. Not the same, but new bonds will be forged, and beginnings are nice even when endings are painful.

I feel that way about my cats when the leave. Each has a very special place and meaning in my heart and memory. I miss Merlin so much every day, but pour my love into Cleo now whilst she is here.

I look forward to hearing about some new adventures if and when you share.