The Great Dance of Life | La Gran Danza de La Vida | The Ink Well Fiction Prompt

in The Ink Well5 months ago



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☀️ The Great Dance of Life

"Do it again!,” shouted the director from her seat in the middle of the front row of the auditorium.

With a supreme effort, Anya rose from the floor and, taking a deep breath, moved into her starting position to repeat the movement requested by the director. Ever since she was a little girl, Anya had dreamed of dancing on the biggest stages in the world and had dedicated herself fervently to dance, training tirelessly and sacrificing much to achieve her goal.

Although it seemed far-fetched to him and feeling a lot of pain, he did not hesitate to perform again the demanding “32 Fouettés en Tournant” requested. With great aplomb, he set out to perform each of the laps of the movement, feeling that upon completing each of them, he would faint. When she reached the fourteenth turn, the “Enough!”, uttered aloud by the director, sounded like a sweet melody to her.

"That's all for today!,” the principal said as she walked away, "See you next Tuesday," she finished as she almost left the room.

Sitting on the floor, Anya watched her leave and sighing, she rubbed her left knee. The pain was intense and she had to wait a long time to sit up. She was the last to leave the room, feeling very lonely and misunderstood.

It was two days later and with her leg in great pain that she went to the doctor. After a long day in the hospital and having to be admitted for all the necessary examinations, check-ups and tests, the doctor finally met with her in the room where she was confined.

After a long and detailed presentation, the doctor's diagnosis was devastating. A major knee injury forced her to abandon, at the age of 19, her career as a classical dancer. Desperate and heartbroken, she felt as if her world had collapsed in that instant.

Some time passed where Anya avoided contact with anyone other than her mother and the doctors who treated her injury. She had to gather strength, courage and raise her self-esteem to avoid falling into depression. Her career was over, but her life continued and that was her main motivation to move forward.


One day, while she was in her room, suddenly and without warning, the door opened. On the threshold and with a very sad face, Anya noticed that it was Isabela, who immediately approached her and with tears in her eyes, hugged her tenderly. Isabela had insisted so much on seeing her and visiting her, but Anya had always refused to receive her or anyone else. But Isabela managed to sneak into the house while Anya's mother was out in the garden.

"You have to go back to the company," said a tearful Isabela looking straight at her. "You have to go back, you can't do this to me, I don't want it like this", she continued while holding her shoulders.

Anya sensed a lot of sincerity in his words and that he had come, as he did to her room, reinforced that feeling. "What do you say? This is your big chance", Anya responded to her ballet partner's pleas.

Although they never had any direct confrontation, Isabela would be Anya's replacement as the leading figure in the ballet company for which they danced. And this would not matter much, except for the fact that Isabela was the daughter of the company's director. This was the reason for the excessive demands Isabela's mother made on her performance, which, it is sad to admit, led to the serious injury suffered by Anya. It was noticeable to everyone, but not so much to the innocent and younger Isabela. The two girls talked for a long time, with sincerity and with the understanding of what was the reality for Anya: life for both of them was going on, each in her own space.

"For me, ballet will never be part of my life again", said Anya with a deep sigh and a blank stare.

"Never say never", replied the young Isabela, holding her by both hands and smiling sweetly.



Years passed and Anya had built a new life. She had moved to another city and forged a remarkable career as a professional photographer and designer, together with Mark, her husband who was a commercial pilot, she had a beautiful family with the two daughters they had procreated. Undoubtedly, her life took its course away from dance.

One day Anya was standing at the doors of a large building, imagining how great some photographs of it would look if she were allowed to take them.

"You said never again", a familiar voice said to her in front of that unmistakable, innocent smile.

"Never say never", Anya replied with another smile.

The two women embraced each other effusively and went joyfully into the building, holding by the arms the eldest of Anya's daughters, who had decided to become a dancer, as her mother had once been. And who better to guide her than Isabela, Anya's former ballet partner who had just opened a dance company in the city, after a fruitful career in this specialty.

The best reception for the girl was a couple of “Fouettés en Tournant”, performed with mastery by Isabela and with some difficulty by Anya, but with the joy and laughter of both knowing that life goes on, beyond the setbacks it presents.


Never say never is the invitation from the @theinkwell community, for the weekly The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #184, which invites us to develop literary writing based on fiction stories. I invite @getheenspring and @enraizar to be part of this initiative.

Source of the Images:

Photo of Alexander Krivitskiy in

Photo of Pixabay in






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☀️ La Gran Danza de La Vida

—¡Hazlo de nuevo!, —grito la directora desde su asiento en medio de la primera fila del auditorio.

Con un esfuerzo supremo, Anya se levantó del suelo y respirando profundo, se colocó en su posición inicial para repetir el movimiento solicitado por la directora. Desde pequeña, Anya soñaba con bailar en los escenarios más grandes del mundo y se había dedicado con fervor a la danza, entrenando incansablemente y sacrificando muchas cosas para lograr alcanzar su meta.

Aunque le pareció descabellado y sintiendo mucho dolor, no dudo en realizar de nuevo el exigente "32 Fouettés en Tournant" solicitado. Con gran aplomo, se dispuso a realizar cada una de las vueltas del movimiento, sintiendo que al completar cada una de ellas, desfallecería. Al llegar al la vuelta catorce, el "¡suficiente!", emitido en voz alta por la directora, le sonó a dulce melodía.

—¡Es todo por hoy!, —le dijo la directora mientras se alejaba, —¡nos vemos el próximo martes!, —finalizo casi al salir del recinto.

Sentada en el piso, Anya la miro marcharse y suspirando, se frotó su rodilla izquierda. El dolor era intenso y debió esperar un largo rato para incorporarse. Fue la última en abandonar el salón, sintiéndose muy sola e incomprendida.

Fue dos días después y ya con su pierna muy adolorida, que acudió al médico. Después de un largo día en el hospital y debiendo ser internada para que le realizaran todos los exámenes, chequeos y pruebas necesarias, el médico al fin se reunió con ella en la habitación donde estaba recluida.

Tras una larga y detallada exposición, el diagnóstico emitido por el médico fue demoledor. Una importante lesión en su rodilla, la obligaba a abandonar, a los 19 años, su carrera como bailarina clásica. Desesperanzada y con el corazón roto, se sentía como si su mundo se hubiera derrumbado en ese instante.

Paso algún tiempo donde Anya evito contacto con cualquiera que no fuera su madre o los médicos que trataron su lesión. Se tuvo que llenar de fuerzas, ánimo y elevar su autoestima para evitar caer en depresión. Su carrera había terminado, pero su vida continuaba y eso fue su principal motivación para seguir adelante.


Cierto día, mientras estaba en su habitación, de pronto y sin aviso, la puerta se abrió. En el umbral y con su rostro muy compungido, Anya noto que se trataba de Isabela, quien, de inmediato, se acercó a ella y con lágrimas en los ojos, la abrazo tiernamente. Isabela había insistido tanto en verla y visitarla, pero Anya en todo momento se negó a recibirla, tanto a ella, como a cualquier otra persona. Pero Isabela se las arreglo para escabullirse dentro de la casa, mientras la madre de Anya estaba afuera, en el jardín.

—Tienes que regresar a la compañía, —le dijo una llorosa Isabela mirándola directamente, —tienes que volver, no puedes hacerme esto, no lo quiero así, —continuo mientras sujetaba sus hombros.

Anya sintió mucha sinceridad en sus palabras y el que hubiera llegado, como lo hizo a su habitación, reforzaba ese sentimiento. —¿Qué dices? Es tu gran oportunidad, —respondió Anya a los ruegos de su compañera de ballet.

Aunque nunca tuvieron alguna confrontación directa, Isabela sería la sustituta de Anya como figura principal de la compañía de ballet para la cual danzaban. Y esto no tendría mucha importancia, sino fuera por el detalle de que Isabela era la hija de la directora de la compañía. De allí provenían las sobre exigencias en su desempeño que solicitaba la madre de Isabela y lo cual, es triste admitirlo, originaron la grave lesión sufrida por Anya. Era algo notorio para todos, pero no mucho para la inocente y más joven Isabela. Las dos chicas hablaron durante largo rato, con sinceridad y en el entendido de lo que era la realidad para Anya: la vida de ambas seguía adelante, cada una en su propio espacio.

—Ya para mí, el ballet nunca más será parte de mi vida, —dijo Anya con un hondo suspiro y la mirada al vacío.

—Nunca digas nunca, —le respondió la joven Isabela, sujetándola de ambas manos y esbozando una dulce sonrisa.



Pasaron los años y Anya había construido una nueva vida. Se había mudado a otra ciudad y forjado una notable carrera como fotógrafa y diseñadora profesional. Junto a Mark, su esposo y quien era un piloto comercial, tenía una hermosa familia junto a las dos hijas que habían procreado. Sin duda, su vida siguió su curso lejos de la danza.

Cierto día Anya se encontraba a las puertas de un gran edificio, imaginando en lo grandiosa que quedarían algunas fotografías del mismo si le permitiesen tomarlas.

—Dijiste que nunca más, —le dijo una voz conocida, delante de esa inconfundible e inocente sonrisa.

—Nunca digas nunca, —respondió con otra sonrisa Anya.

Las dos mujeres se abrazaron con efusividad y se adentraron alegres dentro del edificio, sosteniendo por los brazos a la mayor de las hijas de Anya, quien había decidido ser bailarina, como una vez lo fue su madre. Y quien mejor para guiarla que Isabela, la antigua compañera de ballet de Anya y quien acababa de inaugurar una compañía de danza en la ciudad, después de un fructífero camino recorrido en esta especialidad.

La mejor recepción para la niña fueron un par de "Fouettés en Tournant", realizados con maestría por Isabela y con algo de dificultad por Anya, pero con la alegría y las risas de ambas por saber que la vida continua, más allá de los reveses que esta nos presente.


Nunca digas nunca es la invitación de la comunidad @theinkwell, para la convocatoria semanal The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #184, que nos invita a desarrollar escritura literaria con base en historias de ficción. Invito a ser parte de esta iniciativa a @getheenspring y @enraizar.

Fuente de las Imagenes:

Foto de Alexander Krivitskiy en

Foto de Pixabay en






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This post is of my authorship and I express in it, my experiences and learnings every day in this Blockchain. All images are edited by me and correspond to captures made on my PC and the sources are indicated in each case. If you like it, you can leave a comment or opinion and your favorable vote.


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Muchas gracias por la invitación y aun más por el post que esta increible.

Seras bienvenida y gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi entrada. Saludos.

This is a good one.
She found another career, a more satisfying one after her STOP to dancing.
Her friend, Isabela did well too to coach her daughter to be in the same of line of dancing. Anya is not going regret more as long as she's seeing her daughter on the same line

Certainly her daughter brings her back to the world of dance. Grateful for the comment.

Yeah, it feels so good
Welcome bro

A beautiful story of frustrated dreams and new beginnings, getting up and moving forward with perseverance in the new opportunities that life offers. Very enjoyable to read.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Excellent Saturday.

Pleased to be part of the initiative, thank you.

Thank you for sharing this story in The Ink Well, for your dedication to supporting others in the community, and promoting The Ink Well prompts 🙂

Your story has a good foundation and nice structure. I'd love to see you develop these stories a bit more, providing more depth and context. To this end, there are a few things that I feel would have elevated your submission, which I shall share below:

Isabela's introduction to the story threw this reader off a little as the relationship between Anya and Isabela is not established already in the story so we have no idea who this person is or how she fits into the picture. If we knew upfront that Isabela was the director's daughter, and that she would take the lead should anything happen to Anya, it would create more interest and tension when we see her turn up on Anya's doorstep. It would also be good to have a deeper understanding of Isabela's relationship with both her mother and Anya, so that we can understand better why it is so important to her for Anya to return.

You tell us that Anya was desperate and heartbroken at having to give up her dream but it would be more impactful if you showed us her desperation and heartbreak. To this end, take a look at this article in The Ink Well Show, Don't Tell

Anya's chosen career after dance would make more sense to the reader if there had been some foreshadowing of her skills in this area, earlier in your piece. It would make her career change from dancer to photographer more of a nature segue. We also wonder what the relevance of her husband's career as a pilot may be to the story ie: how does this profession impact their family structure, Anya's life etc. In all stories, we should strive to add details that enhance or further the plot and story line. To answer that question, we can ask ourselves, would it make a difference to the story if he had not been a pilot, or if you had not stated his profession?

We look forward to your next story, @fragozar01 and hope you find the above guidance helpful to the development of your craft.

Thank you for the observations and comments, taking note of everything. Greetings.