15min to the Exam

in The Ink Well2 months ago

"Did you come with your exam pass?" Itunu asked me, and I looked at her with a little frown on my face. Do you think I would forget something important during the exam time?" I replied with an unfriendly tone. "Sorry, I was only asking because you are prone to forgetting important things like my birthday." This time, I gave a soft chuckle and headed towards the exam hall.

Itunu was the God-sent angel I had in school; she had a slick, dark thing that shone under the sun. Sometimes I asked her if she used oil on her skin before coming to class. She had dark eyes, curly hair, and long fingers, but she wasn't too tall—an average of 5'6 ft. She was the perfect friend anyone could ask for; she was kind and had a sweet voice to match her kindness and beauty.

"Please show your course form and exam pass now," the invigilator at the entrance demanded, her glasses perched lazily on her nose and a serious expression on her face. After we finished the exam, we began preparing for the exam scheduled for the following day.

The Next Day

After studying till 4 am, the morning sun peeks through my curtain, telling me it's time to wake up. I tried to get up, but my bed was giving me a smooth hug, which made me want to stay longer. I had this uneasy feeling while I was still on the bed with my eyes closed. "Rrrrrrnnnggg, Rrrrrrrnnng," the ringing sound kept coming into my ear from a distance, and I acknowledged it not. "Please stop," I murmured to myself, but it didn't. The sound turned into a noise, which made me sluggishly get up to see what was making that sound.


I stood in my room, the sun's rays piercing my eyes. When I picked up my phone to turn off the alarm, the time displayed made every ounce of sleep vanish. My exam was scheduled for 9 AM, and it was already 8:20 AM. I rushed into the bathroom, knowing it would take me 20 minutes to get to school, leaving me only 5 minutes to get dressed and leave my home.

I ran into the bathroom, and in 30 seconds I was out. While rushing into my room to get dressed, I slipped on the tiled floor, and I hit my head on the wall, but that didn't stop me. I got dressed and walked to the bus stop with a slight headache due to the head I hit on the wall. While in the bus, Itunu kept calling me to know where I was because it was 20 minutes to start the exam. I got to the school gate and ran to the location Itunu told me where was. After I got there, I couldn't find her.

"Fash, over here," the family voice was hers. I turned, and immediately I saw her. I felt relieved. I walked to where she was and started conversing with her.

"You won't believe what happened this morning. I slept without even knowing time has gone; I had to rush this morning to get here." While I was explaining everything that happened with excitement, she asked me a simple question, "Where is your course form and exam pass?" It was at that moment I knew I had forgotten them at home while rushing to get to school.

I felt weak immediately; retrieving the course form and exam pass would take too long, and the exam would have started before I returned to school.

15 minutes to the exam

I checked the time and realized it was just 15 minutes before the start of the exam. Anxiety washed over me as my palms grew sweaty, despite the cool morning air. I was torn between going home or risking it by entering the exam without my pass. Just then, John walked by and noticed my distress. John was an old friend; we only spoke to each other in class.

“Fash, what’s wrong? I’ve never seen you this worried,” he said.

I explained the situation to him, and he offered me a ride home on his motorcycle. “I’ll come with you too,” Itunu chimed in, eager to join us.

“No, no, you should stay here and keep us updated on what’s happening in school,” I pleaded, but my words fell on deaf ears. Itunu had already made up her mind to go with us.

Three of us got on the bike, and John was riding this bike like Dominic from Fast and Furious. In no time, I got home, hurried to my room, picked up my course form and exam pass, got on the bike, and rode back to school. I wasn't even scared as John was swerving on the road with loads of cars on it; all I was thinking about was getting to school early. We got to the exam hall, and just a few people were left outside. We all ran to the enhance, sweating and laughing. I turned to John and whispered, "Thank you." He turned to me out of breath, saying, "Thank God we went back because a stitch in time saved nine."

We all walked into the exam hall smiling with the joy of doing the exam without any issue.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This has happened to me before when I was in school. I didn’t even bother to take my bath or brush my teeth. I just ran to school😅😅

ahahah, I am sure many student's must have experience this one time in their life

It's a good thing that you returned on time for the exam
Missing exams can really be disheartening when you know you might be able to rewrite it again
Nice story 😌

You miss nigeria exam. Automatic Carry over. That's just it. I was glad I was able to make it back on time

John seemed quite daring and one for adventure. He really came through for you at the last minute 😁

Yeah, I can't forget him. Man was the knight in the shining armor for me that day. I don't know what would have happened if he did not come through for me.

Yeah, that's true.

I know that experience dear. I think I've almost missed an exam I forgot to bath too. I didn't feel relaxed in the hall at all.

ahahaha, I reading this, I could tell the emotion behind this.

Phew! Thank God you have such good friends. Exams periods in school weren't always easy!

Very true
A quick one
Do you stay in Uyo

I used to but I'm serving now in Oyo.

Oh, k. I asked because I have a friend who bares your name "Mmeyene" and schools in Uyo university

Okay, 😊 that's cool.