Gift of time

in The Ink Well3 months ago


"I chose you as my life partner and I promise I will always support you no matter what circumstances, no matter how hard life would become for us, but you will always find me by your side." My uncle said this to his wife.

All I need from you is a gift of time." She replied.

They said to each other when they were getting married. They both studied together and ended up being married after 5 years of relationship. My uncle truly loved my aunt and did everything to make her happy. He even left going out with his friends and was used to spending most of his time with his wife. He took her on a honeymoon at her favorite place and fulfilled her every wish.

She was also very supportive and honest in the beginning. She was used to take care of my uncle and his family. She never let him down in front of anyone. She was even kind to us. I remember, how she was used to treating me with love. Once she bought me a beautiful dress and bag. They had three children and were spending a happy life together.

My uncle was a manager, but he lost his job due to some reasons. After losing a job, life becomes hard for them. My uncle started to search for a job to support his family, but he stayed unemployed for one year. It was a difficult time, but he stayed persistent. He continued to find a job and finally, he received an interview call. It was a small company and they offered him a low salary, but my uncle accepted it happily as it was better than being idle. But my aunt was not happy to hear this.

" How would we cope with our needs, you should find some other ways to earn more money."

" I am doing my best, I hope things will get better. "

After a few months, she started showing her true colors. No matter how hard my uncle tried to make her happy, she was not satisfied. Although he couldn't give her the life that she dreamed of, he gave her a gift of time. Once she got seriously ill, my uncle took care of her. He took some day's leave and spent time with her. He even took debt but he never cared for it, as his priority was his wife. But this was not enough for my aunt, all she needed was money.

Once it was her friend's wedding, and she demanded a huge amount from my uncle. He gave her the money which he could afford, but she was not satisfied with it. She demanded more. On this, a dispute arrived between them and it came to a serious end.

"I think, we can't stay in this relationship anymore."

" What do you mean?"

"I want divorce from you."

"Are you in your senses? You are asking for divorce, on just an ordinary argument."

"This would be ordinary for you, not for me."

My uncle tried hard to fix this argument, but she had made up his mind, so all was in vain.

"If you are not concerned about me, just think about our children, they need our support and love. Your decision can badly affect their mental health."

" I have made up my mind, so I don't want to talk about it anymore. "

"That's about all the promises you made? What's about our love? I can't stay without you. My life is incomplete without you."

" I don't care about anything now."

" I don't know what made you make this decision, rather I have done everything for you."

"Everything? What you have done for me? What could you give me since our wedding? "

"Perhaps, I haven't given you much, but I gave you a gift of time."

Tears roll down from his eyes, but she never cared for him. She filed a divorce in the court and also took her children with her. Now she has married another man and is living her life happily. But my uncle is still alone. Now we are convincing him to get married, as he also has a right to live a happy life, but he doesn't want to get married to experience the same pain again.

The End!
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A terrible experience that your uncle had to live through. There are people who are by our side but who do not deserve all the sacrifices we make for them.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Good day.