Theinkwell poetry challenge week 6 /Close to you - Cerca de ti

in The Ink Well4 years ago

Greetings to all participants in this challenge. @theinkwell , has organized for 6 weeks the way we express ourselves through poetry. I am grateful for this opportunity to read your works and show my proposal. Good luck and success for all.
You can follow here the rules to participate

Saludos a todos los participantes en este desafío. @theinkwell , ha organizado durante 6 semanas la forma de que nos expresemos a través de la poesía. Agradezco esta oportunidad de poder leer sus trabajos y mostrar mi propuesta. Suerte y éxito para todos.
Pueden seguir aquí las bases para participar Bases


Foto de Harun Tan en Pexels

Close to you

Clinging to your tangled thoughts
trying to link you to some loophole in the past
trying to find the meaning of being.
That's how you spend your dull hours
wrapped in a skin you don't understand
your gaze long ago
left her by the sea.
Don't hide your trembling hands
I'm here.

Take mine.
Don't be nervous.
I'll guide you to the window facing the sun
to offer you a sunset
and like him, slowly declining
You'll find the way.
of your new adventure.
Wait for me there.
When we meet again
you'll remember me.


Cerca de ti

Aferrado a tus enmarañados pensamientos
tratando de enlazarte a algún resquicio del pasado
intentando encontrar el sentido de estar.
Así transcurren tus horas lerdas
envuelto en una piel que no entiendes
tu mirada hace tiempo
la dejaste a orillas del mar.
No escondas tus manos temblorosas
estoy aquí.

Toma las mias
no estes nervioso
te guiaré hasta la ventana que da al sol
para ofrecerte un atardecer
y como él, lentamente, declinando
encontraras el camino
de tu nueva aventura.
Espérame allí
Cuando nos volvamos a ver
me recordarás.

Bee Birthday Card 1.jpg

La fotografía del atardecer es de mi propiedad
y fue tomada con la cámara de mi teléfono móvil.

The sunset photo is my property and was taken with my cell phone camera.

Translated with (free version)

Bee Birthday Card.jpg


This in a way depicts having a good support system. Love it. Cheers

Yes, the most important thing is to offer love to our older people so that they feel loved. @okikithegreat

It's a beautiful way to live. Cheers

Lovely poem. It's the way love is. To help and be helped

It's wonderful to be able to help and very sad when you can't. There's an eternal emptiness left. Thank you for commenting. @ebingo

You are welcome.

Beautiful and moving poem, @evagavilan, full of delicate lyricism.

It's a subject that always moves me.@josemalavem,I want to try to understand what it must be like to be on the other side of the story.
Thank you for your insightful commentary.