A recently promoted police officer named tom spots three thugs behind a tall building at 48th street after midnight. The policeman thinks of calling for help after doing a thorough investigation, not realizing at the time that the situation was a trap. The policeman pursued the criminals until they reached their base, which was over 500 kilometers from the city. He realizes his walkie-talkie is missing as he reaches into his pocket to get it. He murmurs, "Damn! I can't believe it's not here." as a guy leaps from the pole behind him, sending him sprawling to the ground and rendering him unconscious with a powerful blow. The next day, After learning that he has been abducted, he wakes up and looks around to check if anyone is there. After glancing around for almost a minute, he starts to question why he is being confined in an experiment room. A few minutes later, an elderly guy enters with a rifle and a box kit. He sets the rifle down on the table and extracts some supplies from the box kit. The elderly guy takes open a bottle that has a substance that resembles mercury and pours it into a glass container. After adding more chemicals, he flips a wall switch to release a huge apparatus with several wire-like components that are capable of moving on their own.
After inserting the glass container into the machine's middle hole, the elderly guy grabs the gun and walks out. The machine starts up, and the policeman, who was feigning sleep, starts to urinate on his clothes. The policeman's eyes are immediately struck by two sharp needles that protrude from the machine's wire-like arms. After yelling for perhaps thirty seconds, the policeman lost consciousness. The policeman is gradually brainwashed as the gadget continues its job.
The policeman wakes up the following day with no recollection of his history, despite his ability to talk and comprehend certain things regularly. Along with the Oldman is a tall, black man who seems to be the mastermind. After taking off the policeman's ties, the black man orders him to reach for Report Phrase the wall, which he does. The old guy pulled out his revolver as soon as he contacted the wall and started shooting at various portions of the policeman's body, which was suddenly bulletproof. After expressing his admiration, the Blackman instructs the elderly guy to prepare his subject for a mission that will take place the next day.
The policeman wore unique disguises and had trackers implanted in his body the next day to stop the police from investigating. Because of his capacity to harden his skin, they gave him the nickname "Rockrough". He was dispatched to steal from a bank that was well-known for its high level of security with another test subject who possessed the ability to blend in. During their first trip, they managed to take around $3 million without being detected. The boss was pleased with the test findings and was now prepared to use them for all his missions.
few months later they were on a mission to steal a new device capable of controlling all satellite operated devices. before the journey, Rockrough decided to get some things at the mall and told his partner to wait for him in the car. when Rockrough was going out of the mall he collides with his wife who calls him "Tom".
he wondered what the lady wanted and was trying to run away until his memory started flashing back. His partner suspected something was wrong seeing him standing through a bull's eye opening of the translucent window. Rockrough sees his partner coming out of his car with a gun and quickly tells his wife his mission plus she was in danger. With haste, he had his wife relocated to a nearby room, and he hurried to meet Maxwell his partner pretending he was watching the news on the tv. Having apologized for taking too long, they both began their journey meanwhile Linda who recently placed a tracker on her husband rushed to the police station where her husband was working to inform them. They immediately sent the information to higher authorities so as to gather more information.
During the trip to the military facility, Rockrough regains his memories and devises a strategy to permanently destroy his boss's plans. He devised a plan to halt by first capturing the 100-person super crews who had been dispatched with him to the base. A few minutes later, he instructs his companion to pull over so he may urinate in a nearby public bathroom. He runs to the restroom and sends a message containing his mission and his boss whereabouts to the officer in command of his group before being abducted. The police officer in charge notices the message and tells the commander in charge of the military facility.
Rockrough finishes up and deletes the police crew leader chats to prevent his partner from accidently reading them. He climbs inside the cargo van and begins his journey. When they arrive at the military installation, Rockrough instructs the rest of the crew to wait while he inspects the entrance, as he is the only one with bulletproof skin. Maxwell continues in following him since he fits in with the surroundings. Rockrough accepts so that they don't accuse him of betraying his master. They got to the entrance to find many patrol officer. Maxwell tells Rockrough to wait while he goes inside. Rockrough checks his tracker until he was sure that Maxwell had gone far before sending a message to the military's head who had been watching them. The military's head had created a path to an underground prison equipped with facilities that could disable their abilities based on the intel given by Rockrough. 60 percent of the super crews were within the range of the trap which was then activated. the ground opens to capture 60 of the super soldiers while the rest of the 40 came out of their hiding to fight. They sent messages to their boss who had already been captured by the police and is now in custody along side the scientist.
The military encircled the remaining 40 super crews and demanded that they surrender, while Maxwell, who had already been caught in a glass demobilizer, regained his memories. Rockrough walks in to check on Maxwell and discovers him stuck. He pretends to be seeking for a means to liberate him, but Maxwell informs him that he has recovered his memories and does not want to continue with the mission. Maxwell also asks him to put an end to the boss' ambitions for good as Rockrough nods and goes out. Rockrough goes out to the rest of the crew and tells them to do as the soldiers says and was challenged by one of the boss's loyal elite who had the ability to regenerate any part of his body. Rockrough accepted the challenge knowing fully that the elite had a permanent demobilizer. RockRough stood waiting for the man to make his first move which he did by trying to pass the demobilizer into the rockrough's head. Rockrough, who understood exactly what he was going for, turns metal and delivers an uppercut. The elite felt no pain and runs to his back, attempting to raise him, but unbeknownst to him, Rockrough utilized the chance to remove the demobilizer from his back pocket and slide it through his neck while being lifted. The elite senses something is wrong in his stomach and begins to vomit a pink substance as he loses power. The remaining super crews were apprehended without any casualties. Rockrough travels to the hideaway in search of treatments for their abilities and ways to assist the remaining captive crews in regaining their memories. He discovers a glass carrying the cure and delivers it to his wife Linda, a scientist with unique access to a number of institutions. They were able to create more of the remedy and treated the remaining sufferers.
Two months later, Tom gains popularity as officer Rockrough alongside his companion Maxwell, who joins the police department along with a few other victims of the tragedy who are unwilling to give up their skills. They established a new state defense agent and proceeded to utilize their skills for good.
Work totally mine.
images: drawn with medibang.
we do NOT accept AI-generated content in The Ink Well Community, and we do not accept violent content. Your story is detected as AI. And content like the scene with the needles in the officer's eyes is not acceptable in The Ink Well.Hi @dreeyor. We have some important information about our community below that we provide as a welcome to new writers coming to our community. However, first and foremost, we must tell you that
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Although I do not agree with my work is produced by AI part, I do get what you're saying.