"...the gods will die | redemption".
It was an hour past mid day, the sun was blazingly hot but totally ignored as activities continued. Scattered in the air amidst yelling of petty traders calling the attention of buyers to their wares was an unexplainable excitement. All stalls occupied with impatient buyers cussing but waiting their turns to get their goods.
It seemed the whole village had came out and this was a good time for the peddlers to make quick money disposing off their wares before the sun sets.
Standing by a stall of Aso Oke and bargaining prices for variety of fabrics was Ifeoluwa. A petite tailor who had married the village's headmaster, Akin. The couple had become popular not just because of Akin's occupation but also his wife's beauty. Ife was light skinned almost an albino, her brown eyes were like that of an Oyinbo.
Something very remarkable about her when sighted from afar was her hair, she had long hairs whose tips were touching the middle of her back which was quite rare but fascinating to the people of Ibara.
Circumstances surrounding her birth suggested she was an ogbanje (a mermaid) believed to be a child given to humans by the water spirit which most often had consequences that were usually dire and tragic at the end. This however, didn't deter the suitors from flocking around her constantly trying to buy the heart of Iya Agba her guardian who took her in after the demise of her father during a hunting expedition that saw him take a fall and broke his spine. Ifeoluwa who lost her mum at birth was barely 5 years old when her father died and since then had been under the care and watchful eyes of Iya Agba an elder sister to Ife's father.
Ahn Ahn... Mummy Tunde, this fabric is too soft for the amount you're calling. Its a one day event that I'm using it for not like I'd be using or selling it after the dance for the Prince's arrival ceremony.
Iyawo mi... See, this fabric is authentic. Forget about the lightness or thickness, as a matter of fact, its perfect for this your soft delicate skin. (Smooches IFE's right arm).
You know if the cloth is too hard, you'll sweat profusely inside it ehn and I don't want that for you.
Still not convincing enough for me to pay such an amount.
My husband is only an educationalist not a merchant.
The last I can pay for this is fabric is 12 cowries, either that or I walk away.
(Soliloquizes) If she can't afford my wares then why stop at my shade?
(Smiles broadly) Ifeoluwa... You know your husband is a well read and well respected member of our community, it wouldn't be nice to see you wear something inferior for the Prince's arrival.
(Whispers) I heard he's coming with his fiancée and accompanied by an entourage of his graduating class.
You need to be at your best so I'll sell for you. But you must promise me that you'll tell everyone that asks you about the fabric about me. You know so that I too can sell more, and please the Normal price, try not to mention the discounted price.
You have no worries, of course I wouldn't sell the product for anything short of the initial price.
So I should pay?
This is a onetime offer and its because of your stance in our community. Yes bring the money.
As Ifeoluwa was dipping her hand around her waist to untie the money safely banked away in a knot tied at the edge of her wrapper tucked into her waistline, she heard a familiar voice over her shoulder.
Hello Ife... Ifemi
A voice with unwanted history. A history that started with angst and ended with hate. The sheer fact that she was breathing same air as this being filled I've with so much angst and spite.
The store owner recognizing in whose presence she now stands bowed her head and dared not look up unless asked to. It was too rare that a commoner like her should share a space with royalty as she now found herself in. She greeted...
Aremu, Ekason (Good afternoon, my Prince).
Totally ignoring the store owner and her salutations, the being's concentration was fixed on Ifeoluwa whom had raging emotions welling up inside of her about to erupt. She too had not looked up either to the store owner or to the being but had kept her head down with teeth gritting and fists clenched. She obviously had a lot to say but words wouldn't do justice. Maybe a few punches, slaps probably bites too might help her send the message of her raging emotions but then she was in public, she had a reputation of hers and her husband to protect. Also, the crowned Prince was not a personality to mess with especially in the eyes of his subjects.
The king gets what he wants. This was a savage law that almost made Ifeoluwa the most unhappy Queen ever to have lived on earth.
Ifeoluwa... How are you?
It is quite rare for you to have come out today. We haven't seen you in daylight for a long time.
(Scoffs) I suppose your love for my brother still lingers somewhere in your heart. He returns tomorrow and here you are shopping.
Well I can understand why you're keeping silent but i need to speak with you.
Can we go somewh...
Never!!! Aderópó, I say N-E-V-E-R!!!
I would rather the gods will die before I go anywhere with you again.
The countenance of Ifeoluwa had changed, her pupils enlarged, eye brows arched. Her face now like the scourging sun of the sahara desert wrapped with fleeting words of the harmattan wind. She knew if she stayed any longer, she might be making the greatest mistake of her life that could see her in a dungeon or worse still in the bed of this maggot wretched excuse of a man.
By this time, curious eyes in the market directed towards the duo had halted their engagements in wonder as to what the scuffle might be. In a bid to stop any further assumption she took her load of hatred and headed home to her husband, the man who had saved her 5 years ago from the vicious beast clothed in Royal attire.
She was angry but could not look him in the eye lest she sees her naked reflections in his lustful eyes that would bring back memories she had tried to suppress over the years. The smirk he had on his face during that dastardly act, overpowering her feeble bones in the struggle and placing her petit frame beneath his muscular weight, his strong hands ripping her clothes off and fondling with her virgin breasts. She felt like the lamb in the paws of an African nomadic lion and just when he would devour her taking what was sacred, the only gem she possessed at the time he wanted not by asking but by force, her saviour appeared. Scarcely experienced but her saviour did the job of saving her.
Ifeoluwa and Prince Arinóla came into talking terms when his brother Prince Aderópó had invited her to the royal courts for an evening dance organized by the King, Gbadewólú Oba Adekumi (I) to announce the success of Prince Arinóla into the scholarship program by the colonial regime. The prince would become the first native to travel beyond the shores of the country to the white man's land on a foreign voyage.
It was an exciting day for the village but the ceremony itself was held indoors inside the King's large throne room. with each family group represented by the sides of the throne. as chiefs between the King's inner circle and the visitors. Prince Aderópó had brought Ifeoluwa in a bid to flaunt her before his mother the Queen.
Unfortunately, as the eldest son he had to attend to princely duties which left Ifeoluwa with out company. All by herself, she wandered away taking a tour of the palace undisturbed by the guards when she heard the sound. At first it was faint and distant she thought it was from the palace court, as she fed her fascinations with more of the royal tastes the sound became soothing and sweet to the ears and now her waist was betraying her as she found it swaying as though it had a mind of it's own.
She followed as the music became stronger and stronger and often made her chuckle at the talent of the artist. Suddenly, the music stopped and quiet covered everywhere, even the chirping birds had fallen asleep on their duties. She scanned the area with her eyes searching for the source of such fine music but found nothing. Already deep into the bush away from community activities, she felt abruptly alone and needed to return. As she turned to step back home, he spoke.
Where word fails... Music speaks.
Music expresses that which cannot be put into words.
She followed the voice and her eyes led her up the trees seated on a branch was his frame lean frame. The very opposite of his brother for he was tall, fair and handsome without the tribal marks while his brother was of averaged height, dark skinned and his face well scarred. Detached away from his ceremony and all frenzy for nothing, Prince Arinóla had stealthily found a sanctuary away from the crowd and now sitting by a tree branch by the pond playing his flute. He was his father's favorite and would have been chosen as the next Oba except fate had other plans for him making him the second son and can only clinch the crown in the demise of his elder brother. Yet he possessed all kingly characters lacking in his brother.
My Prince.
I'm sorry for intruding.
I was just taking a tour and then I heard the music. I didn't know it was you.
So, is it odd that a Prince should play an instrument?
No my Prince.
It is just odd that there should be guests in the palace gathered together because of you, yet here you are atop a tree breathing on a pipe.
(Smiles) I think I recognise you from earlier. You're the damsel that came in with Aderópó, right?
(Jumps down) Howbare you not enjoying the party?
Why are you not in your own party?
They both stare each other in the eye before a loud burst of laughter.
I find myself claustrophobic in a gathering of people. Aderópó says its not kingly for a prince to fear a gathering, actually he mocks me with it but what do I care? The throne is not my dream.
Well then what is?
I'm not sure understand.
Come sit, you should tired your feet from hearing my mumbles. Come let's sit by the pond
He led her to the pond and whike they sat down he explained his vision to Ifeoluwa. How he wanted to dream beyond a community or a town but become powerful enough govern many villages. The country would be having her independence in two time, his trip to England was a move to empower him enough for the task of representing more than one village. And he must study the white man's ways to be prepared.
Kingship is dictatorship, and would soon be coming to an end or would become powerless in a Democratic era.
Demo... What is is that.
A system of governance that would ensure civilization enters our small town. A better way of living, belief and would give the young men a sense of purpose.
I see... Isn't that a more noble role compared to sitting on a throne tossing judgement about.
Ifeoluwa spotted the bird swaying towards their direction but also thought it'd take a dive away as was the nature of swallow birds to swing low and abruptly changed direction but instead it took a long dive downwards to touch the pond and picked up altitude but not far away from Ifeoluwa's face. The avian caused her to think in split seconds before landing in Prince Arinóla's arms to dodge the bird from hitting her.
Wooooahhh!!! _(holding her and smiling) Yes it is.
Wait a minute, (pulling herself from him) did you say our Oba would become powerless?
Well, now that you said it that way not entirely powerless bu...
But what!!!
The duo was jilted to a stand as they heard Aderópó's voice. Turning, they saw him in between two palace guards. Aderópó was an excellent hunter who had won many hunting games. As demanded by the throne, hunting is a skill necessary for all its occupants, it is believed that hunting comes in handy when invading another village or in times of war. His silent movement as gentle as a cat made the couple surprised as they hadn't heard anyone come through the bushes.
Also, it brought a sudden self realization to themselves that they had been alone in the Bush. A young man and a damsel, Alone in the bush. Ifeoluwa was quick to redeem herself.
My Prince. I am so sorry I wandered away from the palace and from your sight. You got really busy with your duties I decided to take a walk to busy myse...
Silence!!! Who gave you permission to speak?
(Mimicking) You got really busy with your work and I decided to walk right into the arms of my brother?
Its not what you think brother.
I--I---We were just...
And you!!! You would take our father's heart for yourself alone and now you would take my Queen?
Queen?? She isn't even betrothed to you.
I brought her to see mother for approval. (Casting a demeaning look towards Ifeoluwa) I thought she had qualities of of the Queen's stool but I was wrong.
Not like its any of my business but I can tell you that she's a great lady and would make a fine Queen befitting for a King.
And you would know now, wouldn't you?
I'd deal with you later but right now, father calls for you. Your guest are about to be on their way but their host is no where to be found so father sent me to go find (gestures towards Arinóla mockingly) his princely son. Now father calls for you, the guards will escort you.
Arinóla casted one final glance at Ifeoluwa, without words he made his way with the guards following behind him towards the palace leaving Prince Aderópó alone with Ifeoluwa.
Immediately Arinóla was out of earshot, Aderópó pounced on Ifeoluwa angrily. At first it was just soft slaps and twisting of wrists as he kept cussing at her and calling her all sorts of defaming names. Ifeoluwa was silent at first as was expected of a woman when cautioned by her husband, only this time, he wasn't even betrothed to her. However, he was royalty and they considered the King a god in human form. She couldn't look him in the eye or speak up talk more fight back. That would be a taboo which could see her cursed by the high priestess for committing the sacrilege of challenging the gods.
Then he began to choke her with his wide strong hands. His face now fierce like a wild animal. Ifeoluwa tried unsuccessfully to free herself from his grasp, her feeble stature was no match for his war built body. Then more out of reflex than intentional gasped out for air, stretching herself and lifting her legs mid air she kicked out. Aderópó let out sharp cry that gradually ceded into groaning as he released his grip and was now placing his hands holding his groin, he slowly collapsed into the ground writhing with pain.
Unsure whether to run immediately or wait to find out if he was okay before leaving she went on her knees beside him and telling him it was an accident also inquiring what to do to help him relieve the pain. Ade was silent for a while, immobile but still breathing he had his eyes shot.
Ife realized he was okay now and should leave him before he totally recovers, only the gods knows what he'd do to her. Slowly she picked herself up carefully enough not to make a sound but as she turned to take the first step she tripped on Aderópó's leg. Ifeoluwa fell flat faced on the bed of leaves scattered by the trees around the pond as she turned ignoring the pain in her jaw and nose, Ade was now on her again. He dealt her the first slap and it was nothing like the previous ones, it was vicious and blinding as his fingers fell on her face. All efforts to get him off her w
Proved abortive as he continued to rain more slaps on her as well as stripping her.
Amidst the slaps, she would open her eyes to peep at her violator and there he was now enjoying what was to come for him. He wasn't angry as much as he was lustful. The situation had played right into his hands and now he.must take advantage of it.
No! No!! No!!!
Please don't do this.
Ade nothing happened between me and Arinóla, It was only a misunderstanding and I was at fault but this is not the right way to correct me.
Aderópó... Aderópó.
Would you take something that can be yours for the asking?
Ade! Ade!! Stop!!!
All pleas fell on deaf ears as he caught her firm naked breasts with his right hands while pinning her to the ground with his whole muscular body frame. As he bent down to taste her, out of no where came Akin. Akin picked up a log of wood hitting him hard to the head as he knocked Ade out and cold. He picked Ifeoluwa up and hastened to the palace courts to report to the king.
Settled secretly, Prince Aderópó was blamed and the king begged Ifeoluwa not to make a fuss about it as it would be difficult for the villagers to believe her which would spell doom for her and her family as she could be risking being banished for lying against the heir to the throne. However, her cries might raise suspicions by the white men who have been making comments about abolishing the system of government of the Oba and now available for Prince Arinóla's party.
The two have never met again since that incident only to run into each other today at the market.
I don't mean to hurt you anymore, I have done that once an I can assure that I have regretted it every single day that passes on.
I am sorry.
Ifeoluwa came to an abrupt stop. Unsure of why, Prince Aderópó halted also behind her. She turned facing him, her eyes being his gaze as she walked towards him. Her mouth agape and face filled with disbelief.
I know. (Aderópó not sure why she had the look on her face)
A king shouldn't stoop so low but I apologize. I'm so sorry I tried to forcefully take away your virginit...
The air was filled with exclamations. It was a brief commotions for some seconds as though the slap was the signal the market needed to scatter.
Ifeoluwa kept going scratching, hitting and doing whatever she could to reduce the anger she had been carrying under the cloak of angelic smiles. How she was battered but denied justice, sexually abused yet her abuser walks freely preparing himself for the throne.
She let it all out.
The more she hit him the more she realized there was no coming back, the deed was done. She had slapped the Heir to the throne, Òmò Óbá. If the mob didn't execute her by stoning her to death before reaching the palace, the palace itself would keep her in the dungeon. The best treatment she could get was banishment. She watched as her present was already deciding her future, surprisingly for a hot tempered being Prince Aderópó didn't move, stop or retaliated. He just stood an watched as she vented out.
He had approached her in search of redemption in her eyes and maybe they could both erase the past like it never happened. Now he's seen how much hurt he had caused her. How much she reminiscences that evening's happenings and renews the hurt like a fresh wound.
He had hurt Ifeoluwa on the eve of his brother's departure and now after things ought to have cooled down he had scattered the resting waters and caused a scene just in the eve of his brother's arrival. His brother now brainwashed by the white to see all their tradition's and culture as savagery.
What would Arinóla think of me?
How am I to be a better king than he could ever be?
He watched as the crowd whisked Ifeoluwa away from him, dragging her away to the palace where she'd be given a sudden verdict.
"A verdict without a fair hearing"... He thought to himself, "isn't that savagery?"
He was a Prince. A crownd Prince and heir to the throne. A custodian of the town sanctuary and torchbearer of his family's lineage. He could succumb to emotional blackmail and bravely tell the story to the people of Ibara and watch their trust for him and his fathers lineage dwindle or he could do what kings do and take a standing decision to discipline an attack on him, an abomination and total sacrilege of the throne can not go unpunished.
Ifeoluwa must be banished!!!
And so he moved swiftly after the mob heading to the palace
This is my entry for theinkwell fiction challenge, you can check it out here
For more enquiries send a mail to diariesofthenigerianbachelor@gmail.com
Read also
ROMANCE WITH UBER: The series, part 1
ROMANCE WITH UBER: The series Part 2
ROMANCE WITH UBER:The series Part 3
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Whoah!! Stories that ends like this are my best. They raise series of questions in you like will she be banished, will she really be justified - because I see no justice done anywhere. Tales of two prince with one brainwashed by the whites to desire civilization and the other, who happens to be the senior one, being corrupted by power. It was a good thing Akin got to the scene in time when he did.
I never knew you write stories ooooo... This is too good!
It was her world against the throne's, how can she be justified?
Can the throne every be wrong?
Sadly, but but brother, this life no balance at all.
I swear.... Life no balance at all
Hello! Your post was selected by The Ink Well for quality and has received an OCD upvote! Congratulations! Please keep sharing these quality posts.
Awesome... Thank you a lot, this is so encouraging.
This is quite a story, @dotnb - rather epic in scope! I was hoping that something about Ifeoluwa possibly being a mermaid would surface again in the story, as that was a very intriguing detail. Thank you for sharing your work with The Ink Well. I enjoyed it.
That was quite an angle... The mermaid story would have broadened the scope and probably alter the plot too, so I allowed it slide as a mere speculation...
I should be writing something soon about the mermaid, they have such beautiful stories and songs told about them already. Thankfully they're just myths (I hope). So writing another fictional story about these creatures wouldn't hurt.
Thank you for your feedback, and for enjoying the story. Guys like you are the real MVP.