in The Ink Well3 years ago


It was a sunny day, the prince couldn't stop thinking as the day of his coronation was getting closer. He was so disturbed and perplexed. One of his favorite guards noticed his mood and asked "my prince what could be the issue that got you worried?"

The prince reluctantly replied that his coronation will be forfeited if you didn't get a wife before the D-Day. The guard thought for a while and then got an idea, whispered into the Prince's ear which made him smile and they both planned to leave the palace secretly.

The guard and the prince disguised as a poor farmer and left the village in search of a wife. Fortunately for the prince, he met a beautiful lady he could call his princess.


Days after days, weeks after weeks.

He continues to persuade her to accept him. Unknowingly to her, the prince wasn't a common man. Finally, she fell in love with him with the thought that he was truly a farmer. Months later, the father of the girl couldn't find his expensive jewel and the prince who was accused of taking it.

He was on the verge of being prosecuted when the guard opened up that he was a Prince. With great shock, the girl ran inside and refused to set her eyes on the Prince for days because she felt he lied to her.

The prince then traveled back to his Palace unfulfilled. His parents already had plans for him to choose from the village girls. The D-day was fast approaching, and no girl was on the scene.


A dance show was organized to select the most beautiful girl for the prince. With all the preparations he wasn't happy as the lady he wished for didn't want him, so he thought.

The dance show began, everywhere was lively, beautiful girls across the village were all in attendance. The competition was high as none want to miss the opportunity of becoming the Queen of the land. The first group danced and the prince nodded in disagreement with the winner of that group. The next group and the next and the next but none thrilled him. The last group was about to dance and tension was in the air. The last set began...........

The love, the girl had for the prince made her have no peace until he went in search of him. Fortunately, she met the last group dancing and she joined. The prince was so delighted and their Love Story was created.

Sometimes I could just sit and imagine how love stories began with disguising.

I don't want him or her to know that I came from a rich home!

I want someone who will love me for who I am and not what I have.....

Bla Bla Bla......

The kind of ladies in this generation isn't ready to suffer with men any longer. Most ladies want already arrived men. Some would even say to the man's face that "you don't have what it takes to date me".

Due to some of these reasons, some men disguise themselves as who they are not. Divorce too has become the order of the day.
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A nice love story with a touch of fiction but isn't that true in real life too? I loved it when she accepted the prince despite all her reluctance.

You are right sir. She already loved him for who he is before she finally knew who he really was. Love covereth all sin you know. Thanks for coming around

hehehe yes - I think many people of wealthy means want to see who is after them for their heart - or their wallet.

I think your images - they have arrows on them. next time when you want to use the images - you can long press on the image and it should let you download it instead of taking a screenshot hehehee


Ok ma. Thanks ma. Am learning daily. Will do just that next time

This is such a beautiful piece of love story. The prince was out on a good mission because finding live in this generation could be somewhat difficult. However, telling a lie is already a bad impression of himself.

Very right sir. He had to do that to find someone who will love him not as a prince but for himself

This is a fairy tale, but as is true of many fairy tales, it has a dark side. The story uses fiction to highlight a perceived social problem.

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Sure I will check the page, as am new And learning daily. Thanks for the opportunity to express myself in your community.