Whispers of Tranquility

in The Ink Welllast year


The monastery bells rang out over the mountainside, signaling the start of morning meditation. Brother Thomas sighed deeply as he stepped onto the cold stone floor of his modest cell. After so many years of devoted spiritual practice, he still struggled to find inner peace during meditation. His mind was constantly pulled this way and that by an endless parade of thoughts and emotions.

After washing up and getting dressed in his simple brown robe, Thomas made his way to the meditation hall. He lit a stick of incense at the Buddha statue and settled onto his cushion. Closing his eyes, He began reciting his mantra hoping to calm his restless mind.

Yet the thoughts kept coming. Thomas thought of the chores that awaited him after meditation. His knees ached on the hard floor. A bird's song outside the window distracted him. No matter how hard he tried to focus on his breath, his mind rebelled against the enforced stillness.

Sighing inwardly, Thomas recognized he was holding too tightly to the idea of finding inner peace. He was trying to force his experience into matching his expectations of meditation. Perhaps it was time to let go. Rather than fighting against the thoughts and sensations, he decided to open up and allow whatever arose to be there.

As Thomas adopted an attitude of gentle acceptance, something began to shift. The thoughts drifting through his mind seemed less solid, less distracting. He no longer grasped after an elusive state of inner stillness. His mantra settled into the background as he opened to the whole experience of sitting - the play of light on the wooden floor, the energy moving through his body, the muffled sounds of the outside world.

Moments flowed by like water. Whenever Thomas noticed himself getting caught up in discursive thinking, he gently returned to the sensate present. He felt profoundly at peace.

The monastery bells rang out again, signaling the end of the meditation period. Thomas slowly opened his eyes, feeling rested and clear. For the first time, he had tasted the essence of meditation - not an inner void or silence, but a deep allowing into the fullness of each moment just as it is. This day held new promise.

Over the next weeks, Thomas came to the cushion each day with an open and curious spirit, not seeking any particular state. He found that by releasing his grip on how meditation should be, it became what it needed to be in each moment.

Some days his mind was turbulent, buffeted by strong emotions that scattered his focus. Other times stillness descended easily. Sometimes insight arose during practice. At other times, the effects were more subtle, infusing his day with a gentle presence.

Thomas learned to embrace it all not judging his practice as good or bad. He trusted the process unfolding in its own time. As he stopped looking for inner peace, he found it was already there - not dependent on his striving, but always available whenever he let go.

One morning, Thomas awakened cognizant the hour had come for the succeeding move in his exploration. The monastery had given a stalwart groundwork, however he felt beckoned to convey his discipline outside those secured ramparts into the commotion of routine life. He hoped to dispense the placidity he had attained in the service of humanity.

With his teacher's blessing, Thomas left the monastery and went out into the cities and villages. He took up work cooking and cleaning at a shelter for those in need. As he scrubbed pots and floors, he silently continued his meditation practice, grounded in humble presence.

Thomas quickly saw how much suffering existed in the world outside the monastery. People hurried about with hard, pinched faces. Anxiety, anger and fear pervaded the crowded streets. He responded with compassion recognizing the shared struggle to be at peace amid difficulty.

When he could, Thomas would sit beside those in distress and listen fully, giving them his heartfelt attention. Many people poured out their grief and pain to the quiet monk. Sometimes all it took was a kind look from Thomas for a glimmer of hope to shine through in the other's eyes.

Thomas knew his work had just begun. He dreamed of one day creating a meditation center right in the city, where all would be welcome to find respite and rediscover their inner light. For now, he focused on the present - sweeping the shelter floor as if it were the most important job, honoring each encounter as sacred.

At day's end, Thomas returned to his small rented room. Sitting on the threadbare rug, he meditated deeply into the night. The noisy street scenes replayed in his mind, the rush of images slowing down as he infused each one with care. Thomas sent prayers of healing out into the darkness, imagining the entire world at rest in the heart of the Divine.

When it was time for sleep, he lay down with a peaceful heart. This was life's journey - to keep planting seeds of love and wakefulness, even in the most barren places. The stillness within could not be lost. It waited patiently to be revealed, a light shining in every soul ready to awaken.


I love how you detailed every part of the story. Nice one.

Beautiful piece of writing

Thanks for stopping by.

Pleasure to be here

A very “pretty” piece of prose. However, short fiction is usually elevated by incorporating the classic elements: dialogue, action and narration. Even if you protagonist “spoke” to himself, it would add interest to the story.

The best short fictions also have a strong conflict/resolution type format and although your story does have an arc, it is rather soft and you could’ve made more of it.

Keep up the good work and remember to engage with the community and comment on other stories.

A beautiful piece

Sometimes your biggest trouble is just an obstacle some people encounter on a daily basis

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Nice story, I hope Thomas finally opens a meditation centre to help so many people out there