Sam was having the best time of his life watching his favorite show on the television, eating pop corn made by his younger sister. When it got to the part he's been waiting for, the power just went off. He screamed out in pain - as he remembered that he hasn't paid his electricity bill. Priscillia, his younger sister almost immediately screamed out from the kitchen.
Sam was shocked, because it felt weird that Priscillia screamed almost immediately after he did. Sam rushed to the kitchen to see what happened to Priscillia. He saw her holding a broom up, looking horribly scared. Sam asked, "What happened? Why did you scream like that?" She replied, pointing the broom at the kitchen cabinet, "Cockroach..."
Sam looked at her with very disappointing eyes, shook his head, and said, "Priscillia..., you got me all scared, because you saw a Cockroach?" He angrily walked out of the kitchen, and went back to the living room to sit. It was past 5pm in the evening, Sam picked up his phone, and the first notification he saw was a debit alert message, and his bank account balance.
He breaths down heavily. His bank balance was reading zero. He was completely broke, no electricity, and a younger sister screaming, "Cockroach..." He puts his hands across his head, and whispers, "What kind of life is this? Why am I so broke?"
As he was lamenting, he remembered in a flash that he had not ironed his clothes for work the next day. Sam got angry at himself, because he had all the time to iron, before the power went off. He started to think actively, "Where can I iron my clothes now?"
He decided that he'll ask his next door neighbor Stepheny, to allow him iron his working clothes in her place. Sam had always liked her and wanted to talk to her, but was too shy to do so. He gathered courage and went over to her doorstep and knocked. He explained his predicament to her, and she let him in.
Stepheny was wearing a nice white top, and a beautiful short blue skirt. Sam was blown away by her beauty. While he was ironing, Stepheny was making dinner in the kitchen, and he could see her from behind. Some of the spices fell to the floor, Stepheny bent down to pick them up, and Sam couldn't take his eyes off her. Before he could regain himself, he burned his cloth.
Inadvertently, he screamed, "Shit..." Stepheny rushed out of the kitchen to see what happened. Sam had his left hand on his forehead looking miserable. Stepheny on seeing his burned cloth said, "Sorry..." Sam was confused, but managed to squeeze out the words, "What will I wear to work now?"
Stepheny looked at the clothes, and knew it was a sales boy working clothes. She then told Sam, "Perhaps it's a sign that you should stop your current job, and look for a better one." Sam replied, "But I've been applying, none has been successful." Stepheny then said, "I'll give you my uncle's phone number, he should have a position for you in his company."
Sam was really happy to hear this, he said, "Thank you so much." Stepheny smiled and said, "Thank me after you've gotten the job." Sam collected the number, then left.
The next morning, Sam made a call to Stepheny's uncle, and went for the interview. His younger sister Priscillia wished him all the best of luck.
Coming back in the evening, he knocked at Stepheny's door. She opened, but before inviting him in, she asked out of curiosity, "Did you get the job?" Sam's face went soured, then suddenly he smiled, and screamed, " Yes..." He hugged her tightly, and said, "Thank you a million." Stepheny replied, "You're welcome. Congratulations!" And she hugged him back.
You never can tell when an angel is living next door, until you go broke and burn your clothes
Lolzzz...thanks for dropping by.
Bro, it seems as you ended it halfway 🙄. What happened to the both of them. Tell me they launched into relationship 🥱
I ended it with the insinuation that they'll somehow launch into a relationship. Thanks for dropping by.
Sam was lucky to have Stepheny explain to him why he was experiencing all that.
He really needed to be put in the right direction.
Some men haven't just found a woman who will save them from the chaotic lives they're living. Thanks for dropping by.
We all pray to cross paths with someone like Stepheny one day.
This is a nice story of success and friendship after a lot of struggle. With a bit of development of the characters we believe this would really shine! We do want to note that curation in The Ink Well is not only based on storytelling, but also on engagement, however. We ask authors to engage with at least two other members for every story posted in the community. Thank you for sharing your tale with us.
I've just engaged with two other authors, by commenting on their stories. Thanks for dropping by.