Football crazy.

in The Ink Welllast year (edited)

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Jen sat on the top deck of the bus only half taking in the scene outside as the gentle hum of the engine lulled her into a light doze.

Suddenly she was jolted into wakefulness, her eyes wide as they lighted upon a familiar figure ahead in the distance. It was her Dave or someone who looked exactly like him. And who was that woman he was embracing? She craned her neck to get another look as the bus rounded the corner. It couldn't be Dave she thought. He was at the football game with the lads on the other side of town. But there was no mistaking his six-foot-five gangly frame.

Back home she awaited his return, pasting on a smile when his key turned in the door.

"Hi luv, good day at the footie?"

"Eh, yeah, we had some great gas, babe. Biffo sends his regards."

Biffo was an ex of hers who had later turned out to be gay, a running joke between herself and Dave. She laughed as she might have done on any other day, but it wasn’t like any other day. Today he had lied to her.

Days passed, then weeks. She watched his every move, checked his phone, searched his pockets, but nothing. She followed him to his Saturday football rendezvous feeling nauseous at the person she’d become but unable to stop herself. She couldn’t sleep nor apply herself to her work, so much so that her supervisor suggested she take sick leave starting immediately. Arriving home she retired to bed. Perhaps she was ill she decided. Perhaps a rest would do her good.

She woke to find it still light. Dave was home. As she descended the stairs she could hear him clearly, talking to himself in the downstairs bathroom.

"It’s not you, it’s me " he was saying. "I still love you but I’m not in love with you." lines she was sure she’d heard before in some crappy soap opera. She fled back to bed closing the door quietly behind her.

Hearing him leave for the gym she was back down the stairs in seconds, searching his suit pockets then his briefcase but finding nothing untoward. As she went to replace the briefcase on the table, a fit of madness overcame her and with a fury she didn't think herself capable of, she raised the case above her head and brought it crashing down on Dave’s precious glass football.

His most treasured possession, signed by the entire Ireland Italia '90 squad, given to him personally by Jack Charlton, lay in smithereens around her feet.

She was lying on the couch when he returned all lean, muscled and flushed from the exercise. Eliciting no response to his greeting, he sat down beside her and took her hand.

"What’s wrong luv? You haven’t been yourself lately and you’re starting to worry me. It's not something I've done, is it?"

"It’s not you it’s me" she blurted out, pulling her hand from his."I love you but..."

"What? But how do you…how did you find out?" He got to his feet.

"I heard you in the bathroom."


"Does it matter?"

"I thought I was so careful. I wanted it to be a surprise"

"A surprise?" She jumped from the couch to face him. "What are you talking about?"

"The play"

"What play?"

"Lies lies and Deceit."

"What does that mean?"

"The Play. That's..."

"Can you please stop saying the play? I know nothing about any play. All I know is that you’re leaving me." She was almost shouting now and she prided herself upon never raising her voice,

"Leaving you? Of course I'm not leaving you?".

"But the woman. I saw you."

"Which woman?"

"Is there more than one?"

"Jen, you’re making no sense."

"In Sandycove, I saw you through the bus window."

"When was that?"

"A few Saturdays ago when you were supposed to be with the lads."

Dave's face split into a wide smile. He threw his head back and began to laugh and then he laughed some more, and though she couldn’t see what was funny she couldn’t help but laugh too.

"You’re such a silly moo," he said, pulling her to him. "It's no wonder I love you so much."

"You do?"

"Remember last year you told me I was a boring old fart who did nothing but work? Well, you were right. The woman in Sandycove was Bid, my leading lady. We were at a rehearsal"


"I joined the firm’s drama club and I’ve been cast as the lead in the spring production,' Lies, Lies and Deceit'" he continued with a flourish as if announcing his Broadway debut.

"But you…….."

"I was saving it as a surprise for your birthday on Monday," he went on.

Jen was stunned. Speechless. Relief flooded through her. How could she have been so stupid? All those weeks of torture she’d put herself through. Why hadn’t she just spoken to him? Thank goodness everything was ok.

Then she remembered the football.

"Dave," she said, burying her face in his chest, her voice muffled as she pressed herself tight. "You know your Jackie Charleton football?"

Posted in response to The Ink Well Prompt #132: Treasure

The image is my own.


I also like football very much. It is very fun to play and watch. The cricket match between Pakistan and Afghanistan is also very fun to watch.

I know there's a picture of a football and I know the title is 'football crazy' but my story does not concern sports about which I know nothing. Thanks for your comment anyway, As they say, 'God loves a trier!'

Most welcome dear.

Ah! Things turned out to be what she didn't expect. I wonder how he will react to the news of his treasure thrashed.

With kindness and understanding of course!

Cheers for reading!

Haha... Cheers.

Nooooooooooooooooo not the Jack Charlton ball. That relationship is doomed, doomed I tell ya! He'll never forgive her!! 😭

Great writing as usual Mrs, always enjoyable and always a twist..

I'm writing episode 2 where she gets a new football, tracks down Jackie Charlton and all the Italia 90 lads (hope none of them are dead) gets the football resigned and the job's a good 'un.

With the news of the football trophy...

That act of him leaving that she feared...😂😂😂😂

Nah, sure she'll glue it back together!:)

This is brilliant, it is better not assume 'cause it can lead to estrangement

Thank you kindly! Yes, one should always assume the best unless the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming.

Brilliant story! loved it. You know what they say about ASS - U - ME !!!

Well this will teach her.

When one is the owner of a 6 foot 5 man called Dave who has a job and moves his body, one must always assume that someone will try to steal him away. Thus, I always go for the ugly blokes:)


At last! Someone who appreciates my unique and unparalleled wit. Do come again!

I know this feeling of thinking that something will go this way but it later went the other way

Indeed! When I think things will go one way they invariably go the other.
Cheers for reading.


I can see you are lost for words in the face of such brilliance.

I think I got a 🐸 stuck in my throat...

Hahahahah. Great comeback!

The pacing moves quickly, building tension and then releasing it with the "play" reveal and laughter. The story flows well with natural dialogue.

Thank you very kindly. I try not to bore!:)

Unexpected twist. Good story!

I'm delighted you thought so. Thank you so much for reading.

Perfectly paced storytelling. You capture the readers’ attention with your hook and you keep them glued to the page. There’s so much humour, emotion and fun in this clever tale that it takes ones breath away. Delightful romp in suburbia told with the skill of an accomplished fiction magician.

I shall bask in the glow of this fine endorsement until at least December. Thank you very kindly.