The Deadly Hour

in The Ink Well2 years ago

Johannes Plenio

The Deadly Hour

They only go there for meetings just to make themselves comfortable and to make life miserable for people in the community. Secrets cannot last forever. This is why the thief has many days to steal but just one day to get caught. Powers exceed powers in all ways.

Mirabel, Alima, and Kenny are the powerful witches who have been making things. difficult to people in their communities. They came from different Communities and met in different Communities at night. They have a specific time when they always meet and when they do have their meeting. At midnight was the time the three had to wake up and embark on a journey of about 10 kilometers. They only have to fix the meeting on a neutral ground just to keep their secrets out of people.

Sometimes those with innocent faces are dangerous when it comes to aspects of life.

The tree is so huge and wide enough to the extent that people relax under it. Those who lived in that area have seen this tree so enticing. So many people go there just to take a fresh breeze in the daytime, not knowing the things going on underneath.

So many people have been going there just to see the real meaning of beauty. The tree comes with flowers of different types and some of which are glowing. The aroma coming out from the tree is so nice and attractive. This has been attracting people for relaxation.

The three witches always go there for their meeting every Wednesday but at midnight. The time everyone would have been asleep.

Alima has just one son, while Mirabel has four kids and Kenny has no child. Anytime they are going to the meeting, there is a position they have to be in until they come back from their meeting. They would be in this position without disturbance or else it would result in losing their lives. And again, they have seen the tree as something that people love so much and cannot be cut down. They also saw this tree as a long-lasting tree. As a tree that cannot get dried up so easily.

On a Wednesday, they went for a meeting and had to summon other witches from different clans to join them as they planned to embark on a deadly mission. They want to terminate the life of someone who has been tormenting them. So, they gathered and planned on paying Samuel a deadly midnight visit.

Samuel was someone who believed so much in God. He does not doubt that his God can always fight for him. The only one who knew him among the witches is Kenny. She knew the in and out of Samuel and thought she and her gang could destroy the one who was their creator.

Samuel is serving a god that can never turn him down. He has been a faithful servant of God. The witches detest people who pray to God and instead go after them tormenting them to fall out of the line of their creator through sinning.

Kenny reported Samuel to her gang just to deal with him for depriving her of carrying out her evil acts in her community.

The gang gathered and started discussing how they would make Samuel turn out to be a cripple. Samuel on the other hand had been praying to his creator for his enemies to be destroyed and also for their meeting places where his issues had been discussed to be destroyed.

The witches tried all they could just to get to Samuel, but all their efforts proved to be abortive. They sent strange signs to Samuel but yet bounced back to them.

After two months, Marcus began to research how to save his land from the incoming doom ahead of them since he was the king of the land where the tree was located. He made several consultations and all their words were directed towards the said tree filled with beauty. At one time, the last one said to him "if you want your Community to escape this incoming doom, you have to behead the one who happened to be the cause of the incoming wave."

The king told the Priest to tell him the one who he has to behead to make his Community safe from this incoming calamity. The chief Priest kept on speaking in parables but after all, the king got to understand clearly what he had to do.

Meanwhile, the witches who were supposed to know beforehand about the destruction of their meeting place could not instead focus on chasing Samuel. They wanted to frustrate Samuel to the extent of taking his life spiritually. Samuel on the other hand does not want to relent in his prayers to his Creator. He wants to conquer those who want to see his demise and want to see him down.

Alima had gone to her witchcraft meeting as usual with others. She slept in the usual position but no one would disturb her anytime she went. She was supposed to make her only son sleep off using her witchcraft method, but just because of the issue they had to tackle, she left her child who was just sleeping naturally. When it was midnight, Wahab, Alima's only son, got up to wake her mum to take him to the toilet. He woke her mum but she was not listening. He drew her from her initial position just to make her wake up and yet could not. He later found his way to the toilet.

It was Dawn and Alima was unable to wake up. She has passed away since her body was shifted from the initial position where her spirit was supposed to balance up with her body.

Meanwhile, Mirabel's two children also got her shifted at night when she went to a meeting the following Wednesday. They did that unknowingly but saw their mum not responding the following morning.

Kenny and the other gangs from the other Communities who are visitors among them were left behind.

King Marcus ordered some men to cut down the tree that is full of beauty just to be free from the incoming calamity. The tree was cut down at 3 pm. This got so many admirers of the tree angry but after hearing the true reason for cutting the tree down, they became excited.

Meanwhile, Kenny was not aware of the rain that was going to fall ahead of them and could not even know when the tree had been cut into pieces.

This was a serious calamity for the witch realm. In the middle of the night when it was time to have their meetings, they could not see a place to perch. They kept on wandering looking for immediate refuge but it happened to be late.

Kenny, the one with an innocent face, got home and began to confess how she planned to see Samuel's demise.


It’s very sad that the beautiful tree was cut down, but at least the witches weren’t successful in their endeavours.

Please remember to comment on other writers’ stories.

Nice story!!…. This happens real life in Nigeria and Ghana

You are right

Oh, the beautiful tree was eventually cut down, well to avert the coming calamity, it was for good.

This is amazing. The witches can never have power over our creator. This means their powers have been cut short and all thanks to Samuel.

Hi @cool08

Definitely a short story featuring the struggle between good and evil set around the tree and midnight.

I liked it.
