What I can tell you about this story is that it really is a work of art.
You have an impressive depth when playing such a profound theme as the one that we do not prevail beyond our death because they forget us.
People, if they do not remember us, we are going to be like an object that grabs dust and loses all sense, loses all direction.
Beautiful words when you give life to your character by talking and saying that it is very simple, that we die and then our skin, our organs and everything dissolves between the dust, between the earth, including our memories.
And when he asks, I loved that part, and when will you die? When we accept the forgotten about us.
Once we let it go, we have gone. A very deep, very beautiful writing and I have the feeling that it is full of a lot of pain.
And the symbology is excellent, I loved the end, the part in which you reflect that you find a brilliant oasis that shines very slowly through the mind, that vortex of the mind that that person has.
Beautiful story and you are a great writer. I have taken the time to spend a while for this publication, I would like to have more time to be able to read the rest, but I promise that little by little, even if the publications are old, I will read them.
The art is also very deep, I clearly see the vortex in the mind of this person and the siren there, very interesting, very mysterious and you have a dark and intriguing touch.
Excellent work and my respects and my congratulations.
To read you, you have to dedicate a very special time because if all your writings are so deep, damn, it will take a long time every comment that I am going to make you.
Well, a pleasure to read you and I hope you have received this comment from me towards you.
You don't know how much your comment means to me! This is the longest comment I have ever received and it's so happy to read.
I think I am like that siren, ready to be forgotten real soon. It doesn't bother me anymore whether someone would miss me or anything like that. I also imagined if what I wrote was real, I would have vanished immediately after I made the post lol
But yes, once you have let go, you'll go. Part of me knows it so well, however, I will hang on a little bit longer to travel a little further than my Lylia had done.
For the end of this fiction, the true ending depends on how the readers want actually. Even me couldn't make sure whether it was the oasis Lylia had mentioned, maybe it was just the longing of Chris that brightened his mind. Maybe he would, at the end, forget about her and there would be no oasis of siren's remembrance.
Once again, I really appreciate your comments. Thank you 💕🌼
You give the ending yourself, it depends on the style you want to apply, I am always inclined to think that it is a good idea that each story has its essence in what the writer feels, in the way he interprets the world that surrounds him , because there is the magic of everything, when they make us embark on a trip is when that delicious adventure begins.